GBW Podcast

Episode 154: The One With The Body Functions

February 24, 2021 The Video Graveyard

This time out your hosts are talking about the 24 movies (+ TV shows) that crossed their path since our last episode and it's a mixed bag of cinema - and too much talk of bodily fluids!

We get the triumphant return of Robert Logan to the show, a duo of truly oddball films starring musicians (one of which doesn't even sing!), a love letter makes its rounds as it only could in an 80's teen comedy, Charles Bronson invades both coasts (and is bad-ass doing so), Chris watches a film he thinks truly defines the term "cult movie", we gush over a recent Vinegar Syndrome blu-ray release, Josh revisits 1976's THE OMEN and so much more!

NOTE: There are some some sound glitches and background noise this episode. We did our best to make them less noticeable.

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