Rev. Megan Snell Sermons

Communication and Civil Discourse (S 5, Ep 2): Speaking from the Heart, Rev. Megan Snell

Rev. Megan Snell Season 5 Episode 2

Do your words speak life and encouragement into others?
What does Jesus have to say about words and how we use them?

This is the second sermon in our series on communication and civil discourse here at the Nahant Village Church.

From the sermon:
So often we think our job is to speak. 
To talk. 
To fill silence and spaces with our words. 
To fix and make clean with our words. 

But, more often than not, when others bear their truth to us, 
our holy job is to witness and to use words sparingly. 
And when we do have words pass through our lips- 
let them be the words from the Holy Spirit, 
let them be words from the heart, 
let them be words of life and grace, 
let them be words that are evidence of good fruit,
love and truth. 

Out of the good that is stored up in you, 
let goodness and God’s love  flow out through the words that you speak. 

Preacher: Rev. Megan Snell, MDiv., Pastor, Nahant Village Church (UCC)

Scripture: Matthew 12:33-37 and Matthew 15:10-20

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Preached October 13, 2019