Silence No More


September 26, 2019 Olivia and Ashley

Today we talk to two nurses about what to expect during a SANE Exam (Sexual Assault Nursing Examiner). 

NOTE: Since this recording, a few changes have been made to the SANE Exam processes. In July of 2021, the senate passed SB 71 and SB 94 which improves how Sexual Assault Kits (SAKs) are handled and that establishes a SAK tracking system, respectively.

SB 71 creates clear time frames for law enforcement to collect a SAK from medical facilities and to submit it the state Crime Lab for testing. SB 94 creates a SAK tracking system, providing survivors with the ability to obtain information about the location and status of their SAK.

Survivors are allowed to choose if they would like to report the sexual assault to law enforcement or not. Even if they are not reporting to law enforcement, they can still have a SANE done and a Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) taken. Once the kit is taken, it will be taken to storage where the survivor has 10 years from when the kit is collected to report to law enforcement if they choose to.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Bolton Refuge House at 715-834-9578.

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