
“Pushing Boundaries” Tony Myers - AlongTheWay 113

April 04, 2022 John Matarazzo / Tony Myers Season 1 Episode 113

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Is your hair really BLUE? Tony Myers received a miraculous healing from ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease and then God told him to “wear the color of his healing”, he took that seriously and has been receiving puzzled looks ever since. Tony Myers is the host of the Pushing Boundaries podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network and he knows firsthand of God’s healing power. 

In this episode, you’re going to hear his powerful story of God redeeming an angry atheist and the reason why his hair is blue.


Tony’s Testimony on 700 Club

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Tony Myers:

these nuns would literally take her ruler and smack my hand every time I went to use my left hand, I stabbed a nun with a pencil in the thigh. This happened, I was young, this was like eight or nine, and wow. So I'd stay at home with the pencil. And I don't remember everything. But I was done.

John Matarazzo:

Welcome to along the way. I'm John Maeda. Reza, your host and fellow traveler, thank you for joining me along my way is I try to become more like Jesus every day. The goal of along the way is to identify the moments in life that Jesus really is walking with us and trying to get our attention. But just like the disciples along the way to amaze, we are missing those moments that our hearts are burning within us. I want us to be able to identify these moments, learn from others and apply those lessons to our lives so that we don't miss the blessings God has for us along the way in our life journey. I know that God heals people in miraculous ways. And I love hearing stories of how God demonstrates His power in people's lives. This episode features Tony Meyers of the pushing boundaries podcast on the charisma Podcast Network, and he knows firsthand of God's healing power. The first time we connected through a zoom call, I thought something was wrong with my screen, because it looked like his hair and beard were blue. So I had to ask him about it. In this episode, you're going to hear the powerful story of a redeemed angry atheist, and the reason why his hair is blue. I'll get to our conversation in just a moment. But I want to thank you for listening to along the way. All of my episodes and social links are available on my website along the way dot media. All of the links from this episode will be in the show notes. And now here's my conversation with Tony Myers. Well, Tony Myers, it is great to have you on along the way. Thank you so much for being here with me to share your story. You are one of the charisma Podcast Network superstars in my book, Your testimony is incredible. You've got a great podcast, which we're going to talk about later. But I wish everybody could see you, instead of just hearing you, because you have a very distinct feature that we're going to talk about a little bit later and how this came to be your kind of your calling card. I guess in a way, it's something that you're definitely known for. But there's a reason for it. And so we're gonna explain that a little bit later. But Tony Myers, it's great to have you on this podcast. Thank you so much for being here.

Tony Myers:

Thank you for the pleasure being here.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah, you know, we're virtually doing this interview, I wish we could do it in person, it'd be great to actually shake your hand, especially knowing that God has brought you through and just the amazing testimony that you have. One day, I look for the look for the opportunity to be able to do that. But right now I'm in Orlando, you're in Virginia, we're connected via the computer. But that's one thing that's great about podcasting is that there's no distance in this stuff. And we can, we can have a great conversation that will impact people's lives, because of what God's done in your life. So you're a podcaster with a network. And that's the first time that we got to connect was with a coaching call, I think we were connecting. And I noticed this thing about you that you have different colored hair. And so then I asked, I asked, Well, is there something wrong with my computer screen or yours? And then you said neither. I really do have blue hair. And so So Tony, can you tell everybody what God has done in your life? And what's with the hair?

Tony Myers:

