
“Upon This ROCK I Will Build” - John Schlitt AlongTheWay 84

February 15, 2021 John Matarazzo / John Schlitt Season 1 Episode 84

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John’s story is one of second chances and a redeemed music career. Before Christ, he was in a successful band but his life was a drug-filled disaster. He thought that he would never be in music again but then everything changed with a phone call…

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John Schlitt:

The first show was in Brisbane, Australia singing in front of 6000 people the first time I've sang sober in seven years, blew my throat out after three songs because I was so excited. And those guys still stuck with me. And they were with me every step of the way scared to death because they couldn't figure out why I could sing so well. Rehearsal I blow my throat. I'm excited. I'm excited. What can I say you?

John Matarazzo:

Welcome to along the way. I'm John Matarazzo, your host and fellow traveler, thank you for joining me along my way as I try to become more like Jesus every day. In this conversation, I'm joined by Christian rock legend john schlitt, the lead singer of the hard rock group, Petra, John's story is one a second chances and a redeemed music career before Christ, he was in a successful band, but his life was a drug filled disaster. He thought that he would never be in music again. But then everything changed with a phone call. I'll get to that conversation in just a moment. But as always, I want to thank you for listening to along the way. I hope that you like what you hear and you subscribe. You can connect with me online as well. All of my socials and contact links are in the show notes. And you can check out all of my episodes and my website along the way dot media, join my email list and find out some more about me too. I hope that you check it out and you connect with me, I would love to hear from you. I also have a Patreon page if you want to help me to continue to put out these along the way episodes. If you'd like to become a Patreon, simply go to slash along the way and select the level. The link to become a Patreon supporter is in my show notes. And now here's my along the way conversation with john Schlitz. Well, John Schlitt, it is great to have you on this along the way podcast, we've had the opportunity to to work together a couple different times through your travels through coming through Pittsburgh and working with Cornerstone and you just were recently on the hope today program that I produce. And we had such a good time via Skype, it just kind of catching up. And then it was like, okay, we need to do a full along the way episode with you. I'll never forget the dinner that we had together at the Golden Corral after one of your concerts. So it's a pleasure to have you on this podcast and to hear your along the way journey with the Lord.

John Schlitt:

Well, thank you, john. It's great to be here. You know, testimonies are amazing thing. I'm just it's glad to hear I'm glad to have the opportunity to share what God's done. Because he does it for each one of us. He does it different ways. And I think testimonies are a powerful tool.

John Matarazzo:

Absolutely. Absolutely. So people might not recognize your speaking voice nearly as much as they would recognize your singing voice because you have quite the rocker history. You're the lead singer of Petra for many, many years. And you do you're just on the show talking about your latest solo album go. But, you know, obviously you didn't start off being the john schlitt that we all know and love right now you had a journey with the Lord and how God's brought you here. And I want to kind of dive into that story of how God has led you to where you are today.

John Schlitt:


John Matarazzo:

take us on back.

John Schlitt:

That would be wonderful. Yeah, well, you know, it involves, it involves music, it involves my education involves my parents, my wife and my family, of course, are all intermingled. When I was 13. Actually, back when I was five, I, I realized I could sing. I wasn't interested in it at the time. But I realized apparently I could sing a little better than, than most kids my age are most kids in my class and but I could care less. It was no big deal. But when I was 13, I picked up guitar because my best friend picked up a guitar. So I didn't want to be left out. We ended up putting together a band in high school. And it was actually pretty good. But meanwhile, I was working towards an educator. I wanted to be an aeronautical astronomical engineer. I wouldn't say that again. an aeronautical astronomical engineer. Okay, really what I wanted to do was be an astronaut. But so I music was a lot of fun to me. I had to sing because nobody else would. So I became a lead singer for my band. When I graduated high school, I figured that would be and so I left that band and went in to be full time in the University of Illinois. Because that discipline, the, you know, the college I was in was, was not easy. So and I didn't want to fail. So I really actually concentrated on college. The only time the only year I did and my freshman year was a good year for me and but then I found another band that I realized all they needed was me to make it and I told so so. So they said what an arrogant clown. So they brought me in and tried me out. So you may be right. So Between my freshman and sophomore year that that, that that summer, we just exploded. I mean, we we went from a sock hop band, which you've got to understand there's there's hierarchies in the, in the the band thing, sock hop that was back when you would play for teenagers. And they'd be usually at a skating rink or something where you take your shoes off not to miss Florida. So that called sock Ops, okay. Then we went into college bars really quick and became a big deal in in our area Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, that area. And when I went in my sophomore year in college, I almost flunked out, because of the bands. So I quit the band and said, Guys, I've got I promised my parents, I get a degree. And when I'm done, when I get a degree, I'd love to come back to all but by that time, we're too big for you. Okay, that's cool. I don't have a choice. So, long story short, I changed my discipline to civil engineering, took my last final exam. And that night, I was on stage with the band again, okay. But the band had changed a lot. went for about six months, it totally collapsed. I got everybody together. That was part of the original band. I says, guys, we need to get back together. Let's make this thing work. And two years later, we were doing our own record called flat as a pancake. This this is not Petra, this is head east, head east. It exploded on a we did it on a ridiculous budget. We picked our label, we didn't have to label it and pick us we had choices of two or three labels. I mean, it exploded in our in our Midwest region. And labels pinged us. So we picked a&m Records. And quickly but surely we were touring major tours all over the country. And we basically had what you would call a musician's dream, it was truly a dream come true. And you would think that would be the end of the story, and everything would be just hunky dory. Only problem is, I had a family at this time, I had a wife and when I first started having a baby girl, then then my first son came along. And I was never home. We were so good. We were touring so much, and recording and all this, that I was sacrificing everything, my family, my health, my sanity, for this band, of thinking, well, when we finally make it big, I'll be rich, and I couldn't make up for it all and it didn't work that way. Meanwhile, although you're doing your your dream come true. Even a dream after a while could get boring. So I believed in God, but I could I didn't know who Jesus was. So it really was fair game in this world called secular rock and roll. And

John Matarazzo:

it was not a Christian band.

