But Not All At Once

We Are What We Value: Public Education in a Pandemic

September 17, 2020 Anne Smith Season 2 Episode 68

I've heard you never know the strength of a woman, much like a tea bag, until she's in hot water. In the case of public schools, I'd say the "hot water" is a pandemic. And here we are, making tea.

Today Catherine Schumacher, a parent of two Greenville County Schools students and CEO of Public Education Partners, discusses why public education matters regardless of whether you are homeschooling, sending your children to private school, or don't have children yourself. She offers insight into how equity yields achievement, that there are no "bad kids," and what makes a system as large as this work smoothly.

Through a lens of hope, Catherine reminds us that when the stakes are high, even a big ship can change course quickly. She shares how we can support teachers without creepily learning each of their addresses for a nationwide sweet tea porch drop, and warns why Facebook's comments section isn't the place to become more informed about policy - or anything else.

So pop in your ear buds, take off your mask and listen for references to Harry and Meghan (obviously), breakfast food and the Smith E-Learning Academy dress code ("just dress"). Then come back to chat with us next week!

To learn more, visit pepgc.org or find @pepgreenville on social media. 

Thanks for being here, y'all! I'd love your thoughts, questions, ideas, and everything in between. You can find me at @ButNotAllAtOnce on social media or ButNotAllAtOnce.com.

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