The Troubadour Podcast

Jordan Peterson's 8th Rule and Pixar Animations

Kirk j Barbera

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Peterson's 8th Rule "Tell the Truth (Or at least don't lie) is important not only for avoiding disaster but for building a new you! That's what Ed Catmul, founder and president of Pixar, did. He was honest with himself that he was not a good enough animator to become a professional. So he pursued something else: computer science. By the mid 1970s he had his PHd and his dream: to create the first feature length animation movie done completely on a computer. Of course, in 1995 he did that. But he came to another problem. Most successful companies fail by making stupid mistakes. Why do they do that? These unseen forces took down some powerful companies in his time. Catmul decided not to let that happen to his company, so instead of focusing on the technical difficulties of making better animated videos, he decided to institutionalize honesty and candor. But how do you do that? Listen to find out.