John Schlitt:

Oh, no, no, no, Hades was not a Christian band at all. And I absolutely didn't function as a Christian either. I was not a decent person on stage. off stage. Hopefully, I was still a nice guy. But on stage, I was not cool at all. And so I fell into drugs, I fell into cocaine and booze. Because I was looking for that next time. Every day. You're always looking for that next more exciting night than you hadn't liked before. And the stage even though I was in front of 20,000 people a night, you know, small state was 3000 people. And you would think for a musician that would be the epitome Well, after a while it gets old. So I long story short, I got fired. I got fired from the band for for being a coke freak and an alcoholic which is bumpy. They all work too. But I was worse than them. Wow. So in 1980, I got fired and went on a binge for six months with the excuse that I was starting my own band. But really I was either drunk or coked, up 24 hours a day for six months. At the end of that six month period on the 29th of August. In 1980. I woke up and my one year old son is looking at me I was on the couch for the first time my wife was fed up trying to cover my habits. And let me pass out on the couch our anniversaries the night before we were supposed to go to a party for our anniversary. And I had drank all day long thinking I was going to get coke to sober up and couldn't find any. So I passed out the next morning I woke up and my son is looking at me like What are you here for Dad, you know, and also the little voice goes you know, you're worth more dead than alive and I absolutely accepted. I said, That totally makes sense. So as I'm, I got up the sat in the chair with my two kids, they were they were playing with in the living room with me because was a chance to be around me. And I'm sitting here trying to say, I'm not going to use a gun, it'll be messy. And I don't want them to see that. So I was sitting there thinking about what kind of combination of pills, could I get ahold of that would be quick, as quick and painless as possible. My wife tapped me on the shoulder goes, john, remember, you promised you come and talk to my pastor tonight. And I said, when she says last night when you were drunk, my wife had got saved during that same six month period that I was on a binge. She was on a life changing adventure. And she tried to tell me about the Lord all during that time. And I, I tell it Get out of my face. I didn't want to be a Christian. I'll be a Christian. I'm too old to have any more fun. And that was my attitude, which is an attitude that all of us Christians have to understand when we're talking to our friends.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah, yeah.

John Schlitt:

That that's a major, major block. Because the enemy has convinced non Christians that if you come a Christian, you give up everything. You can't have any fun. You're you. You might as well put up a mock suit on and go and go garden. Yeah, which is absolutely fine. It's actually wrong. But I looked at as Okay. All right, I will talk to your pastor. But I had no intention of going to make any difference. But I wanted her to remember like, tried. So I went into this pastor's house with an attitude and walked out the Holy Spirit. Totally, totally unexpected. My life changed that minute. Did all my problems No, but all of a sudden, the problems were not a big deal anymore. Because I understood Even then, as a baby Christian, that I was never I was never going to be doing this alone again. And, and I'll tell you what, my my uncertainties my problems. They did. They did, they were taken care of step at a time. As I walk as I did my best as a as a baby Christian as new Christian. I put my values right, God family job, and doors kept opening up for me and I actually got when I, I quit music altogether, instead, okay, this is just I had no idea that Christian music existed. So all I knew was secular rock, and actually tried to be a secular rocker for a little while. In my Christian walk, and it all my gosh, the temptations were way too much for me, especially as a Christian, I finally said, Okay, I gotta give this up. So I faced a new world. No job. My, I had a degree, but my I, history was University Illinois. Rock Star, that was it. So there was not much I could say to personally good. I have an engineering job, please. And they fell out, right? We know who you are. Don't call us we'll call you. Yeah, tell me about, oh, shoot three or four months to finally find someone that would trust me. And in that time period, about a six month period, I started sweeping a floor and a tool factory into finally getting a job working a coal mine development. They were developing a coal mine close to where I was living at the time. And I was sort of the resident engineer on the surface. And that that went on for about a year and a half. And I and the last company that I worked with, I would go It was all their support time. And when that job ended, all of a sudden, bam, God opened up another door. And so I find the last company I work with, they said they were working my tail off. I was working 60 hours a week, normally, and doing a bunch of different stuff besides being an engineer, and they finally pulled me in says you're making you're making per hour more than our head guys are, we need to hire you. Okay, you're gonna hire me, and you're gonna work me 60 hours a week, but I get a salary, which is 40 hours a week, isn't it? Why would I do that? Because Because you'll have a job and this is done. And I thought we, okay, ended up going to Utah. Half of this job was over my wilderness time for two years. By this time I have another son came back to Indiana, worked in the office, thinking, well, this must be the American dream. By this time I have a new home that I rebuilt and it's finished. My kids are going to Christian school. I've got a great church, and I got a great job. I figured this must be it. And I was sitting on Sunday afternoon after church with my wife. And I'm thinking, well, this must be also the voice goes, You know what? This, isn't it? Don't be contempt. This is not if I like my wife, is it? What? I totally would have said Woody, what do you think that I say? No idea because I hadn't seen it five years. So that idea was totally out of the question.

