A Kiwi Original

EP1 NZ Made sustainable packaging, computer cable tidies and NZ Made designer lighting

Buy New Zealand Made Season 1 Episode 1

We review New Zealand Made product from businesses that are licensed to apply the Kiwi trademark.

On this episode, we feature a cable tie solution for messy desks by Cable Camel. 

I also make a request to my favourite snack bar by OSM.

...AND I talk about some innovative marketing by PakWorld, one of New Zealand's largest packaging companies.

Watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/BdcHdHl141U

Ryan Jennings:

Many of you know me already. I'm the Executive Director of the Buy New Zealand Made Campaign. My name's Ryan Jennings. And as you may have seen over the last 10 months, we have published a number of making it New Zealand episodes. Featuring what New Zealand manufacturers and makers are making in New Zealand. It's been super exciting to see that firsthand, but I realized there is a bit of a gap because I haven't talked about what we actually do, and so I want to through this video and also for those listening on the podcast, talk about actually what the Buy New Zealand made campaign offers to businesses and what you get for your annual license fee. And it starts once you're approved really with this certificate of the license. So Light Studio has become a license holder in the last couple of weeks. They're based in Wellington and manufacturer, a number of lighting solutions for businesses and the residential market in New Zealand. And now that they've got their certificate well, I'm holding it now, but they'll get it in the next couple of days. They can add this Kiwi trademark to their lights. And what that means is when a consumer goes into their studio or sees their product online, they get to see which of those products are manufactured here versus the products that are imported to New Zealand, which Light Studio also does. And it makes it easy for them to make a choice or at least be influenced by the market origin of the product. There are a number of ways that light studio could add the Kiwi trademark to their product, the easiest way, particularly for a light would be to add stickers and we provide these stickers to New Zealand businesses to apply to their products to make it easy for them. So this sticker here is one of the middle sizes. We do have a larger size here, which this is the classic, a retro blue and red, and we also have the swing tags, which are very popular on fashion because the garments usually have some type of, something that you can affix this swing tag to rather than a sticker. So lots of different ways that you can apply the Kiwi trademark. The point being, once you've gone through this process, you've received the certificate of license and then that gets you access to the artwork and stickers to apply to your products. There is one additional way that you can apply the trademark and that is just to get the artwork, download it, give it to your graphic designer or your packaging company and let them do the work for you. So here we've got one with Cable Camel. They do these multiuse cable holders, which enable you to keep your desktop really clean at work or at home, and as part of their marketing, they have put the Kiwi trademark right on the front, making it very easy to see when these are hanging on the shelf. What the provenance of this product is. So lots of different ways to implement a provenance marketing strategy with the Kiwi trademark. There are of course, businesses that do it in a different way. One of those which I've really enjoyed over the Christmas break, is Osm. So these guys aren't actually Kiwi trademark license holders, so they're not approved to use the, the Kiwi trademark that we administer, but they do have a delicious product. And when I was climbing Roy's Peak in Queenstown, I went through a number of these and I could see that it was New Zealand, made in New Zealand by the, what has gone on the side here proudly made in New Zealand. Now that's great, but it doesn't necessarily tell me from a distance, which it would do if they had added a trademark, to their products. So that's up to them. I would say if you are watching Osm get in touch. I'd love to continue to enjoy this product and, and have that black and white Kiwi on there. What else has been happening? Last week I was down in Christchurch. We were filming for a another making it New Zealand episode. This one was focusing on a business run by Jonathan Flet from Pack World. And Pack World do a lot of the packaging for New Zealand manufacturers, over 400 different companies currently rely on Pack World. So that episode is coming out, but the reason I mentioned him today as he gave me his business card, which, not that exciting, right? I mean it's just a business card until you realize that the whole thing folds into a packaging design. So little things like that can tell people about your business, about what you do and about making that little difference. Something that you end up talking about, which has worked here. Jonathan i'm now talking about your business to the New Zealand made community. So I hope you get some more packaging customers from it, particularly those that are moving away from plastic to cardboard manufacturing. So that's it for today. What we'll be doing in future on these episodes is highlighting more of the products that are New Zealand made. So if you've got a product you would like to have featured here, send it in to us and we'll cue it up and we'll talk about it here, both on the podcast and through the video that will go out through Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, and all our channels. Otherwise, you know, get in touch if you've got a question about what this Kiwi trademark could mean for your business, and we'll see if we can help. Thanks for watching and tune in next time to hear what is new with New Zealand made and see what New Zealand manufacturers makers have been busy creating.