Voices of the Walk

Recognising the beauty of connecting with nature

Season 1 Episode 12

During our six-week Walking with Nature campaign, we encouraged everyone to appreciate their natural surroundings on daily walks.

From listening to and observing birds to performing small acts of kindness that keep our walking routes safe and pleasant for everyone, the campaign aimed to help people unwind and enjoy the small, simple things.

In this episode, we talk to University of Derby lecturer Caroline Harvey and PhD student Lea Barbett to explain why we can benefit from connecting with nature.

Our guests explore the history of the connecting with nature concept, human beings' innate affinity with nature, and the research behind why it can improve our physical and mental wellbeing.

We also find out more about the five pathways to connecting with nature.

They also suggest ways in which people can notice and connect with nature every day, either when out on walks or staying indoors.