John Matarazzo:

It was five years,

John Schlitt:

five years, this was a five year process to Utah. The point the I mean, it was an every phase of that five year change was what I needed to pay my debts as time went on. When I left and became a Christian. I was in debt, my drug habits that put me in debt way. I mean, more than I thought I could get figured out. And in that five year period, in God's timing, it was clean. I was clean. It was amazing. So a month later, I get a call from my brother saying, there's a guy that wants to talk to you. His name is Bob Hartman. I'm going to say something about Petrin. He goes, Yeah, yeah, he wants to talk to you about a band called Petra. And by this time, I'm a major petrol fan. Okay. Somebody had given me a picture record. So this sounds just like your old band. But Christian, I got it out. Right. Right. Listen to it. I go, Oh, my gosh, this is quality. And I said, This is what rock and roll should have been used for. But I just thought, you know, I totally blown it. Yeah. In my head. He stays who like no way God could use me. I was too filthy. You know, you know, typical baby Christian, even after five years, thinking I know what God's plan is, and I didn't. But anyway, he says, He wants you to call him I go. Okay. So I call Bob thinking maybe Greg's voice has messed up and they want to finalize a record and I can do maybe Batman parts of song. And he says, john, this ballpark isn't who I am. I said, Oh, yeah, I know who you are Bob. And his eyes and I'm a big fan of yours. He goes, are you still Christian? I said, I'm a heavy duty Christian. And he goes, Well, Greg is leaving the band. I said, Why? He says just, it's God's timing. I said, Oh, okay. All right. And we want to know, would you consider singing for Petra? I feel. Yeah, yeah. Let's do it. Because Don't you think you should pray about it? Yeah, I guess. I mean, my wife and I knew, but they needed to pray about it. And

John Matarazzo:


John Schlitt:

And long story short, they came to see us, they weren't sure it was too easy for them. But I knew after six months, the first show was in Brisbane, Australia, singing in front of 6000 people the first time I've sang sober in seven years, blew my throat out after three songs because I was so excited. And those guys still stuck with me. It took me about six months to finally get my groove back and get the right sound guys and all that. And they were with me every step of the way, scared to death, because I couldn't figure out why. I could sing so well. rehearsal, I blow my throat. I'm excited, guys. I'm excited. What can I say? Yeah. And they, they finally stuck with me through the whole thing. And then it started, we really started finding that groove. And I'll tell you what feels like yesterday, but that was that was 2025 years ago. 26. No, 35 years ago. It was amazing. And it still feels like yesterday. So it's been amazing run. But yeah, 15 years ago, Petra retired officially. And by that time, I hit two solo records out. And I gave up my solo career, because I took over the live portion of Petra. And that was a 24 hour job. And when Petra retired, I went back and started doing my solo thing again. But every once in a while we go up, especially in South America, and do revivals and benefits, that kind of stuff. But we can get everybody together. We did one show a month or so ago, for the first time in 40 years. Because a promoter said you guys have got to play. There's still people out there that want to see you You should at least four or five shows a year just two tracks the edge of everybody wants to see I'm going yeah, okay. Well, we tried it. It worked great. Even with COVID. It was amazing. So I'm very glad that Petra, even though that it's part of more of my history, it's still there. And it's still a joy to get back with the guys and play with an amazing band and sing amazing songs. And it still reminds me of where my core is. And I'll tell you what my core really is head east, where I learned how to be a professional in front of 1000s of people in Petra, that needed that kind of skill, but then discovered what was how Brock could be used in such a positive way all over the world. So I think I've covered pretty much buddy that story. my testimony. Meanwhile, I now have four kids and seven grandkids. My wife still loves me, and I can't figure out why. Next year will be our 50th anniversary. Wow. And God has been very good to us. We've gone through our challenges, I mean, financially, when I left Petra, I find x my, my third solo record, dumb move, oh, dumb paper, I'm still recovering from that. It was on my own label. And I really believe it's called the grafting it's a beautiful album, it was more, it was more family oriented. But it needed to be done. So you know, I've just gone through a lot of different things, and God is amazing God, and that's why I love talking with you to be able to, to share this testimony through my life. And, you know, people go Why don't have a testimony like that, you know, I was a God was a Christian when I was three years old. ISIS. Absolutely. That's a fantastic testimony. You tell it, you tell that to your church, you know, are you at these depths, you speak about that you were Christian at three, and you've gone through your testing, but God was always there, the blood of Christ would share for every dumb move you made. And you still have to realize that you are a blessed person. And I say the same thing, man, I you know, even even though I was I became a Christian 1980 Oh my gosh, that's 40 years, and I blown it every day and those 40 years. But Christ blood, the blood of Christ was shed for us. And the enemy tries to use these these failures, these weaknesses every day. And we have to be with reminding each other that I'm sorry, that's not how it works. guts, you know, unless you're doing it on purpose. You go on I you know, I'm the scammer. That don't work either. God doesn't. God, he doesn't get scammed. Right? If you want to be that Christian that God wants you to be, even though you fail every day, he's he's there for you and has a plan for your life.

John Matarazzo:

Absolutely. He does. You know, john, as you're talking and telling your story, there's there's a lot of questions that I have about the different nuances of being a live performer in front of 1000s of people. You know, it's a bit different than, like me, I play on the worship team at my church in front of a couple 100. And it's exciting. It's a, you know, something that I enjoy. But it's really easy to think that people are here for me. And they're here because they want to, you know, they they appreciate me, how did how did God deal with pride in your heart? during that? It seems like that was something that he did. But how did that? How did that change in your heart?

