Your Best Day Yet

The Power Of "Yet"

Eric Guy Episode 103

In this episode, CVO Eric Guy talks with Faith Guy about the power of dropping the phrase "I can't" and replacing it with "not yet." They discuss how a patient and persistent mindset can overcome even the most difficult circumstances.

Key Takeaways:

1. The power of yet is really defeating the power of can’t - but rather “it’s just not happening yet”.

2. There is a difference between I “have” to do something, or I “get“ to do something.  

3. It’s your choice to change your mindset for the day. 

4. You have the power to make others have a great day. 

5. Everyday you show up you get to have the choice to be the student you want to be, the friend you want to be, and be whatever person you want to be. 


1. The power of yet is really defeating the power of can’t.

2. You’re not there yet, but you will be.

3. The choice that you make when you wake up defines your entire day - you can make this day whatever you want it to be.

4. Even though you’re in the dirt, you can still be planted into something beautiful. 

5. Don’t doubt your yet. 

Make this your best day yet!

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Center for Victory's podcast of your best day yet here at Center for Victory. We're here to help unlock, reinforce, and enrich relations through personal professional development. I'm Eric Guide, chief Victory Officer back again for the second round with our Chief Joy Officer, uh, miss Faith guy. Um, faith has, uh, gotten back into doing some things with us lately. You see your most, uh, often on our Monday morning mojo's, which everybody loves July. Um, great way to start off our Monday. But, uh, now that she's back and she's got a, a job, she's only living a few miles away. Um, and she's a little bit more settled in her role. Little we can get her back for, for some good commentary like this. So today I think we'll just, uh, step in a little bit and talk about, uh, what we call the power of yet, and just to give all you, uh, that are listening and watching just a little kind of look into this is really the power of yet is, you know, really defeating the power of can or I can't do something, uh, as opposed to really saying, Hey, look, it's not happening yet. All right. So it's just like a par a little paradigm shift, but a lot of times we don't do it. I think we hear it, uh, from a lot of kids hear it from a lot of parents. I even hear it from a lot of professionals. I can't do that. Can't do this, can't do that. Right. Well, um, I don't get to do it yet. So, um, why don't you start off with maybe just giving an example, if you can think of an example from your life of that difference between Ken yet, or maybe you came at it for a while, it can't mm-hmm.<affirmative> and then turned it to yet, or just real quickly notice that you were doing it and turned it. So

Speaker 2:

I think back to gymnastics, like anybody who's ever been in the sport or done an instrument or, you know, even just had to try at something, understands this concept pretty well because it kind of makes or breaks you your mindset with, well, I can't do this. Okay, that's already been decided. Like, you're not going to do it. You cannot do it. But I remember being afraid of doing a full on the floor, a full twist on the floor, and my coach was like, oh, you're, you're not there yet, but you're gonna be there. You're getting there.

Speaker 1:

So that's a full twist in the air.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. It's a back,

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Back twist I should say. Yeah. So, and I was horrified because I just hated twisting because I used to get confused in the air of like, which one's my right and left? And that's, we've talked about my design here before, but you know, I'm like, oh crap, I don't know which one's which. And I'd like turn halfway to the right and turn halfway to the left. And I was just so frustrated. And I just remember looking at my one coach and saying, oh, I just can't do it. Like, I'm just not made for this. He was like, yikes, first off, you're wrong. He, he probably didn't say yikes, but it was pretty close<laugh>. And he was like, well, you get to learn how to do this. Like you're not there yet, but you will be. And I just remember hearing that and I literally had like went up there and did the exact thing. I fell on my face again. I fell on my face. It's not like an immediate right thing. It is. You have to wait and you have to work for it. Like, it's not dismissing the fact you have to work for something and you've worked really hard for it, but it's admitting to yourself that, oh, I'm not there yet, but I will be. There's always room to improve. And eventually I did get the skill and then I competed it and it was fine. It was perfectly fine because I didn't have it yet, but working out allowed me to get there. So,

