But Not All At Once

Anne's Pandemic Apology Tour: August Edition

Anne Smith Season 2 Episode 63

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you stop one of my pandemic apology tour. I seemed to semi-skate through the summer, able to compartmentalize the weight of looming school uncertainties and go with the flow in a very un-Anne-like way.

Wednesday night, though, I hit a wall. Pandora's box opened. I was hit by a freight train. Insert whatever cliche you like; it happened. This episode is a stream of consciousness peek into what I learned when my nervous system kept me up until literal dawn sorting through things I'd shoved aside since quarantine started.

Please accept my apologies for tossing out calm, breezy advice when you weren't feeling calm or breezy in the least. Instead of processing bite-sized chunks and along and along, I downed the whole dang supersized meal at once - and this episode is what came from it.

If you too feel the weight of change, uncertainty, COVID, sleeplessness, an inability to keep your brain on task or a frustration at the baggy bodice of Gwyneth Paltrow's post-Shakespeare in Love Oscars dress, this one's for you. 

Wishing you sweet white board messages, full nights of sleep and all the sweet tea and sanity walks you can handle. Thanks for being there. Find me a @butnotallatonce and let's talk. I'll do my best not to look you square in the face and ask, "Can I call you back?" xoxo

Thanks for being here, y'all! I'd love your thoughts, questions, ideas, and everything in between. You can find me at @ButNotAllAtOnce on social media or ButNotAllAtOnce.com.

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