Well, for starters, God has done so much in my life. Yeah, the biggest thing is the fact He healed me from Lou Gehrig's disease. I was in the final stages. I could have died and should have died. At any time. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't talk. I couldn't walk. I couldn't move anything. And the Lord and His great mercy. He brought me out of that. And July 4 2012. I stood up for the first time in years out of the wheelchair, started walking, start talking, was able to move was able to eat. I went six months with 00 sustenance. Wow. At all. I had no feeding tube. I had no intravenous feeding. They would place liquid on my tongue. I couldn't swallow. But yet my stomach was paralyzed. So it would just sit in my stomach and turn the rock. Oh my gosh, that's just the starting point. Wow. Well after My healing. I wrote the Lord Jesus say to me, my testimonial book. And that was approximately 2016. It took me five years, because I was digesting what had happened as well. Right. And I was learning scriptures. The first three years after because I had been an atheist. I hadn't read scriptures didn't know nothing, except what I had heard my wife, say, and a few other people. Then I wrote the book, I started writing another one, unlocking the mystery of divine healing. I was just fixing to publish it. I was about three days from publishing it. All of this. Now I have this stream. And this stream was myself teaching healing. At the end of it, this old man walked up to me and said, wear the color of your earring. Now, in all my studies, from different cultures from the Jewish culture, the color blue is considered to be the color of healing, really. And so, I related blue to healing. Now that I was like, okay, but I've got blue tattoos. Okay, I wear blue shirts. I'm thinking to myself, Okay, I have blue on all the time. This dream has got to just be me. Okay. The next night had the same dream. Exactly the same dream. The next night, the same dream. Then I went to get a haircut. And Liz was the one she she had started doing my hair after my healing. She was aware of my testimony. We had talked about it. She wasn't particularly a religious person. Our mouths are the sun. She said, were the color of your healing. Just like she said that. Just like that old man. It said it. Well. I did like a double take. And I was like, wait a minute, Liz. What did you just say? And her eyes got big. And she's like, I don't know why I said, Tony. But I said where the color of your Ealing. She turns the chair RAM. Whatever, hairdressers have blue hair. Okay, I was like, Wait a minute. Now, you didn't know those instances were deep down. You just know that, you know? Right, right. And a picture flashed through my mind of my hair blue, and the beard and mustache blue. And Liz was like, I'm doing right now, Tony. And I'm like, oh, no, you won't. I had named and told my wife. Oh, well, about the dreams. Oh, let alone anything else. So I was not going to walk into our house. with blue hair. I would have had frying pans hitting me. Yeah, yeah. So I went home, told her about the dreams told her what happened? And she's like, I hate it. But if you feel that scarred, you do it. Wow. So two days later, had a dyed blue man blue ever since.

John Matarazzo:

So how many years? Has it been now that your hair and beard and mustache has been blue?

Tony Myers:

That would be 123? About four years now

John Matarazzo:

four years now? Yeah. So you are really wearing the color of your healing in a way that is probably not the way that I would that I would think about wearing the color of your healing. But it is definitely something that I'm sure sparks a lot of conversations, and it gives you opportunities to share your testimony. And I do want to go back though, because you said something that I just can't let let slide. You said that you were an atheist. So an atheist is a little bit different than an agnostic. That's just, you know, there might be a god, but I don't I don't know him. So you you are at a point in your life for an atheist. I want to hear how you became an atheist, and then how God revealed Himself to you and you became a Christian. So can we kind of like take a pause from the story and go back because I need to hear how God met you and save you.

Tony Myers:

My parents were a Roman Catholic. They tried to raise me as Roman Catholic. They actually have me at one point in a Catholic school. I was left handed. These nuns would literally take a ruler and smack my hand every time I I went to use my left hand, I stabbed a nun with a pencil in the thigh. When this happened, I was young. This was like eight or nine a while. And so I'd stay at home with the pencil. And I don't remember everything. But I was done. And I'm sure I got suspended or whatever. I don't even remember. I always rebelled against that. And then I had a situation where I was in the bathtub. All the sudden, the room got bright. And Jesus appeared in the bathroom. Now to me, and this is the way I remember it. Jesus was angry with me. He didn't say a word. And his arms were like, in a position of anger. And this is the way I remember. But it was like Jesus was angry at me. He didn't say a word. And I'm like, Well, if you're not going to talk to me, then I'm not going to talk to you. Wow, that day, is the first step towards becoming an atheist. Shortly after that, I had two friends I got decapitated in a car wreck. Oh, wow. And my mind, Jesus was angry at me. And he did it. And then I'm like, Okay. And that's where I decided. And that would have been when I was about 10, or 11. And pretty much, that's where I said, Well, you don't exist. I'm done. And so that's where a lot of that came about. And then I got a hold of drugs early, got out of alcohol, and all that go along with that I was not hanging around the best crowds. And here's the thing. Looking back, there are so many times now I do include that first encounter, where I'd saw Jesus. Now I can see it in the right light, instead of him being angry, that that was just me at the time. I mean, I grew up believing God was an angry God. And to me, Jesus was God. So he was angry, too. Yeah, there were so many times. I'm alive today only because he intervene, that I would not have even mentioned before, that at the time, I didn't even look at that way. There was a time there were two major incidents. And this, this would have been, this was actually before the military even. And the numerous times in the military blood. I'm sure there were two times one time, me and a person I hung around with, we were going to buy some drugs. And the fella I was with, he was being mouthy to the dealer. The dealer, turned around, pulls a pistol out, is at my side. I was a passenger puts it up against my head, pulls the trigger. My brains sure had been splattered all over the place. Wow. There was no way he missed. Even the driver was like, because as soon as that happened, he took off. And so he we got away from the whole situation. He's like, Man, how, how is your brain still intact? How are you alive? So did it just misfire? It went off. Wow. And in fact, the rear driver side window shattered from the bullet. Oh my goodness. So it wasn't a misfire at the time. Neither one of us could explain it. And I didn't put it on God. But by that time, I had decided God didn't exist. The other time was once again. I was coming from a party that been drinking. I was in the middle of the street. I was crossing the street. Out of nowhere. This car came speeding up and the car would was not sewn down one to hit me. Right as the car should have made contact with me. All of this sudden I was lifted up in the air. I ended up landing softly Okay, as far as I know. That car never touched me. I wound up 50 feet away. I ran now this time I had a gun and I ran to the car. I was gonna shoot the fella it then he sped off his face. When I saw his face or the blood had been drained from his face. He was terrified. course I was coming in with a gun. Yeah. So. But a few years ago, I had asked the Lord about that. And he gave me a dream that it was an angel lifted me up. This was last couple of years, like 2018 or so as I asked him. And that's what he showed me. And along with everything that happened, that's one thing that makes sense. So along the way, even while I was denying God, he was doing things in my life. That's easy to see. Yeah. Wow. So I did want to share those two specific incidents, where the Heavenly Father is a loving father that is trying to woo us to himself, right? Yeah, absolutely is and my life pretty much. It paints the picture that

John Matarazzo:

yeah, you know, Tony, as you're, as you're talking, you mentioned a couple of times about drugs and guns, you probably were living what we would consider a bit of a prodigal living. You were obviously far from God at that point. But God wasn't far from you. And as you're talking about this, like it's it, you're already pointing out those moments where Jesus was right there protecting me or an angel was there protecting me? Talk about your spirit for a little bit? Talk about your, your soul and your relationship to God? What What were you thinking about these things? Because you were you were trying to distance yourself from God? How were you at those moments justifying what was actually happening?

Tony Myers:

I say, I pushed it out of my mind. In the summer moments I have I mean, in those days, I had anything but rational thoughts. Okay, so I can't even say that I had to push it away, because my mind was so clouded. And not only that, I mean, I'm sure I had mental illnesses. After I got out of the military, you know, they were giving me a laundry list of suppose of mental illnesses, depression, and all that stuff, PTSD. And so, I did not have very many moments of sanity. Okay, now, these, these situations, and all, I would say, so remembering, as I was writing my testimonial book, really, and that's when a lot of these things came back to my memory. I had pushed them so far, deep down, that there were so many things I had completely forgotten about seeing Jesus, there were so many of these situations, I had just totally pushed so far down in my memory and and thought of them at all, that they actually had, especially after my healing had a triple effect on me. A real powerful effect. Yeah, of how much I was overwhelmed with God's love, that he would bring me through all of this while I was denying him. Hmm,

John Matarazzo:

wow. So there came a point where you were no longer denying Jesus. And I'm glad that that happened. You know, I'm glad that you did give your life to the Lord. Can we focus in on that part of your story? Because you've painted a good picture of who you were before Christ. Now, how is it? That I mean, there's a lot of times where, with what you've have already said, that I would have said, Okay, God, you can have my life, but it took you a little bit longer than that. How did you really come to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior and making the Forgiver of your past and really the leader of your future?

