But Not All At Once

The Invisible List Clogging Up Your Brain

March 04, 2020 Anne Smith Season 2 Episode 48

Imagine your brain is a laptop. If you pulled the Task Manager up, what would it look like? 

Does it feel like 54 different "apps" are running in the back of your mind at all hours? Like a million tabs are open, but no one else can see what's clogging things up?

What invisible, everpresent, capacity-devouring to-do list items pop up the moment your head hits the pillow? Or while you're mid-shower and totally unable to do a thing about them? 

Today we talk about emotional labor, the taxing-but-invisible work of adulthood, and how absolutely every woman you see feels like she's drowning in them as well. 

Pop by @butnotallatonce and let's talk more about this! Thanks for your submissions, if just so we know we're not alone. xoxo

Thanks for being here, y'all! I'd love your thoughts, questions, ideas, and everything in between. You can find me at @ButNotAllAtOnce on social media or ButNotAllAtOnce.com.

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