John Schlitt:

Well, first of all, the fact that God gave me a second chance to go to all the different locations that I was that I played with head east, and go back and totally, almost make up for the garbage I did. Please understand head east was a beautiful thing. As far as the crowd, I love the crowd, they expect a certain thing and I'm afraid I delivered way too well. But I really I always appreciated my crowd I, I hope that I never walked out is you're lucky to see me I did that. But it was it was a different spirit, it was very self seeking, the band was self seeking, we went out and it and when with Petra, I was very thankful to get a second chance to go out and give a different message that eternal. See, it had a bigger purpose being a Christian artist, if you truly understand what that is, that is a major responsibility. So I was I was I pompous and proud. I hope not, I will tell you that I was confident. And you have to be you have to be competent as a lead trainer. And you have to know that as a lead singer. The power of the stage it does exist. How do you use that? And when I say that, I mean, you've got lights you've got you look bigger than life. People actually, they go to a concert to hear what you have to say to listen to how you sing. And it depends how you use it. And we would go out no matter how we were getting along that day, you know, or five different guys and and you know we have arguments and everything else. But before we go on we say Lord, help us to to let her pass out of the way cleanse us of all the stupidity we did this day. And let us walk on this as clean Creech clean, clean representatives of you and let you will be done. And it was a good way to go out. It reminded this. What we were there for. I mean, we could have been ticked off. I mean, I got ticked off all the time. What those day die, but I walked on stage. We were a team. Yeah. And so so you did that and I was confident as lead singer, I had to be you don't want to wimpy singer. Right? Because Because a lead singer, when that's all he does, it's his job to keep the attention on you. But to, to make sure if you're like a, you're like a circus Barker, you know, and all these, you know, and here's this, and it was like a lead guitar player you if he's gonna lead you run if the spotlights on you You run behind him so the spotlights on him it was that kind of thing. And so I didn't have it. I didn't have time to be real proud about it. There's a difference between crowded confident, I hope. And that's what I bought. That's what we said,

John Matarazzo:

Wow, that's really interesting. I love what you said about making sure that even though the spotlight was on you, when you knew that somebody else was doing something good, you ran over and got behind them, so that the spotlight will be on them to that really connects to the spiritual to man, that's really, really good.

John Schlitt:

Well, I hadn't thought that way, but thank you, buddy. No, you know it to me. A lot of times the we'd have like two or three spotlights and always be one, it was always keep a spot on the lead singer. The other two were supposed to be guided. And, you know, the white guys will say, Okay, put spot on, Bob. Well, so half the time the spotlight guys had no idea who Bob was? Yes. So I always had to sort of keep a close eye on and make sure that that the focus of the song was on the focus of what was happening, you know, the light was on that focus. So that was just one of the responsibilities of being the lead singer.

John Matarazzo:

That's really cool. That's a good representation of humility, and preferring others honoring others during that.

John Schlitt:

I like you John, I like talking to you, buddy. You're a good man.

John Matarazzo:

I got a lot out of that. God shows us things all along the way, as we just kind of take a step back and be like, oh, wow, where was God in this? What is God teaching me through this experience in my life? And yeah, that's something that really has just stuck out to me from what we were just talking about. So I'm going to hold on to that imagery. And I hope everybody listening does as well, to make sure you share your spotlight with other people, and you get behind them so that they can be supported. So yeah, that's awesome. I love Christian music. I love music in general. But Christian music is, you know, music with a message of the gospel. And it's a message with morals and it points people back to Jesus, whether it's a, whether it's a direct gospel message or not, it should always point people back to the cross. What are some of your favorite songs, or favorite ways that you guys have been able to do that? Now you can pull in from your recent stuff, too. But what are some of those favorite moments where you feel like, Man, this is exciting. I can't wait for people to get this.

John Schlitt:

Well, I think this means war. Absolutely. The first record I did was, was back the street. And it was sort of my recovery. It was my reintroduction to the music album. And thanks to john and Dino who are new producers, new singer new producers, a different direction, absolutely different direction from the album before, you know, which was what beat the system. Actually, it was alive. But beat the system, the studio. I said, I really love this record, Bob Lutz, we could never do a one like that. Again, we're going back to rock. I said, Oh, okay. And I know that genre, so let's cool. But it took me a while. And john was my producer. And he really he worked my tail off. So that album wasn't quite as much fun. As this means were when it was when it came. I was part of the songs you know. And it was just the right album at that time. And the statement This means war was perfect. And of course you got beyond belief you've got no doubt. But all three of those albums are amazing to me. And you praise and worship bounce the Praise, praise worship One, two I call and even a revival, which was really sort of lost in the shuffle. Those were all important, but for different reasons. The praise and worship albums were important. They were more of edification more for the body. Okay, were these other the rock albums were more for evangelists. Now I have to say that credit praise one was such a shock to everybody. That it's it served as evangelism and edification. Because so different, you know, people were the people in the world go, what is this? This? Wow, this is this is praise and worship. Okay, I can did that. You know, and then then everybody started doing it, and it just got to be able to happen. Not in the bad way. I mean, just yeah, you know, but then all sudden, evangelism started being a little lost in Christian music. As far as I could tell. It was more or less do praise and worship that sells well. less costly on that, and then the churches love it. So they back it. And they didn't have they didn't have to support something that freaks them out. And we just sort of lost the evangelism of Christian rock sort of got lost in the shuffle. I think Christian rock was a very evangelistic album style.

John Matarazzo:

How can we get that back?

John Schlitt:

You have to have an industry that has a desire to go out and reach the unsaved. I don't know if we got that anymore.

John Matarazzo:

Well, that's definitely something we can be praying for, though.

John Schlitt:

Absolutely, absolutely. If

John Matarazzo:

you've got the gift, get out there and do it. If you don't pray.

John Schlitt:

And there are bands that are doing it, you just never hear about it. Unless, unless somehow they make it secular. And that's so hard. That's so hard to do. Because the secular market knows what Christian rock sounds like. Now, you know, if they even hint if it, even if there's a hint of Jesus anywhere in it. They they won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. So it's a tough job. It was miraculous how Petra was able to do what they do. It was truly of God only of God, to the way the doors open for us, the way the timing of it. And I appreciate the the kids that are playing today that the rockers that are out there, they believe in their music, they're doing their best. And the problem is the I don't know if the industry really supports him anymore. And and there's different clumps of rock. I mean, Brian rock, his 70s 80s rock, there's the you know, there's this generation of rock, which it's hard for me to call it that, but that kids call it that that's cool. You know, it's more poppy stuff. And, but then there's the other extreme stuff that's like, Whoa, and but it's that that generation style of quote, rock and roll. And, and they're battling, they're battling, I would love to say, Oh, the church is going to support it the church, they're going to see this. I don't see it. But I'm not God. So yeah, aren't you glad? And so let's, let's, like you said, we just need to pray about it. And, and hopefully, the coal industry will see that evangelism is just as important as edification. And I'm afraid that right now the dollar bill is still very important. All of a sudden, we all have to make a living. And it's a whole lot easier to make make a living in the in the music industry by playing stuff that's edification instead of evangelism.

