GBW Podcast

Episode 38: Drive-In Double Features

The Video Graveyard
Despite having its peak in the 50's and 60's, the drive-in movie theatre will be forever ingrained into history. Where else can you spend a summer night watching two movies, stuffing your face full of popcorn and hot dogs, hanging out with buddies, and (hopefully) making out in the backseat of your car?

In the spirit of this bygone cinema-going experience we've come up with lists of movies we'd love to see paired up and on a giant outdoor screen while the speaker hooked up to our car window gives off the crackly sounds of tinny gunfire and explosions.

First off we catch you up with what we've been watching as Chris takes a big journey back to the 80's with the likes of the javelin killing slasher flick Fatal Games and Flashdance while Josh continues his path towards depravity with I Spit on Your Grave 2 as well as discovering one of his favourite vampire movies of all-time. Plus much more!

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