Our State - South Australia

11/5/20 - 135 - Wellbeing SA’s new strategy: Open Your World

DPC Communications Episode 135

South Australia’s Open Your World wellbeing strategy - focussing on mental, physical, social, and community wellbeing - was recently launched. 

It concentrates on five priority areas:

  • promoting the opportunities and benefits of sport and physical activity
  • creating connections through arts and culture
  • encouraging use of green spaces in recognition of the health, wellbeing and environmental benefits
  • supporting learning and skill development
  • connecting people in their local communities and neighbourhoods.

The Open Your World website is a one-stop shop for how to improve your wellbeing with a range of simple activities for the whole family as well as information about services available.

On this episode of ‘Our State’, the Chief Executive of Wellbeing SA Lyn Dean talks about the strategy as well as the My Home Hospital program helping patients in metropolitan Adelaide receive their hospital treatment at home.

Visit the Open Your World website at www.openyourworld.sa.gov.au.