John Matarazzo:

Interesting. Yeah, that's definitely something we need to keep our keeping the focus of our prayers. You know, john, as we were, as you were talking about your different stance with bands, okay, you've got the time with head east, and then your time with Petra, you were talking about how you were putting a lot of time in with with the bands. And so, but you had kids, and you told us, you told a part of your story where God brought you to a place where you eventually became sober. Your wife told you, you got to come with me to see the pastor. But you know that your family was suffering there. The first time you you sang with Petra, you said that you were in Australia. So obviously, there was a lot of traveling and stuff with that. How did you balance family with that type of ministry where obviously you have to be out on the road, you have to be traveling a lot. And some places that you go, it takes some time to get there. It's not just like, Oh, I'm going an hour down the road. Yeah. How did you balance your family with that?

John Schlitt:

Very simple Head East could have cared less about family. It was 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Every it seriously, I get on the road, and I wouldn't be back home to see my family for like a month, two months, sometimes three months. My wife's going, where are you? You know. And the problem with that was, I would promise her Oh, I'm coming home in two weeks, thinking I had to in two weeks, I'd have time off. But we were so busy that we'd be done with that tour and our booking agent, which which was a fantastic booking agent would put us on another tour. The day we split, you know, we were constantly busy, and my wife is getting you know, I'm saying baby, no, no, well, it's gonna be another two weeks. No, it's going to be a month. And so it was a totally different ballgame. When I got in with Petra, absolutely. We understood the order of things God family job. So if we went out with Petra, coincidentally, that one of the band came to, quote, interview me, they interviewed my family. And they said, Do you like the idea of your dad being a singer in a Christian band? And oh, kid, Yeah, that'd be really cool. Yeah. And let's say and now, how about your daughter says, she says, I truly believe it's God's plan. Absolutely. This is good. This is what's supposed to be. So from the word go. My family was supportive, the sacrifices that we all together made, but Anyway, the sacrifice was I would be out for a week. I'd be home for 10 days. I'd be out for two weeks. I'd be home for two weeks. You know, it. There was a real good balance there. And it was through all the pitches ministry, no matter how busy we were. There was one time we were busy. We were, we were out for like three and a half weeks. And we ended up firing our manager because he was booking other dates for us. We were in Europe. And looking forward to coming home after very, I mean, like I said, we were out there like three weeks. For us that was like for ever and looking forward to coming home. He said, Oh, internet, we've got another two weeks in the US now we couldn't turn him down. We fired him up. So Wow. So it was very important. It was very important for us to keep that that family unit together.

John Matarazzo:

That's awesome. I mean, that's, that would be really hard to do. Because you're seeing success. People want you to play in their venues. And then to say, you know what, our family still comes first.

John Schlitt:

Yeah, we have to it we saw it not only it was like getting refueled going on the road grand I'm with I'm with five other Christians for the Christmas. I it's not like I don't have great fellowship. But you need to go you need teaching you need the church you need. You need your family, you need that, to have that. That strength that only comes from being from living a godly life. And by that I mean church, and family, all these relationships that are important also to make you function in a godly way.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah, so what were some of your favorite things to do as soon as you got home, to be with your family again?

John Schlitt:

A lot just to sit, sit in my chair and what my kids go nuts. And then my wife would tell me while the boys did this, and the boys did that the boy and you need to talk to them about that. Oh, babe, give me a break we're at but it's that that's life, you know? Yeah. Is that my favorite? That's what I remember, you know, having a fantastic home cooked meal. But my wife's a ridiculous cook. Oh, my God, just life, you know, just living your life. I'm not a real you know, I'm on the road so much. I'm around people so much when I come home, I'm home. I don't go anywhere. I don't do anything. So that sort of stuck. And even now, when I'm not touring that much, I'm still home working on furniture or, you know, just just sort of by myself and my kids are learning that too. And they're sort of the they're sort of the loners do. So I have to almost get permission to come and talk to them. They're all they're all learning the same thing I taught him. I'm not happy about that. But that's

John Matarazzo:

Yeah. So you've made mention of fixing furniture and some of your other hobbies there. You can we talk a little bit about what you're doing now Since...

John Schlitt:

Oh, yeah.

John Matarazzo:

You said Petra retired officially 10-15 years ago.

John Schlitt:

Yeah. But that doesn't mean you know, when Petra retired, I went in my solo career. Right. I now have six solo records, including a Christmas album, which I love. It's called the Christmas project, you need to go sled shop and get it. It's a fantastic record.

