The Predatar Podcast

Tech Channel Evolution, Fast and Slow - Acquire, Build, Grow?

May 15, 2019 Alistair Mackenzie Season 1 Episode 2

Depending on their individual situation, there are several different ways businesses might approach IT VAR transformation. Some businesses may decide to part transform or become 100% MSP, whilst others may decide to spin out a separate business or, if the funds are available, acquire a ready-made business.  Whilst there is no silver bullet, it’s worth noting that companies who decide to try and run both models simultaneously could prolong the transformation more than it needs to, resulting in more cash being burned and the company never getting to the finish line.  

Whatever path a business decides to take, whether it’s through acquisition or building from within, an invisible force is at work - culture.  CEOs need to understand that they are the keepers of the business culture and must duly recognise and address the ‘so what’ question. 

With any change, employees across the business will ask: how does this matter to me? How will this impact my role?  Therefore, internal communication and having absolute clarity around the ‘so what’ factor is critical so that employees understand how this change matters to them as individuals.