GBW Podcast

Episode 100: Top Ten All-Time (For Now)

October 27, 2018 The Video Graveyard

It's time to celebrate! Four years ago when we started this podcast we had absolutely no clue what we were doing (DON'T listen to episode one) and were doing it to get on the 'bandwagon' as it were. Now it's 100 episodes later and we're still here, still talking way too much and too long about movies, and we're still friends.

We've delivered the goods with this 4+ hour show where we get the opportunity to talk about our favourite podcasting moments as well as deciding to have a little bit of fun and let you all know both of our all-time top ten films. The (For Now) being because some of these might not stay on our lists forever - but chances are most of them will. If you've listened to the show some may be blatantly obvious. However, maybe there will be some surprises also.

 As usual we start by talking about what we've been watching including a brand new HALLOWEEN movie in 2018, Josh breaking the shrink wrap on a bunch of his Arrow and Scream Factory purchases, a ragtag group of baseball kids, a curse laden rant about a film starring the 80's "Brat Pack" and much more!

Thanks for listening! Be sure to head to iTunes to subscribe, rate and review the show. If you like what you hear - tell a friend and spread the word - every little bit helps!

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