A Kiwi Original

A Kiwi Original - Michael Greenstein | Florence Digital 014

April 13, 2020 Season 2 Episode 14

Florence Health is a much overdue health solution for patients in doctors waiting rooms and New Zealand hospitals. The solution is already delivering lower wait times at the doctors, social distancing compliant waiting rooms and enhanced clinical experiences because patients are more empowered through the choices available to them.

Listen to Michael Greenstein share the opportunity for better health outcomes in New Zealand and the tech export opportunity that could contribute significantly to New Zealand's future.


2 mins 43 seconds How Florence Health solves increased demand on healthcare.

4 mins 37 seconds Helping DHB’s doing more with less.

7 mins 50 seconds The benefits for clinicians in bettering the patient journey.

10 mins 49 seconds The waiting room experience, perceived and real stress.

14 mins 55 seconds Exporting Florence Health integrated solutions to overseas countries. 

16 mins 22 seconds Running a health business from Hawke’s Bay.  

20 mins 11 seconds Complexities unique to healthcare like data protection and privacy.  

22 mins 32 seconds Covid-19, telemedicine and the changes coming up for patients and doctors.

24 mins 28 seconds Why governments should back kiosks at the reception of all New Zealand doctors.

27 mins 22 seconds The origin story of Florence Health as a spinoff from Luke Irving’s tech business Fingermark Global. 


Florence Digital https://www.florence.digital