But Not All At Once

Finding Freedom: A Sussexit Book Report

Anne Smith Season 2 Episode 64

Earlier this week, the heavens opened and Amazon dropped off my pre-ordered copy of "Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Royal Family."

Today's episode is my virtual book report about the long-awaited, loosely authorized biography of the only British prince not currently known as His Royal Highness - and the wife who joined him for the ride.

Despite seemingly scandalous snippets covered in the media, I didn't find anything too salacious in the biography. I did, however, find confirmation everyone's gut feelings about the couple's quick courtship and even speedier royal exit.

Written by two royal journalists, "Finding Freedom" is chock-full of details and backstory that bring depth to people who would otherwise seem like characters from a fairytale (or a tabloid headline).

Have you read the book yet? What did I miss? Has your feeling on Sussexit changed in the months since everything unfolded?

Find me at @butnotallatonce and let's chat about it!

Thanks for being here, y'all! I'd love your thoughts, questions, ideas, and everything in between. You can find me at @ButNotAllAtOnce on social media or ButNotAllAtOnce.com.

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