Your Best Day Yet

Lessons From Buddy

Center For Victory Episode 105

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer Eric Guy talks with Chief Joy Officer, Faith Guy about the lessons we can learn from Buddy, from the movie ‘Elf’ and how we can share some holiday cheer even through these difficult times!

Key Takeaways:

  • Do you have a word of the year? Faith’s word of the year was ‘joy’ and having a joyful mindset everyday.  Be joyful for existing, breathing and getting opportunities.
  • There is so much power in giving specific compliments to others.
  • Step outside of your comfort zone, do one thing for somebody today.
  • If you can refine what your purpose is, you give yourself a second chance to have a purposeful life.
  • If we’ve lost our way, focus on the simple steps of being a good person, a good neighbor, and a good friend.
  • Find your joy in the small things
  • Treat everyday like a holiday


  • ‘Treat everyday like Christmas’ ~ Buddy
  • ‘You have such a pretty face, you should be on a Christmas card.’ ~ Buddy
  • ‘You can sing alone, you can sing in front of people; there is no difference.’ ~ Buddy
  • ‘The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.’ ~ Buddy
  • ‘They just lose sight of what’s important in life, it doesn’t mean they can’t find their way.’ ~ Santa to Buddy
  • If you can refine what your purpose is, you give yourself a second chance to have a purposeful life. ~ Faith
  • Find your joy in the small things. - Faith