A Kiwi Original

EP13 USA Business Visas, Natural Deodorants, Possum Fur Souvenirs, Hearty Winter Soups

June 18, 2019 Buy New Zealand Made Season 1 Episode 13

In this episode we feature NZ Made deodorant that's free from parabens and aluminium by Dept. of Soul.

Rozcraft send in their wrist warmers and souvenir Kete bag.

We feature a retro commercial by King Soup for their two most popular winter soups.

..and talk about the New US e-Visas available to New Zealand businesses wanting to live and work in America.

BONUS: New Q&A section features the questions we get asked on buynz.org.nz. 

Tell us what you think.

Dept. Of Soul https://deptofsoul.com
Rozcraft https://rozcraft.com

Speaker 1:

Welcome to episode 13 of the providence marketing show. I'm your host Brian Jennings. And this is the show where we feature New Zealand made products and talk about New Zealand made service.

Speaker 2:

First up on the show. Today we're talking about department of soul, these products in front of me here. This is a company that has been created by Diana Divan and she's created basically a range of deodorants and lip balms that are free from two critical chemicals. One is parabens, and the second is element Ian. Now, while the science is out on whether those two, uh, chemical elements are good or bad for the skin, they're used in a lot of deodorants to stop, smell, or to stop the pause sweating by clogging the pores with their element. And those deodorants are very effective. Actually, I've worn the most of my life. So this week after Diana sent this through, I started wearing one of them, which was the lime and Bergamot one. I just liked that flavor and I put it to the taste. So the last couple of days when I went to the gym, I had this on and did the sniff test afterwards and still smell great. They've also got a delicious aroma to them. Ah, so good. Um, so this one I'm not giving away. I'm keeping this one. The other product they have as the lip balms. Uh, this is a cheery one here. What I like about their business strategies that kept all the branding really simple, black and white never goes out of style. It also works really well with our little Kiwi trademark, which you can see is on the back there. If this is something you are interested in, apart from these two, I'll put to one side, then you can win them. That's department of soul. Uh, next up, the company called Ross craft. Now Ross craft or the manufacturer of these possum for made goods. We've got two different goods here. One is the KT bag and the second are these for cuffs. Now this is a company that's been around since 1976 and Ross started it with her partner Dave, and they produce products based out of possum fur. Uh, they've done very well recently to branch out from souvenirs into helping Kapa Haka groups with the clothing they need to perform a, and they've done it a number of deals with groups. So a lot of the Kapa Haka groups around New Zealand, uh, uh, use the Rose Craft a good, the kitty bag here. This is my, I think, let's have a look on here. What is actually made from, we've got the possum for, and then I think these are physicians feathers on the front here. Uh, they still go with the classic Kiwi. Like this is the oldest one we've got. This is back from 1989, 1990. So super retro. There's nothing wrong with continuing to use that. I would prefer that all branding was that the new indeed made black and white like you've just seen. Uh, but this works for tourists. A lot of them like the blue and red are these four cups go around your wrist here. This supposed to aid with circulation. Uh, also I asked around the office and they said, look, this is a great thing. If you want to retro fit one of your stylish fashion jackets with something that's got a bit of a[inaudible] last time is something for the winter. Winter is we're starting to go into the cooler days and certainly the cooler nights there's a product that may just feel the gap for that soup and casserole time with the family. Uh, king soup has been around a long time. Uh, this product here is manufactured out of Masterton and these guys have been around would you believe 60 years, 60 years, a long time to be making a product and it's all farmed or grown locally at the pearl barley and the split peas are grown in the Canterbury plains in New Zealand, so you can add these to your casserole or have them as a soup. I like what king suits have done here. Just putting out brandmark straight on the front. That's an easy way for supermarket shoppers to tell that a product is indeed made at a glance. They also have some cool coolers,

Speaker 3:

great soup recipes have been passed down from generation to generation and these one secret key ingredient that also gets passed down king traditional soup mix this winter, try a new beef and vegetable and gluten free vegetable,

Speaker 2:

no important piece of news and the US ambassador to New Zealand. Scott Brown has just announced there are now two new visa classes available to New Zealand citizens specifically for investment and for business who want to do business with one based in the US. Now this is super exciting because it's going to expand the access businesses have into the u s in these two classes. There are some rules around it and it is a substantial process to go through that application. First of all, you have to be at a Kiwi citizen. You have to have at least 50% ownership of that business. Although it doesn't have to be a New Zealand incorporated business and you have to be doing substantial trade with the US already not plans to, but at least 50% of your trade must already occur in the United States. It's a nonexclusive criteria so you can be doing deals and doing business with other parts of the go. But in terms of the[inaudible] and the e two visa, they want to see at least 50% of that trade with the, if you cease to trade in the U s and this is quite an important part, then your six to have residency. So while it's great for excess, it also means that your excess and Timon, the u s is tied to your success of business. Uh, this is a superb opportunity if you've wanted to get into the uas or longer for just a holiday or a business conference, uh, I strongly urge you, if you're already exporting to the US to look into this, I'll put the link up on the screen, uh, for the U S. Dot. Gov site with more information. So last up today, a new section on the provenance marketing shown. I'm going to go through some questions that we get on our website through the drift chat app, which we have running.

Speaker 3:

My question is we're manufacturers, we have some of the products are finished overseas. We also have product that is 100% made in New Zealand and we're looking to label it with indeed. My first question would be how much do we need to differentiate it from other stock

Speaker 2:

question is around what needs to be done to differentiate New Zealand made products that you manufacture your versus those that aren't New Zealand made it. The simple answer is at Qe trademark does that differentiation for you. You don't have to do anything else with your packaging to differentiate between your product lines. If you've got one product line that is let's say a yellow and red and the yellow one is indeed made and let's say their read one wasn't a, you don't have to change your packaging design. Always specify as that you've only label New Zealand made on the products that are licensed to have their QE trademark.

Speaker 3:

My question is our worse to lose New Zealand married under the range of pieces, set a goal and say, can you tell me all the costs involved to gain access to those Largo place?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so there are two costs. First is the one off costs which covers registration and a custom URL. And the second is the annual license fee that covers you for the use of the Qe trademark across all of your products. You get a certificate of license, uh, and that starts at$275 plus GST for between one and five stars, the highest tier of prices for 400 plus or more employees. And that$5,000 plus a few years t per annum for your business as a supplying pieces to the supermarket. Let's say you had four employees currently and then in a year's time you had 12, then you are licensed here will increase from 275 which has been 10 to 30 employees, which is$450 per year. So in terms of a marketing layer, it is a very effective way of editing as you've seen something that tells a consumer the provenance of your product.

Speaker 3:

My question is what is the purpose of the custom URL?

Speaker 2:

This is a good question. Uh, the custom URL is, it's a website address personalized to the business under that address, that website address. All of the products that are listed that are licensed to you to apply the trademark. We'll be sitting there, right? That's it for episode 13. If you've got a question, go across to[inaudible] dot org.nz ask away, and it may be included on the show. If you're a business watching and you'd like to see your products here, get in touch with the team and we will feature your New Zealand made product or service. Thanks for watching and see you on episode 14.