John Matarazzo:

I'll make sure to put a link in the show notes for that so people can

John Schlitt:

get we got it got to it's one of those records that is timeless. It will always be perfect for this time of the year. If you like an exciting Christmas collection that still honors the spirit of Christmas music. It's a good record. Anyway, I'm busy doing that I worked. I did a album with Billy smiley a couple of years ago called the US citizen saints. And actually after this interview, I'm going to go have a have a luncheon with Billy to talk about the next record. I work with Jay sekulow band which is amazing band have a ball with that. And I have something called john slit mysteries, which now the name is staged to build it ministry bld slash it with that ministry. I've been working on it major project for the last year and a half, helping an old friend who was very independent, very successful, who could not sick and was sick for like two and a half years with a blood disorder or something that she did have no idea. And it turned her almost into a homeless person. I didn't realize it until I went over to bring something over that she needed and go what is happened to you and she explained to me. So I said john Shalit ministries has to dive into this and it turned into a year and a half project, which I'm hoping to finish the end of this November. In that time period. I've watched her discover what was going on. Physically. She's getting over that. She's overcoming the depth that she was forced to be in. Her life changed between Because of doing this rebuilding your home, getting or basically rebuilding your home because it really had fallen into disorder, it was a major project. And it's not exactly what Joshua ministries was designed to do initially. But that was a need that came. And so it has developed into that. Still with the focus of wanting to go out and do concerts for free, have the churches or whoever is doing charge ticket prices and put it towards a project, local need, like if a church needs a new roof. A needy family needs a rebuilt bathroom. That was my focus originally. But you know, God opens doors and so John Schlitt ministries are building ministries has really become a very important part of my life. I don't tour as much I tour more selectively,

John Matarazzo:


John Schlitt:

I'm more selected by tour. But but it also just gives me time to be busy with that. And as you know, praise God, God's got plans for further sounds he's getting most with my voice, and with the skills as far as building and as long as I use them as long as I make them as efficient as possible. It's a beautiful we live.

John Matarazzo:

Absolutely. You know, I'm very glad that even though you're selective in where you've toured, now, you've selected to be at our studios a couple times. And we got to do a great living room concert with you. I think the first time that we met you were promoting your Christmas album. Yeah, we did a whole bunch of Christmas stuff Yeah,

John Schlitt:

Every once in a while I go back to touTube I think its's on YouTube. Go back and watch that. That's really That was fun. It you're, you all have always been very kind to me. And I really, I like your setup. I like your people. That's why yesterday we did it took her interview. Was it yesterday, a day before?

John Matarazzo:

Two days ago? But yeah,

John Schlitt:

two days. time travels for me. Yeah, as one of my songs. I keep slipping away. Yeah. But anyway, it was fun. It's always fun to to hang out with you all, even if even if it's on the screen, which, yeah, seems to be the way to do it anymore. But

John Matarazzo:

I prefer to be, you know, over over a table with a shared meal. That's one of my best ways that I like to that. Yeah,

John Schlitt:

especially gold n coral, you know, they don t exist anymore. You know, find a lot of people argue about tha. But yea

John Matarazzo:

I know. For me, I've been at this point, when we're recording us. I've been in TV now for eight and a half years. And that dinner was one of my favorite memories that I've had from it's in there. It's it's up there, john, it really is.

John Schlitt:

That I am.

John Matarazzo:

Absolutely. So, you know, the one of the main purposes of this podcast and these conversations that I like to have is I want to learn from other people's experiences and their walk with the Lord. And I know that just like the story of the road to him is how the disciples were walking with Jesus, but we're just unaware. And until Jesus sat down at the table with them, he bless the food and broke the bread and then poof, he was gone. Luke 24:32.

John Schlitt:

Well, they will he opened their eyes just before he did.

John Matarazzo:

He did You're right. You're very right. They turned to each other at that point and said, weren't our hearts burning within us along the way as he was revealing the scriptures to us? And so john, what's it along the way moment in your life where your heart was burning, but you didn't realize it until you look back?

John Schlitt:

I think it's funny. You said, I think the Josh McDowell Petra tour, that was a journey Actually, it was like two or three tours together. Okay, it was this means war on fire, Petra praise of one and beyond belief that it covered that whole area that was about that was about a three or four year period. And we toured with Josh, actually, I think two or three different major things he was doing. And it was always good for both of us. And looking back on it now, as he was doing his his altar call, watching how the altar calls worked with us. I every time I think about that, that burns in me. Yeah, that that's like, Oh, God, thank you so much. Thank you so much. And, and you know, life is life. And even now, I mean, there are times when when I will say burning, but it's like as a reminder of how how cool God is how, how he works. You know, I'm saying it every time you think there's a coincidence. realize that's not a coincidence. That's God. Yeah, he's in charge. He has a plan. And as we look at it, I guess the only way we could see God's plan is 2020. When we look back and say, Oh, that was cool. Oh, that's cool. That you know, that's, that's it. That really, I think is the only time we're ever going to see God's God. Work, personally is when we look backwards. Yeah. Because we function daily. We're not smart enough, you know, we're not, I don't care if you're the Pope, we're not spiritual enough to understand what God's doing at that moment. Now, maybe people will argue with that. I'm totally cool with that. I hope I'm wrong. But I know in my case, pretty much when I see God's word, because I have to look back and go, Oh, that's what you are. That's what you're saying. And now tell you what you go through that. And that's pretty encouraging. That's a, that's a very encouraging time. Oh, very encouraging. feeling. I won't say that there aren't times when I'm walking along or doing something. And also, I get a real exciting feeling inside. Like, for instance, when I when I finished my record, and I listened to the whole thing completed, and didn't necessarily do everything on purpose things just spell it together. And when you listen to it, oh, that is cool. That really makes a lot of sense. And as a Christian, I know who to give the credit to, right? It's a pretty warm feeling. It's I don't know if that's like, Oh, I'm successful, or, wow, this was God. So I want to give God credit for every warm feeling I have. I just don't I just don't want to go. I don't want to be so spiritual that oh, I walked through the door. I didn't get killed. That's God. Yeah. Which it is, but it is. But you know, yeah, I want to give him credit for everything. But as far as those warm fuzzies those amazing feelings, those, they're hard to describe, and they're hard to hit. They're hard to identify all the

John Matarazzo:

while I hope that we can improve at at realizing what's going on a bit sooner than sometimes having to look back. In hindsight hindsight. Yeah.

