Enthusiastically Los Angeles

Paul Audley

May 15, 2020 Glenn Gritzner/Paul Audley Season 1 Episode 7

Film LA might be one of the most important agencies you've never heard of. Why?  Because nearly everything that gets filmed in Los Angeles has to be approved and permitted by them.  

Heard anything about "runaway production" (ie, the economic loss from filming that happens in other states)?  It's partly Film LA's job to fix that by making it easier and simpler to film here.

Helicopters flying under freeway overpasses?  Cars racing in the LA River?  Creating a train wreck in Downtown Los Angeles?  All facilitated and figured out and permitted and managed by Film LA.  

But this isn't just a podcast about what it's like to be charge of film permitting in Los Angeles (though that would certainly be interesting enough).  It's also Paul's story - and it's not one you'd probably expect.  To wit: before taking this job, he had had never worked in entertainment, never worked in filming, and never been to Los Angeles.  How the heck did that happen?  Take a listen and find out.