But Not All At Once

It's Quaran-time to Talk

April 06, 2020 Anne Smith Season 2 Episode 51

Hello, and welcome to quarantine. It's a simple enough concept, right? Stay put. Stay safe. We want to embrace it whole-heartedly, to be thankful and still and use the time to tackle all manner of long-overdue projects. So WHY DOES THIS FEEL SO HARD?

Wherever you land on the spectrum from peace to panic, this pep talk is for anyone experiencing quarantine and its many weird side effects. The bending of time, the blurring of days, the lack of energy, the buzz of anxiety, the loneliness, the uncertainty - all of it. 

But Not All At Once has legitimate experts lined up to talk us through mental health in the time of COVID and what intuitive eating looks like in a world where food is suddenly scarce. Those interviews are lined up in the days and weeks (did you know it's April now?) ahead. For the moment, though, we just have each other.

Here's the pep talk I want you to hear - and the hug I wish I could give you. 

All my love and dreams of post-quarantine social gatherings, 

P.S. Come find us at @butnotallatonce on Instagram to talk through what's happening in real time. Let's be alone together. xoxo

Thanks for being here, y'all! I'd love your thoughts, questions, ideas, and everything in between. You can find me at @ButNotAllAtOnce on social media or ButNotAllAtOnce.com.

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