Doc Talk: Venturing Beyond a Master's

Episode 21 Christmas Traditions 2020: An Unexpected Gift w/ Dr. Joyce Martella


In today's episode Dr. Joyce Martella tells us a story of how she sat, unable to move, in the snow for almost 30 minutes just days before Christmas 2020!  Her predicament opens her up to give others an unexpected gift this Christmas season. 

Having grown up in a cult, she never learned that she has self-worth.  As such, she's had to develop and nurture her own self-worth during her adult years and eventually came to a point where she is comfortable and able to stand up for what she wants in life.

Dr. Martella earned her PhD in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in 2015.

Dr. Martella also holds an A. A. in Early Childhood Psychology with an emphasis in Social Work, a B.A. in Behavioral Psychology with a minor in Addictions, and an M. A. in Counseling.

Today, Dr. Martella works to bring attention to the complex trauma children born and raised in cults suffer and how to assist them with the healing process.

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