Speaker 1:

No, it's great. It was more fine fun. Yeah. So yeah, I mean this whole idea, I mean that's a great example. Uh, but this whole idea of um, we always talk a lot about, and this goes through life and this is in, you know, professionally even the difference between I have to do something versus I get to do something. Yeah. That is a big shift because it's like, you know, even like with my work, like I can get up every morning and say, oh, I have to do this. Yeah. Like that's not a good place to start. Yeah. It really isn't. Like, cuz if I have to do it, then it seems like a chore. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Now granted I want to be doing something I love to do. Right, right. Which I do. But still changing that mindset is like, I get to do this. I really, sometimes it's like, man, I get like this, I get to do a podcast with my daughter. Like how cool is that? Right. Um, I get to do that. I get to help people. I get, I get to have a call with somebody earlier before we started recording this mm-hmm.<affirmative> that was just filled with hope again. That was miserable. And it's like ready to just go out and conquer the work. I get to do those things. And that's changing, you know, that's changing lives. It might be one person at a time, it might be a little thing, right. Yeah. But I get to do that as such a mind shift, um, between that and I have to,

Speaker 2:

And I think that comes with your choice. Like the choice that you make when you wake up defines your entire day. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And that's kinda like what you were saying too, and this idea of like can't versus yet have to versus get to like, it's your choice. If you want to have a good day, it's your choice. If you wanna be successful at the end of the day, of course it's going to be hard. I'm not trying to dismiss that fact. Nothing ever goes the smooth path you think it's gonna be, there will be bumps, there will be whatever on your path, on your trail. You might not even be on the right trail sometimes, but like the fact that you can just wake up and have the ability to say, oh, I can make this day whatever I want it to be, is just often taken for granted. Like, I take that for granted all the time, especially when it's a Monday morning and my mojo is not fully there.<laugh>, I'm waking up going to school and I'm like, oh man, if they talk over me today, if I have to repeat myself more than three times, I'm gonna be so bad. But, you know, I get to know these students, I get to know the people I work with. I get to learn how to unj the copier, you know, even just like the little things. But it's fun because eventually I can help somebody else do it. And

Speaker 1:

It's That's right.

Speaker 2:

And it's like the little things and it, a lot of times I think people get maybe annoyed, who knows? I try to, you know, block it out with being optimistic. But you know, it's your job. Yeah. If you want to have a good life, you have to make it. If you want to do something, get there. You might not be there yet, but you'll get there. You have to work at it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And like with your, with your students, much like with anybody that I would work with, but like your students, you know, if you get mad and frustrated with them because they, they they're not getting it. That's why they're coming to you. They're coming for you to teach it. That's like me getting mad at somebody, which I've seen other people do. Like you get mad and frustrated. Why can't that person know that? Well I wouldn't have a job if they didn't know how to do that. It's like, what the,

Speaker 2:

If they start coming to me teaching,

Speaker 1:

I how. Yeah. So, which would be great and that's what you ultimately want. But you know, a lot of times we just not yet. Yeah. We, we, yeah. Just not yet<laugh>, but I mean, you know, to, to look at that and just say, you know, I get to do this or get to do that. Yeah. I mean, whether it's in, and sometimes you have to, you know, really get in that mindset. Like when you wake up in the morning, oh, I have to get out of bed, I can actually get out of bed. There's some people that can't. Yeah. You know, and that's, a lot of times that's what I'll do. Like, especially if I'm feeling sorry for myself when I'm traveling. Um, you know, I'll look at somebody, you know, sometimes I'm just so tired, my legs are hurt and you know, I've been on a couple planes during the day and I see somebody who's got a smile on their face that, you know, might be pushing themselves in a wheelchair or walking on crutches. I'm like, whoa, wait, like let me not complain here. Right. Because they made a choice, one to be happy and two, to get through this crazy airport, you know, uh, not just on two things. So they either have to have some kind of assistance and that's when I really look at that and say, wow, you know, I get to do this.

