GBW Podcast

Episode 99: Movies In Movies

October 13, 2018 The Video Graveyard

With all the talk of things being "meta" and breaking the fourth wall we decided to look at movies that contain, well, movies. We've compiled a list of films that involve actual filmmaking: a film-within-a-film as it were. With so much to chose from we mention some of the titles worth seeking out and it includes some Kevin Smith, Steve Buscemi and our man Burt. We also go on A LOT of tangents involving soap operas and bad Seinfeld impressions - don't say we didn't warn you!

 As usual we start by talking about what we've been watching including a duo of disaster films, Panos Cosmato's Mandy, JJL proving yet again she's 'never bad', one of Chris' ultimate favourite 90's comedies, a depressing VHS adventure, and so much more!

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