But Not All At Once

People, Not Projects with Kim Mogan of GirlUp GVL

Anne Smith Season 1 Episode 39

Kim Mogan founded GirlUp GVL to empower marginalized girls in Greenville, SC. While the root issues putting these young women at risk - poverty, racism, inequality - are too complex to untangle, Kim is changing lives one relationship at a time.

Through GirlUp GVL, Kim aims to teach her middle and high schoolers that they're loved, and to help them understand their worth. Sometimes that looks like self-defense classes, etiquette lessons or basic life skill workshops; other times it might be an extra adult cheering at a church basketball game or a dozen girls chatting on the Mogans' sofa (renovation tarp and all). 

Learn what inspired Kim to become a one-woman non-profit; how she serves as a cheerleader, mentor, tutor, resource-connector, counselor and friend to 15 girls at once; and what she hopes her girls take away from knowing she's in their corner.

If you've ever been a mom, aunt, teacher or mentor, you'll find yourself nodding at Kim's words - and you too may walk away looking for simple ways to serve families right where you are. The need, Kim says, is always there; start from a desire to serve others, then find a way to do it. 

You can learn more at girlupgvl.org or @girlupgvl on Instagram. 

Thanks for being here, y'all! I'd love your thoughts, questions, ideas, and everything in between. You can find me at @ButNotAllAtOnce on social media or ButNotAllAtOnce.com.

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