Our State - South Australia

14/10/2019 - 114 - South Australia’s exciting arts and culture sector

DPC Communications Episode 114

The State Government’s recently released Arts and Culture Plan South Australia 2019-2024 includes six goals to promote the role of arts and culture in the lives of South Australians.

The Arts Plan sets out the Vision: To Dream. To Explore. To Create. Leading to new pathways and horizons with arts and culture as central to the success of South Australia and the Mission: To guide the growth of and investment in the State’s leadership in the arts and cultural sector

Two organisations which contribute to the arts and culture sector in South Australia are the OzAsia Festival and Carclew.

The 13th annual OzAsia Festival begins this week and will feature 850 artists from more than 20 countries in an engaging line-up of boundary-pushing works across everything from music, theatre and dance to film, literature and visual art.   

Carclew - which won the 2018 Ruby Award for Best Work, Event or Project for Young People - is the largest youth arts organisation in South Australia. It brings the very best of multi-art programming to children, teenagers and emerging artists across the state, especially those with the least access.

Hear more about the plan from the Director of Arts South Australia Jennifer Layther who joins OzAsia Festival Artistic Director Joseph Mitchell and Carclew Chief Executive Tricia Walton for a discussion on SA’s exciting arts and culture sector.