Your Best Day Yet

Whole By Nutrition

February 06, 2024 Eric Guy Episode 157
Your Best Day Yet
Whole By Nutrition
Show Notes

In this week’s podcast episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy,  is joined by Elsa Martin, a Certified Advanced Clinical Weight Loss practitioner. Discover practical tips for achieving your healthiest self and unlocking the secrets to motivating positive change.

- Transform your life with a simple step: Eliminate sugar. It’s shockingly 10x more addictive than cocaine.
- Steer clear of seemingly “healthy” convenience foods. Unmask the marketing hype and make informed choices for your well-being.
- If you can’t recognize an ingredient, your body won’t either.
- If you want to make changes, find your motivator.
- Treat food as your fuel; shift your mindset towards cultivating nourishing habits that sustain your well-being.
- Sustainability matters! Opt for choices that align with your, and your family’s, long-term health goals.
- Don’t allow stress to derail your healthy habits and sap your energy.

- “Slay the sugar dragon.”
- “If you don’t recognize an ingredient when you’re reading it, your body isn’t going to either.”