Our State - South Australia

20/4/20 - 132 - How SA’s agriculture industry is responding to COVID-19

April 20, 2020 DPC Communications Episode 132

The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on many agricultural industries and primary producers in South Australia.

All agricultural industries and related businesses across the food supply chain have been declared an essential service. This includes:

  • trucks and freight services carrying food and produce
  • feed, hay, fertilizer and other agriculture products
  • veterinary and animal health/welfare services
  • people who have skills that are critical to agricultural or primary industries and who need to be physically present in South Australia
  • farmers with properties on either side of the border. 

With interstate and international travel all but stopped and restaurant and hotel restrictions in place, our food and beverage manufacturers and farmers have needed to adjust quickly to reach consumers. 

On this episode of ‘Our State’, Chair of Primary Producers SA, and Chair of the South Australian Oyster Growers Association Rob Kerin and CEO of Food South Australia Catherine Sayer discuss the effects on exports, employment and food security.