Tony Myers:

Honestly, it wasn't till I was 43. And it was around that web in around 2009. Really, it started in 2006 with my wife, the first you got married before you were saved? No, we got married. 2011. Okay, okay. I met my wife. She lived in Virginia. I was in Alabama. We had a phone conversation. For about two years. We were getting to know each other. I knew she was a Christian. This was the first Christian woman I had really ever even talked to for especially anything. intimate details for sure. Yeah. This was the first woman that was living a Christian life that I'd really been in contact with. And so over that two year period, we got to know each other. Now, when she would bring up God or Jesus. I did not tell her for a long time I was an atheist. I told her man God had issues. Okay, and stay out of it. That's pretty much what I told her. Then when I went to move to Virginia that was into that towards the end of 2008. I told her why get up there? Hey, you can have your Bible, you could go to church, you could do whatever. I'm not saying anything about that. Just don't let me say a Bible. Do not ask me to go to church as though those are my conditions. Now, the disease that are starting that started then, but I was pretty much pushing through.

John Matarazzo:

Were you aware that it had started at that point?

Tony Myers:

Yes. Because what started happening, I called it death tired, I would just wake up behind the work and could not keep my I had such exhaustion, that I would have to pull over and take a power nap. Throughout the day, I would have I was a welder, I would have to sneak away and sleep. Because I would get so tired that I cannot keep my eyes open at all, just 100% drained. And this was constant throughout every day. Also, I got to where I couldn't eat. My stomach felt as if it had rocks in it. And so when I ate which would be two or three times a week, it would be bytes. Wow. So then I move moved to Virginia. And I'm watching now my wife. Sure Deb is her name. I'm watching Deb. And she had such a love for people. And she was really and just even when I was in Alabama, she was smoothing some of my rough edges off. And I didn't even realize it. Now I know the Holy Spirit inside of her. Yeah. So when I was actually face to face with her, there was one time we walked into McDonald's in Knoxville, Tennessee. There was a panhandler there. And she was like, give him $10. And I'm like, wait a minute. No. Do you realize he's probably got more stashed away in his right boot? Then you have in your bank account? He says I know he needs it. You just give it and I'm thinking, does it this woman understand what this fellow is doing? Because I was privy to the streets. Yeah, I lived on the streets. I knew that streets. She's like, I don't care. Give it to him. Okay, so I just saw that unselfish love, that started rubbing the edges off of me. And then in 2009, which she says that she's the one that mentioned that. But by 2009, I was having to use a walker. I can't work anymore. My speech was becoming more and more slurred. And so I was struggling very much so physically. But here's this woman with just a heart of gold and a giving heart. Yeah. And then one of us, whether it's me or her mentioned, going to church. And so then I went to church for the first time. It wasn't till about two and a half years later. Actually, that was 2011 at one o'clock in the morning, when we're just gotten married at that time. And all these details are in the Lord Jesus healed me. But we had just gotten married. And she had left. I don't know whether which stations or Christian station and there's some preacher talking to this day, I don't know who it was. And he's like, doing the old altar call thing. For some reason that day, I just broke down and said, Jesus do do whatever you gotta do.

John Matarazzo:

That's a great prayer. Jesus, dude, do whatever you got to do. That's, that's about as real as they come, man. That's real.

Tony Myers:

And now, that was an overwhelming moment for me. But I still didn't have a Bible student on a Bible. I still thought like an atheist. Right? And there was no I put it like this. I accepted Jesus that day, the best I could. And that's the best way I'm still thinking as an atheist. I still haven't read scriptures had been to this church a couple of times. Yet then one day We went to the fella that was the pastor. And I was like, Okay, you might as well baptize me, because I'm a dead man. And this was 2011 when I was already in the wheelchair, and things were pretty desperate. And so, my wife looks at me and she says, You have to accept Jesus first as well. I think I did. And then I told her about that night because she'd been sleeping Jen know nothing about it. Right as I think I did. So then I went through being baptized in understand that didn't have a clue about it. Really. I was really doing that for her sake of mind. During one the sermons, I think I had heard them talking about baptism or something. And it was like, Okay, I need to do this for her. And so that's when I asked the pastor, and then it took four guys to carry me up the baptismal. There were like 14 steps is very narrow, to go up to the baptismal cuz they put me in the water in the wheelchair. Wow, after they carried me up, took four big guys. They sent me down, what they didn't realize the wheelchair was like, because I had transferred me to another wheelchair, they borrowed an athletic wheelchair, because they can have move the other one 350 pounds when they can move that? Sure. So they sent me down, let go to take a breather, and the wheelchair went backwards, and I almost got baptized

John Matarazzo:

twice. Oh, my goodness.

