Voices of the Walk

Professor Jeff French: Social Marketing for an Active Nation

Paths for All Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode of Voices of the Walk, Paths for All’s Communications and Marketing Officer, Deborah Fox, is joined by Professor Jeff French, thought leader in the fields of behavioural influence, Social Marketing, social communication and citizen focused programme planning and evaluation – and keynote speaker at Paths for All’s 2019 Expert Lecture.

Jeff is a visiting Professor at Brighton University and a Fellow at Kings College London University. He has published over 100 academic papers and five books as well as numerous guides and tool kits on Social Marketing, social communication, behavioural influence and other related topics. He was previously Director of Policy and Communication at the UK Health Development Agency and a senior civil servant in the UK Department of Health. In 2009, Jeff became the CEO of Strategic Social Marketing. Strategic Social Marketing’s aim is to directly contribute to programmes that will improve the quality of people's lives. It is passionate about working with and alongside people to improve the programmes, interventions and services they commission or develop to promote health and wellbeing.

Deborah caught up with Jeff while he was in Edinburgh for our Annual Expert Lecture to find out more about Social Marketing, co-production for social good and the challenges and opportunities facing us as we look to create a more active nation.