Our State - South Australia

09/12/19 - 122 - Growth State

DPC Communications

The State Government, in consultation with industry, has identified areas of growth and how it can help unlock and accelerate business expansion and job creation. 

In this episode of Our State, Tourism, Trade and Investment Minister David Ridgway explains how nine priority sectors have been identified as focus areas because of their strong potential to meet increasing interstate and global demand, attract investors and leverage comparative advantages.

Businesses, researchers and other influencers are sharing their ideas and thoughts on how to best ensure the growth of our state, resulting in the development of an industry-led strategy for each of the nine sectors: 

Defence industry; Space industry; Hi-Tech; Food, wine and agribusiness; International education; Tourism, energy and mining; Health and medical industries and Creative industries.

More detail: https://www.growthstate.sa.gov.au/