Tony Myers:

So in that day that was baptized. I did feel like electricity going through my body and stuff. Well, so I did. It was a holy spirit, let me know. But I didn't know who the Holy Spirit was. Yeah, most of what I heard at the church was going in one ear and out the other ear. Yeah.

John Matarazzo:

So Tony, at that point, how far along was your als Lou Gehrig's disease? Like, how much time was the doctor giving you

Tony Myers:

at that time? That would have been early 2011. Okay. And pretty much the diagnosis was in March. Well, by June that pretty much. Well, you live too far. So we can offer you home health care. Anything else? So I pretty much sent me home to die.

John Matarazzo:

Oh, my goodness, they were saying that you live too far from their facilities for them to do it.

Tony Myers:

Yes. Oh, wow. Which was which was three hours away, actually. Wow. But this was what the VA. Okay. And what ended up happening is we went to a local neurological doctors. We went to one in Knoxville that was civilian. And he saw me one time and pretty much agreed with all that aired bunch tests. Yeah, we did that. But that was a first and last time well, we zom they gave he gave us diagnosis. He said, This is als plus, because not only is I've never seen nothing like it because not only is the sheath, the nerve with the blood carries the nerve. Not only is that dying, but your nerve signals are just dying is not being sent from your brain. I've never seen anything like this. Wow. And so at that point, we had no way to transport me or anything else. And so that was really the last time that I went to him. The rest time it was at home. Now. He put us in touch with a civilian doctor. That civilian doctor got me home health care. And so how home health care started coming. So I did have that as well. But by 2011 Things were already dismal. I couldn't get out of the wheelchair. It was a big 350 pound motorized wheelchair. And I was on 2407 Wow.

John Matarazzo:

So at this point, they're just helping you manage the pain before you pass away. Right? That's what normally happens with this diagnosis.

Tony Myers:

Not even that only because since my stomach was completely paralyzed, none the medicines ever. They have me on like 25 medicines my wife would have to crush put on my tongue and it will basically dissolve in my mouth. Children mix it up with the ensure. Or the baby food, nasty stuff, all of it. But it was down no good. Because yeah, it was sitting there turn the rock in my stomach.

John Matarazzo:

When you say turn to rock, are you being facetious or is it? No,

Tony Myers:

I'm being serious. You're being serious because my stomach was not moving at all. It was gastro per Rhesus, was the name normally not associated with ALS? And that's one reason that the neurological doctor saying this is als plus, because normally and I wasn't a diabetic or anything like that. And so this was something that was not normally associated with ALS. Yeah.

John Matarazzo:

So what happened next, tell me about this healing?

Tony Myers:

July 4 2012.

John Matarazzo:

At this point, how many years have you been suffering? Six

Tony Myers:


John Matarazzo:

Six years? Every six years? Wow. Okay, good.

Tony Myers:

