GBW Podcast

Episode 171:Karate Choppin' Serial Killin' Dirty Livin'

November 02, 2021 The Video Graveyard

Twenty new movies crossed our eyeballs since we last spoke and it's a decidedly horror slanted mix since we just got through 2021's Halloween season. But that's not all!

Edgar Wright is back on the big screen with LAST NIGHT IN SOHO, we get a duo of 90's serial killer films: one a stone-cold classic and the other a lesser-seen recommendation, Gene Simmons has issues with his sexuality, we cover a video game adaptation that contains all the stuff we dislike in modern cinema, Jess Franco pulls a bait 'n' switch on Josh, Chris checks out a new SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE, Barbara Crampton gets some love, pirates get up to no good and so much more!

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