Making Everyday Activities Language-Rich | Season 2, Episode 9
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Making Everyday Activities Language-Rich | Season 2, Episode 9
Apr 28, 2020 Season 2 Episode 9
The Parish School

With so many of us at home likely doing more cooking and cleaning than ever before, this episode explores how to turn these everyday activities into language-rich lessons for our children. Additionally, we discuss ways to build early academic skills into our everyday lives. Two fantastic Parish teaching staff, Amy Lerman and Elsie Torres-Verdejo, join us as guests.

About Amy and Elsie
Amy is a certified speech-language pathologist and the Community Outreach and Social Thinking Specialist at The Parish School. On top of that, she is the lead teacher for one of The Parish School’s youngest classrooms. She has over 15 years’ experience working with the pediatric population and has a strong passion for early intervention. 

Elsie is an early childhood educator at The Parish School. She began her nearly 20-year career at Parish as a paraeducator in 2000, before moving into her role as an educator. She has worked in both the elementary and early childhood programs. Elsie holds a master’s degree in education and is a certified special education teacher.

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