My normal routine was trying to figure out how to kill myself. I was already dead man, my wife was struggling trying to take care of me all mal care they would come in. But this, this is not the caregivers where they will come in and take care of me. They simply would come in, look at my house. You know, just do that stuff, record it. And that was pretty much it. So I saw my wife struggling. I was like, this has got to be over. And in fact, two weeks before my healing. I tried to get a car to run run over me, me and my wheelchair. And I still this day, I don't know how I operate the wheelchair, but got it to move and went to the four lane. That's when I'll try to get a car to run over me. My wife had left to go get her groceries. And no one would hit me. No one had a bad day at work. Wow. And I am being a little sarcastic on that one. The wheelchair is so slow that I was I was literally sitting there. And no one. Everybody just swerved around me. So then after 20 minutes or so went back to the house a week before my healing. The speech and swallowing therapist came in. And he was white as a ghost. He said, I saw you walking. And I'm thinking to myself, dude, you're crazy. Now that point I can talk. Yeah, but I'm thinking you're crazy. And I think I shook my head like that, or I think he had a vision is what I believe. I don't believe that he was a Christian. Never found out for sure. But so he had no he told me this. I'm like, Dude is crazy. week later to the day that was on a Wednesday, July the fourth was the following Wednesday. So I'm there in the morning time trying to figure out how, how do I get this thing over with I just want to die. My wife and I put up with the same or, but when you can't, I couldn't shoot myself. Cuz I couldn't use my hands can stab myself couldn't even swallow so I can get myself poison. And these were the thoughts I was having, how do I end it? I remember looking at the clock, and it was 145 in the afternoon. All of this sudden this thought came that Jesus suffered more in one day on the Krauss than I had suffered this whole time. And even though at the time, it made no sense to me while I was thinking this. Now I know it was the Holy Spirit. But then I just started thinking about the weapon post. And what that must have been like for Jesus. And I was using my imagination at first. And then all the sudden that came as an open vision. Imagine a hologram. I was aware I was still in the corner in the living room in the wheelchair. But it was as if I was standing right there in front of Jesus as he was being whipped. And all the fine details. Now, I had read about Jesus's crucifixion that I remember, because I didn't even know the Bible at the time. My wife had her Bibles I didn't have one. I saw chunks of flesh from the front first. Now This cat of nine tails. Imagine a wrapping around the front first, there was such a demonic fury with the the soldier that was doing the whipping. As it wrapped around, he was pulling it back as repping the flesh off. Blood was spattering in their blood was piling up at his feet, chunks of flesh was coming off of him first from his front. Then from his back, I'm watching this, and then the scene switches to the Krauss. And he's on the cost and there's nothing it has his legs did not look like legs. They were bent, twisted all sorts of things. blowed it I mean, blood pouring it out. It was the, you know, the passion, the movie The Passion, times 10. Nothing about him looked human, except his eyes are gaze locked. And that's when I felt the love. I felt a peace come over me that I never felt before. Before that time, all I saw was darkness. There could be a sunshiny day, it could be a bright room, whatever. Everything would be dark. At that moment, everything turned bright. It was as if scales just dropped away from my eyes. I saw things differently. And then what happened was, I said Jesus loves me. I said that three times. And then the first words on my mouth was back pain leave. I said that three times. Now when I say I said that. I honestly don't know whether I was verbally speaking at that point. Or whether it was in my thoughts. Yeah. And that was three times back pain leaf. Because I'd had severe back problems a laundry list, then that's one that should throw out there's just besides ALS, there are so many other things wrong severe emphysema, blah, blah, blah, a laundry list, there was not one part of my body prior to my healing that was healthy. So then I said name of Jesus three times. All of the sudden, it was like a sledgehammer hit me. And I recognized there was no pain at all

John Matarazzo:

really a good sledge hammer, then a good

Tony Myers:

set jammer not a bad one. It just all the sudden just dawned on me Wait a minute, there is no pain. There's been bad pain I've been suffering from 25 plus years, it went away. Then I just basically did the same thing that I just done. So fingers move, fingers move, fingers move, they started moving, wow, they had been bound up in a fist is how they stayed. At this point, I navigate wheelchair to the threshold of the bedroom because it won't fit in the bedroom. And I'm there at the threshold. I'm still not able to lift my arms up. But I'm moving my fingers and my hand. And I'm showing my wife. And then I said, if the Lord's willing, I'll be back walking. Now my wife said she understood what I was saying at that point. For some reason, I went back into the living room back into my little corner that just said legs move and said that three times. They moved. They hit the floor at the same time. And I said Jesus Don't let me fall and then stood up, started walking towards the bedroom. And I was looking like Frankenstein. My wife God, beautiful look on her face because she was in shock. Yeah, I was in shock. But when I got to the bedroom, my voice cleared up. My arm started moving. Everything was starting to come back to life. And then it was approximately two hours later that I had my first meal, solid food. It was at Cracker Barrel. And to which the next day the whole mouse care nurse came in. And she said well that proved that was God because you should have taken one bite. And since it had been so long since you eaten your body should have gone into shock and you should have died. That's what she told us to him. But I cleaned the whole plate off.

John Matarazzo:

What did you order at the Cracker Barrel? I got to hear the country fried steak. Oh, you weren't messing around you right for the good stuff on empty stomach for that meeting for six months, you go right for fried food. That is a true healing right there.