John Schlitt:

Oh, yeah. I pray I pray for it every day. Yeah, I really do. I, again, our major prayer now who put in our quiet time with my wife, and I is, Lord, just help us to make this as each new challenge comes our way each day. Help us to make the decision that pleases you. And if you do that, man, you're walking God's plan, you can't do better than that. Really, I think all of us should understand that God's in control. And as each new decision comes our way, and life is an endless amount of decisions every day, should I get up? Should I go through this door? Do I need to eat now? Or should I wait? Believe it or not? Every one of those decisions is a god plan. And what I want to do is make sure I go through the the best path for that day in God's plan. And that you live that way you can't go wrong.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah, for sure. You know, john, if you could have a time machine and go back and visit your younger self. And give yourself a piece of advice, encourage yourself with something, what version of john, would you go back to speak to? And if you could just kind of paint that picture of what's happening in that scene? And what it is that you need to tell young john?

John Schlitt:

Okay. It's funny, okay, this has more to do finances, okay.

John Matarazzo:

It's still a valuable lesson no matter what it is.

John Schlitt:

Okay, I would go to john just before the no doubt tour, and I'd say, cancel it. Cancel no doctor, just do the just do the Six Flags shows, go to all the people are counting Honestly, I'm sorry. I will try to make it up to another way. But this tour is going nowhere. And we need to cancel it right now. That would have saved me about 10 years of recovering of financial bondage that that was a major learning curve that I would have preferred not learning. That's the first tour, I took over responsibility with Petro and all the decisions were mind. And I thought with my heart rather than my head cost my my wife and I about 10 to 11 years of financial burden, major burden, and I had to prefer not going to that. Okay, now, let's go back into the heady days. You know, it's almost one of the things well, if I didn't go through that, would I have the desire to it I developed in those heavy states, even the drugs and the alcohol. That was wrong. And all the decisions I made were absolutely sinful and terrible. But it helped build me to be to know what I'm talking about in the Petri here, right? Right. I would have preferred not going through that. But as I look back, I say praise God, thank you for using that terrible time. And how and teaching me to where I can make a difference now. So what what do you do you go back and say, Oh, I want to be totally clean. I want to be different. And then you go, well, you're not much worth much now then. So you got to be careful making those kinds of, you know, God had a plan. He let me go through that. I made the decisions if it was my choice, but he had his hand on me even back then when I really wasn't a Christian, to use it for the next 20 years with Patreon, so it's hard to say I again, the only spot in my life at this point was saying, Go cancel the no doubt area that that was it. Oh, and also, and during that time period I was if I would have changed personnel, when one person I would, I would have kicked them out of the band so quickly, the major headspin that's the deaths you wanted to know.

John Matarazzo:

I appreciate the honesty about that, John, that's, uh, you know, I think that's the first time I've had somebody really focused in on a financial decision. But I know in my life, there's been financial decisions that I've made that I've been like, Man, I wish I would have saved that money instead of spending it on this thing or, or I would have shot I would have made that investment when I had that opportunity. And, but it's interesting to know that God does work, things work all things out together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes,

John Schlitt:

it truly taught my wife and I a lot of the a lot of humbling. We really had to cut corners. And it affected Petra a little bit because I really was under bondage. You know, I still in charge of the light, Petra, and Petra still had to keep, we still had to go out with a quality that would not be disappointing to anyone. And so it was a major, major balancing of, of budgets here and there, I learned a lot I really did. And, again, I would prefer not going through it because it really couldn't. My wife and I had a lot of a lot of hassle. And and it was, it was a scary time. Sure. But you know, I can look back at it now and say, Well, I learned this, listen this. And that's cool. But I also learned, I wish I hadn't done it. And I wish I could say Oh, I wish I could have done this. And it would have been spiritually better for that. But in that even in that teaching that that's God's teaching. And it's just, I made that dumb move. And I did it because again, I thought was my heart rhythm my head and I should have been wiser. Yeah. So those are all lessons. Those are all lessons that we learned. And the no doubt to it. Fantastic. Nobody can. So which is a shame, because that album, I think, is one of the most underrated albums of Petra ever did. When we did our last farewell tour, we actually would we'd sign after every show, and we would sign probably longer than the show. Wow. Because it was able to say thank you in this Senate, and we knew that would happen. And people would come say, Man, I love this song list. And believe it or not, no doubt, was one of the major songs that people have albums that people have mentioned. Of course, it makes beyond belief in pepperfry wanting to, but they also had mentioned no doubt and this mentor, so and all the others I mean, guys, you start talking about he said this out, oh yeah, this out. Or this out? You know, it's but for me, I think probably the top five albums was this means or beyond belief, no doubt. And the two petrichor, Aesop's Those were my Those are my babies, all the other fantastic. But I saw. So the one tour that was one of the finest records. It was it was my first tour, and I made a lot of dumb mistakes. And and I hope I hope it didn't, it didn't shorten the longevity of Petra, because it was an awesome responsibility. And I just hope I did the ministry. Well.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah. Well, I mean, Petra was around officially for a while. So that was that's a good thing. And God still use that. And he's still using you guys in different ways. Absolutely. You know, john, one of the questions that I have to ask is, you know about a life verse, you know, for me, there's a few verses that I have that just kind of anchor me during the storms. And so what is the life verse for you that you hold on to?

John Schlitt:

So revelations 12:11, by his blood and by ou testimony, so that grant is little bit more, but I love tha phrase, by his blood. We are w have a second chance, and by ou testimony, which is th commission that God has give us, the To me, it is the majo responsibility of a Christia today. It's tell the world abou Christ. Let people know tha there's an option out ther about Jesus Christ. And becaus of the blood, we can know for fact that when we we know wher we're going when we die, an that that that is a fantasti way to live. So to me, I mean there's other verses that ar amazing, but for me, that is i says it all by his blood. buye testimony

John Matarazzo:

He did this now we do this. Amen. Amen. That's always really encouraging. And before we started this interview, I asked you about one of the things that you have on your wall there. It's a, I guess Aramaic, for it is finished, to tell the sky to tell the sky. Could you explain why that is an important thing for you?

