GivBk Sports Podcast

Episode 2 - Scott Carpenter - 3:19:59

Aches and pains take a back seat when you're training for a marathon alongside cancer survivors who put their civic duty before themselves Season 1 Episode 2

My guest today is a friend of over a decade who lets his actions speak louder than his words. It gives me great pride to introduce a fellow Dickinson Red Devil varsity athlete, a leading Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Heading Home Inc philanthropist, and a second-generation Boston Marathoner chasing two very significant numbers, Mr Scott Carpenter!

Notes & Highlights

·      0:05:16 – “I want to be out of thank you notes when this whole thing is done”

·      0:08:06 – Surround yourself with courage

·      0:17:05 – Like Olympic Gold Medalist, Joan Benoit Samuelson, told Scott, “run the way your body feels”

·      0:24:33 – Community Outreach – Listener Call

·      0:32:39 – Dana Farber Cancer Institute - 500 strong and nearly $100 million of fundraising – Please support Scott and his team! Race day is April 15th and donations will be accepted until April 22nd. 

·      0:44:15 – The spirit of the Boston Marathon 

·      0:50:27 – Heading Home - Up n’ Out Moves

·      0:58:20 – Takes & Fakes Trivia Game