Tony Myers:

And when you look at it is pretty much six years because all those times prior, all I could do was eat bites, I'm talking just literally a bite. And that's our 2006. So you look at that I wasn't enough to sustain my body back then, let alone where my stomach completely stopped. So thank you, Jesus. So there is no one that can tell me that God just throws atheists to the wayside that God just No. Now granted, my wife had been praying for me. No doubt about that. She was she was the rock that was holding my arms up when I can hold my own up because my own beliefs. Yeah. So I'm not negating other people's prayer at all. Yet, here was I essentially still an atheist saying that only because prior to the vision, I was still thinking like an atheist. Sure, sure. But no one could tell me God doesn't answer prayers, of people that even confess they don't believe in Him. Because I think deep down inside and know this from my own experience, although while I was an atheist, I will have never admitted to it. But I'm here to say, my problem wasn't that I didn't believe that there was a God. My problem was, I was misinformed about God, I misrepresented God. And God, misrepresent to me. So I hated him. I hated my perception of him. Wow,

John Matarazzo:

I'm glad you made that distinction. Because that's one of the devil's biggest tactics is misrepresenting Jesus misrepresenting God the Father, and getting us to believe that he isn't who he really is, you know, getting us to believe that he is a angry being in the sky that's looking for us to swipe us down or to you know, throw lightning bolts at us. You know, when God is a loving father, he does want justice. He does want holiness and purity. But He is a loving father. Jesus came and died for us. Because John 316 says that, For God so loved the world, so much, that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. That is a great promise that God has given us. And he didn't just say those words, he acted those words out, he really made and the vision that Jesus showed you of himself, being crucified like that, is really bringing tears to my eyes, when I'm not sure if you can see them as we're looking at here. But I'm just like, oh my gosh, that's, that's incredible. And then to know that, you've just started saying, Jesus loves me. You know, Tony, at the beginning of your story, you thought that the Jesus was angry at you, you had a vision of Jesus as a kid, or while you were a kid of Jesus with his with his arms crossed, and you thought that he was angry with you. And you've been brought to a point where you're on your deathbed with this ALS and this diagnosis that you've only got, maybe minutes, weeks, days, once, whatever it is not a whole lot of time. But when you actually believe that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me, and you can say it. That's when your healing really starts to take effect. Absolutely. That is an incredible, incredible testimony. I want you to be able to minister right now, we're gonna go a little bit out of order, because I do want to ask you some other questions. But right now I just feel like there's people out there that they don't know who Jesus is. And if they do, they think he's mad at them. But Tony, through your testimony, you have a way to minister the love of God and the healing power of Jesus, in a way that is there's a special anointing upon that. Would you just ministered to somebody right now that thinks that God is angry at them, and minister the love of Jesus?

Tony Myers:

Right now I just speak for, for those who see God and Jesus as being harsh. I just think that the Holy Spirit who is in you, is sickening to you. His love and His peace and releasing his face his love. Liquid Gold all over us so that you feel it in a tangible way that you can not deny it. His love all over you. Like a comfortable blanket. Anyone who has doubts about the Father's love, about Jesus's love for us. It's him hugging you like a warm blanket. I also speak to those that have doubts. He's so loved us. Why do we love him? Because he's so loved us that he was willing to lay his life down in an rific way. That is beyond words, for just you. Speak right now? Do you just feel his presence inside of you. And that heart that tries to become stone is now pliable, and open. Thank you, Jesus. And I speak healing, emotionally, physically, in every way right now. I speak the life of the Holy Spirit. breathed into your chest breathed into your lungs throughout your whole body. Thank you, Jesus.

John Matarazzo:

Amen. Amen. Thank you, Tony for doing that. I receive that. And I pray that everybody else that needed to receive that really does as well. And if you, if you are one of those people that that I felt, and then Tony, ministered to, I want you to reach out to us, there'll be ways to do that in the show notes in the description that you can connect to me are connected, Tony. And we want to be able to help you. We want to be able to to connect you to Jesus, however we can, you know, Jesus loves you enough that has enabled you to listen to this, this podcast conversation. And to hear this incredible testimony of how Jesus healed Tony in such a miraculous way. The Bible says that healing is the children's bread. And it is not something that is only for certain people. Everybody can walk in that healing that God has for us. And I just want to encourage you to do that in a little bit. I'm going to ask Tony to talk about his podcast, so you can hear more about him. Throughout this conversation. You've kind of already pointed out of us moments where Jesus was walking with you, but you didn't realize it in the moment you already gone. You've already been pretty retrospective with that. So I appreciate kind of working those moments into the conversation. But my follow up question that I always asked that is still applicable right now is Tony, if you could go back in time, and visit a young version of yourself. And you could give yourself some advice, talk to yourself, whatever it is, what's going on in your life at that moment that today's Tony would want to go back and talk to young Tony, what's going on? And what what advice or what would you say? Wow.