John Schlitt:

Oh, my gosh, think about Christ was on the cross. People were making fun of them. Why come on down if you save everybody, you know, he was he actually suffered so much that when when the darkness came over, he basically said, Father, what, why are you forsaken me? That's Christ. God, that's God son going, Father, why you forsaken me? Oh, my gosh, and Christ knew exactly. That's how much suffering he was going through. But then when it was all said and done, he realized he had done everything he was supposed to do. But word had been, the word had been completed. And he said, It is finished, and bam, he chose to die at that time, he chose to shed his blood at that time, for eternity, until he comes back. So oh my gosh, is that not the most important statement that it is finished, I am complete. I had done what I supposed to do. What better words gonna be?

John Matarazzo:

That's so good. You know, and I just want to encourage people that as you're listening to this conversation that john and I are having, and you might relate to John's stories in different ways. Even if you weren't a legendary rocker, you still probably can relate to a lot of the things that he's gone through. And I just want to encourage you right now, as you're listening to this, that, no matter what the situation seems like, until Jesus said, It is finished or it is complete, there's still chance for you, there is still an opportunity for you to give your life to Christ to turn it over to him. And be really let the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony be the thing that really separates you from, from the plants of the enemy, and you right now can have the opportunity to begin or renew your life with Christ. And john, would you just speak to that person and just kind of, maybe even pray for them?

John Schlitt:

First of all, I want to say why are you trying to face this world by yourself? When you have a God of the universe that already has a plan for your life, and wants to walk with you wants to go before you beside you? He has a plan. Why are you trying to do it all yourself? He loves you. But if you choose to understand that you're a sinner, and say this simple prayer father, my God, I know I'm a sinner, and I ask your forgiveness. Now, I know that I'm a sinner. And I asked Jesus come into my life, right now, I know that you will I know that you have because you said, whosoever shall call the name of the Lord shall be saved. And that that is not just words, that is true. That is how God loves you and cares for you. And if you accept Christ, as your Savior, and your teacher, getting the word because he's got amazing things to let you know about. that's relevant today. We'll open today. But you have to read that Bible, get into the word and read it, knowing that it's for today, not history. It's an instruction booklet, not a history book. And so, I pray, Lord, I just asked Lord, that to open the eyes, open the ears, open the hearts of these people that, that you want these, these creatures that are made in the image of you. And we ask right now or the to you come into their lives, and let them see, break. Satan, we bind you right now in the name of Jesus Christ, from interfering with the perfect plan that God has for each one of these people. And we thank you, Lord, for this, this media, where they may be you know, just actually fall in this nuts, that accident, you have a plan. You're listening to this program because God wants you to. It's time for you to join the family. But Jesus Christ couldn't be your life, and see what miraculous things God has for you. And we ask this in Jesus name, amen.

John Matarazzo:

Amen. Amen. JOHN, before we wrap up here, how can people find you?

John Schlitt:

actually just Google my name, but no more direct way would be be john W. slit calm. That is a website that my volunteers have done a great job. It's apparently it's a little dated right now. So we're working on that. But it works fine. It has a lot of my history in it. It has some of my woodworking it has schlitt shop, which is where you can check out my new CD to go. And in fact goes actually there, you can hear all 11 songs for free. If you like what you hear, and you want to have that part of your repertoire, and by there, if you don't, well, then nothing's been lost. And, and you're not disappointed. It's really, again, because of the volunteers that have had my life, they've really done a great job of, of being able to see what I'm doing there. It also talks about Joshua ministries. I think we changed the name yet. If we haven't, it's all new guys. So there's just a lot, there's, there's a lot there. And I think that'd be the best way.

John Matarazzo:

Absolutely, I'll make sure to put a link to that in the show notes, as well as some of your appearances on Cornerstone network. Probably the hope today episode that we were just mentioning that you did recently with us. And I'll try to put in the living room concert as well. So you can get a full hour of john in our studio. And john, I just really appreciate this time that we've been able to spend together and over the years and together today at TED just to have this conversation. So I want to thank you for allowing me to join you along your way.

John Schlitt:

Well, thank you, buddy, thank you for your time to let folks to be able to share my life with them. And that's very cool. It's always cool to share testimony. Now our problem is but next time we get together, we've got to find another buffet to go to Golden Corral stuff. Like Orential, Do you like Oriental?

John Matarazzo:

I'm good with that. I'm good with that place. We'll find a place we'll make it happen.

John Schlitt:

There you go. There you go. God bless you, my friend. And thank you and thank you for your program. This is a testimonies are wonderful thing. And they are very useful again, the people that are watching this today that didn't know it existed. There's a plan God's got there's a reason why they're listening. Praise God. Isn't that cool?

John Matarazzo:

Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed my conversation with john schlitt. It's always good to hear how Jesus has redeemed someone's story like he has with John's, I've encouraged how God brought his dream of being a musician and performer in a band back around when the time was right. God can and will do that for you too. If you want to know more about john, his music and his ministry, I'll be providing his information in the show notes. Thank you for listening to along the way. If you've enjoyed joining me along my way, please share this with a friend who you think will be encouraged by this podcast. Also, please rate and review along the way on iTunes. That helps more people discover along the way. And subscribe to this podcast wherever you're listening. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and at my website along the way dot media. I hope that you've enjoyed this part of my journey in May you realize when Jesus is walking with you along your way. Along the way is honored to be part of the charisma Podcast Network. You can find tons of spirit filled content from their vast catalogue of podcasts, including my Monday through Friday news stories for the charisma news podcast. Go to CPN to see the full list and latest episodes.

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