Speaker 2:

Right. Yeah. And like my students come from such different backgrounds and home lives and even just like belief systems. And it's crazy that like when they come in my room, I have the power to make it a good day for them because not only am I teaching them math or ELA or whatever, I'm also teaching them life skills and social skills and you know, everything under the sun, I'm teaching them while they're teaching me. So it's not like, and they don't make that choice to, they're not like, oh hey, I'm just gonna teach this guy how to do this today. It's, you know, it's, they just do it because they're who they are. But I'm making the choice every day to say, okay, even though they might drive me just a tad bit crazy sometimes I get to teach them. I get to shape them and do the person that they're gonna be. I get to watch them be successful someday.

Speaker 1:

So it's not only a big difference for us. Yeah. It's a big difference for other people. Hey, just a real quick sidebar. Yeah. Here, um, when you're not feeling good on Monday mornings, you ever watch your own

Speaker 2:

Mojos? Yeah. Okay. You know, it's worse. It's when I go to work and people darn it, you know, and I have a<laugh>, I have a room mess. I call it my room, my hashtag room message in the back cuz I tweeted it a lot of the time or I try to. But, um, and the one day I put up the quote from the mo that I just watched and the are like, maybe the quote, I'm like, oh, I of course you'd say that. So it's always so you like, don't want

Speaker 1:

It did happen. And you have, uh, speaking of that, and this would be a good, good way to end it, if you can remember, I know I didn't prepare you for this, but great. Um,

Speaker 2:

I get to answer this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. To answer this, um, with limited knowledge. Um, maybe you have the knowledge. I just don't know if you can remember, but you had one of those board messages about the difference between have to and get to. Do you remember it or not?

Speaker 2:

Like was it on my letter board or was it one of my room messages?

Speaker 1:

I can't

Speaker 2:

Remember. Cause I, I just had a room message about every day you show up, you get the choice to be the student you wanna be, be the friend you wanna be. Yeah. And even if you're not there yet, someone, I don't know, it was probably is, you know, very poetic. Yeah. But, but I just remember when I talked about it with the students, they were like, I don't understand that. And it was like, you know, it is hard to understand that you do, like, you literally have the free will to be whatever person you wanna be. Why not be great to yourself? Why not be great to other people especially. Yeah. And I think oftentimes it's a lot easier to be mean. Like it costs nothing to be mean, but it costs nothing to be nice to you. Just get the choice. But I'm, you know, allowing them to say, okay, I don't understand this. Let's work through it. Here's my room message today. We had one the other day. It was from a children's book that was like, sometimes you have to be in the dirt to realize that there are other things that are beautiful. I can't remember exactly what it was mm-hmm.<affirmative>. But they loved it. I kept it up for a few days. They loved it. And I think that's kind of what this mindset shift is, is even though I'm not there yet, I'm in this dirt. I could eventually be planted in something beautiful. So that's kind of what this change is. You know what, even though seeds are not as pretty as flowers, you have to start with the seed. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> to get to the flower.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Long winded way of saying you, you're not there yet, but you

Speaker 1:

Will be okay. Not yet. Right.

Speaker 2:

You can't doubt you

Speaker 1:

Yet. Right. That's a great way. That's that's great. That's a great way to end it. You can't doubt you yet. Wow. I like that. I'm have to write that one down. Use for Monday. So good way to end. Um, you know, and I just thought of something as we're talking about, you know, with you here now, you know, I get to be happy. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, I get to express joy. So let's remember that as we go into this week, you know, whenever you're listening to this or you're going into a weekend, doesn't matter when, but you know, we get to be happy. We get to choose joy. Um, we get to, to go out there and make a difference. So, um, it's all for today. Uh, keep us in mind, give us a light, subscribe to the channel if you'd like to. You can find And just remember, wherever you're at, whatever you're doing, make this your best day yet. We'll see you soon.