From the Horse's Mouth

Season 2 Episode 2: Can a political disagreement be friendly? (Part 1)

October 29, 2020 Providence Day School Season 2 Episode 2

In a politically-polarized era, is it possible for two politicians on opposite sides of the fence to have a friendly disagreement? We put that question to the test by inviting two Charlotte City Council members to have a discussion with the officers of the nonpartisan SPAM (Students for the Political Advancement of Mankind) club. Hear from Democrat Braxton Winston, an at-large member and PD parent, and Republican Tariq Bokhari, whose District 6 includes the campus of Providence Day, in a discussion with students moderated by host Jay Barron. There was so much to discuss, it took up TWO episodes! In Part 1, the student questions tackle COVID-19 pandemic response, health care, and election security.