Rev. Megan Snell Sermons

Sabbath (S 4, Ep 4): Find Rest for Your Souls, Rev. Megan Snell

October 11, 2019 Rev. Megan Snell Season 4 Episode 4

How do we develop habits in our lives that contribute to our spirit's well-being?
What does it mean to be a human being rather than a human doing?
What is "restorative self care" and what is "indulgent self care" and why do we need to engage in both?

From the sermon:
God wants us to practice Sabbath. 
But to do so, we need to build habits that make that practice sustainable. 
We need to become accustomed to putting on our own oxygen masks first. 
But, what if you don’t know what your oxygen mask even looks like? 
Start with thinking about self care (restorative and indulgent) and go from there. 

This week I’m going to ask you to try three things. If you have a pen handy, jot them in your bulletin. If you have notes on your phone put them there. If you are better at remembering things than I am, just listen.:

  1. Remember that you are human and God is God: Try not to get those mixed up because as soon as you do, things will fall apart. You are a human BEING not a human DOING. 
  2. Put on your oxygen mask first: Notice when you are trying to secure everyone else’s oxygen mask before your own. Stop. Secure your own first. 
  3. Practice self care (both types: Think about what in your life is restorative self-care and what is indulgent self care. Try some of each. Remember that you are worthy of both. 

Practice restorative and indulgent self-care. Secure your oxygen mask first. You are human, not God.

Preacher: Rev. Megan Snell, MDiv., Pastor, Nahant Village Church (UCC)

Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30

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Preached September 22, 2019