Tony Myers:

I think I would go back to the time when I saw Jesus. And I would tell that Tony, he's he's not angry with you. He loves you. That would have changed my whole life. If I would have recognized then that it would have been of love. And honestly, now Tony, and I would say this to myself. Do you saw your perception of what you had been shown? You were not seeing the way his arms were open, not not not closed off. He would then have his arms crossed. He had them open. But just because of your perception, and your young mind, that's what you saw. But he is in love with you and moving him to himself. So willing you to himself. That's why I would tell a young Tony because that was the most pivotal part. And when I really made the decision then that I don't want this God well I didn't want that God I was shown

John Matarazzo:

that you weren't showing the real Jesus. Dude that's not looking at you. We're looking at a screwed up version of that. based off of what you would what you would thought, and, man, I just, I feel for that little Tony, I'd really do. Because man, we really need to know, first and foremost who God is and who he really who he really is that he's loving and kind, but also who God made us to be. And amen. Our identity in Christ is so important. And you know, there's a lot of emotional healing that can come from knowing who we are in Christ. I don't want to miss an opportunity to talk about your podcast, Tony, because I've really enjoyed this conversation Your testimony is, is very powerful. And I pray that it does minister to a lot of people from this short conversation that we've had. But if they want to hear more about you, and and how you Minister, I mean, you have a podcast on the charisma Podcast Network, it's pushing boundaries, I want to hear about that, what you do, what's the focus of your podcast, and how people can find that

Tony Myers:

the focus of my podcast is the supernatural kingdom of God. The main focus is healing. But it's you working with all these fear inside of you to get your healing. Although I pray for people every single day, I have no promise frame for people. I want to minister to people face to face over the phone, through emails every which way. But if you give a man a fish, he eats one meal, teach him how to fish. Really, what my podcast is about, is pointing the finger away from Tony and to the Holy Spirit. If I get the listener to be in touch and have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, I've done my job and I can retire. Amen, because the Holy Spirit is so much a better teacher, instructor, comforter, everything that all my focus is to get all the trash traditions out of the way to get all this Miss thinking, like we talked about with with my story, having the wrong idea about God. And I get my experience on there most of the time. It only takes a few tweaks, to literally have your eeling is just a few changes in our perception. We don't have to have perfect faith. We don't have to have all the correct beliefs. I didn't. That's true. I mean, I'm the poster child for believing everything wrong. Yet I was still healed and spoke over myself. yet. I was so healed. Yeah. So you don't have to be perfect in this world. That is a relief. There's one other things I really want to drive home to people. Yeah. We think it takes a perfect belief. People look at me and think I was perfectly believing Oh, no, I wasn't. After my healing. We went to worship service. After worship service. We ran by that me available, as I read in the Bible, but I asked the Lord, I said, How in the world I gave, as far as I was aware, I had no faith. Now, that started me on the journey, which started me on rocket on writing, unlocking the mystery of divine healing. The Holy Spirit's start showing me and show me the pivotal points. When I was be leaving. I just didn't know it. Because for the first time in my life, I was believing from my heart. Wow. So that is what pushing boundaries is about. It's really about appointing people to the Holy Spirit and relying on him. Because he can do so much more than I can.

John Matarazzo:

Amen. Amen. Now, how can people find your podcast?

Tony Myers:

Well, of course, it's on charisma podcast. It's also on Spotify, iTunes, Apple, other regular places. I also have a YouTube channel that I do the recorded video of

John Matarazzo:

the teaching and people can see your blue hair if they do that. So I'm exactly

Tony Myers:

right. It's just simply Tony Myers feeling great. And you know it's me because the dude will have blue hair.

John Matarazzo:

I'll make sure to put those links in the description. And that way, you can just click that everybody that's listening, and you want to check that out. But, Tony, it is a pleasure to have you on here. I'd like to talk more with you at some point and just to continue to hear more about how God is using you in healing. And I'm so grateful that you're also part of the charisma Podcast Network and that we get to do life together virtually through podcasting, and to help reach people around the world. Tony, thank you so much for allowing me to join you along your way

Tony Myers:

a man thank you very much, John, for having me. It's my honor.

John Matarazzo:

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