Life is Life!

#038: Crazy Car Purchase

March 27, 2020 Felipe Arevalo, Chase Peckham, Katie Utterback Season 2 Episode 12

Chase and his family recently purchased a new truck. Despite all of the research Chase put into his new truck, he ran into some difficulties just a few days after buying his new truck. Namely, a sound so jarring, he wasn't comfortable letting his kids ride in the car farther than two blocks.

In this episode, The Talk Wealth To Me group talks about why it's important to research purchases before making them and how that research time could give you some ideas to make your money go further.

So what exactly happened to Chase's new ride? You'll have to listen to the episode to find out!

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Intro:   0:09
welcome to talk wealth to me, a safe space podcast where we chat about anything and everything related to personal finance.  

Felipe Arevalo:   0:19
The information contained in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute as accounting, legal, tax or other professional advice.  

Chase Peckham:   0:31
Hello and welcome to another edition of talk wealth to me, the shooting, the financial blank addition. We find myself recording this intro in the makeshift office of my home. This episode was recorded about a week and 1/2 or so before we released it, and we are now the state of California. And most the rest of the United States and the world are in social distancing mode and work from home mode if you post possibly can. So when we recorded this episode, it was regarding large purchases, um, and impulse buying in a crazy story that happened with me and the purchase of a vehicle. And you won't want to miss how long it's been since Katie had her the last major purchase for this particular item. You don't want to miss this show. Oh, and by the way, I'm sitting here with my daughter Avery, who is learning the broadcast business. Say hi, hi stay tuned for this episode.  

Chase Peckham:   1:43
So I got it. I got one for you guys. So as we know, I was in the market kind of for the last year, Looking for a new truck. Um, and, you know, I use the word new loosely, a new truck to me. I've always been that person that very rarely will buy new cars, unless that's, like, 0% financing or something that you can find like that. But I haven't had a truck since I met my wife. And we actually had that truck for a while until my first was born. And it had seen its last days. Basically, we need a car that, you know, we weren't throwing more more more money into. That's the last time I had a truck. That waas

Katie Utterback:   2:28
how many years ago?

Chase Peckham:   2:30
Going on? 12 years now. Okay, so my wife and I, both of us, you know, my wife has a UConn. She's got a really nice car, and we've been doing this research and the car that I had before got so many miles again, like, 22 miles to the gallon and we were looking doing our research in this truck, That look that I really liked. Um, I only got, like, one or two miles to the gallon different. And I'm like, Whoa, what the hack? I really miss my truck. And so finally, we broke down and got one.  

Katie Utterback:   3:04
Oh, you did?  

Chase Peckham:   3:04
I did so excited. But research for a very, very long time trying to find the one that we wanted. Uh, this great truck bought it used at a A used one at a great, very well respected dealership up in north county of San Diego. And I owned it for one day.  

Katie Utterback:   3:24

Chase Peckham:   3:25
Yeah, and I heard some noise that would go get really loud. As I was, I went longer and it would go faster. As I sped up, it would slow down as I slowed down. And then we go away, and when I hit the brake, it would kind of go away. You gotta be kidding me. So I'm texting the salesman who happened to be this, and it was such a great experience to because usually buying a car is terrible. And this guy was super nice. It was. It was President's Day, A former major League baseball player in minor league baseball player. Not not a big name, but he does it part time. Just you know, he did it while he was in the minor leagues. And we're talking baseball. My whole family's with me. The kids are with me and that whole thing, you know, we just thought it, you know, we finally found the truck we're looking for. So any I'm like, Well, maybe he coaches baseball, so he gave us his number. He'll never do that again. So I could coach my son and I'm like, Yeah, I'd love you know, Clay would love to work with you and Clay Love talking to you. They talked nonstop about baseball, and so I texted him. Look, the car's making noise. What? What should I do? And he's like, Oh, yeah, I'll tell somebody. And so and so And we'll call it making it will make an appointment. There was a few other things, like there was keys that there was one key that didn't come with it. It's supposed to come with two keys. They couldn't find it, So we'll find it, or we'll get you a new one. Crickets, right? I don't hear anything. Okay, so text me. Look, I don't want to be this pain in the neck. He's like, Oh, no, somebody should have got a hold of you already no problem. And I'm telling you, this guy was super nice to this day. I still think it's nice. It just goes to show me that, you know, some larger corporations don't always speak to each other, and or they can slow things down. fast forward. And I'm documenting everything. Fast forward. A week and 1/2 about a week, I call finally a couple of names that he mentioned. I call her, leave her a message on a Friday afternoon. She didn't get it. She called me Monday. This was last Monday, and she says, um, hey, I just got your message. Uh, I know nothing about your truck. I and I'm like I am supervising. Oh, Okay. Well, that's all right. Well, now we do. Look, I don't I'm not even letting my kids ride in the car right now. It's making this noise. I'm not sure what's wrong, because okay, What? We need to get it in right away then. And they've been phenomenal. I'm not complaing. But all that time my mind's going Am I getting screwed? And here I am. I spent such and such amount of money on this car you've been

Felipe Arevalo:   6:01
looking for so long

Chase Peckham:   6:01
that I've been looking for for so long. And, you know, even when you're diligent and you do your your research, it's still an emotional purchase. And and I am not any different just because I do this for a living. I mean, I I know exactly what I'm going through. I knew what to do when they were saying, Hey, we could do it. This interest rate I said, I know you can do better or I'm out. So the negotiation and all that stuff I mean, we did the back and forth in the cat mouse, and you know, that's not fun. And that wasn't even with the normal sales person at that time. Now I'm dealing with the general sales manager because, you know, I get handed off once it gets down the road a little bit. You go to the numbers guy. Yeah, and they came back and you know, they knew. I don't know. I know what my try to score his guys, you can do better than that. And they came back a few different times. Not because they're bad people. It's just that's their job. Their job. Finally, get the car in. You're not going. They put me in. And then we go for a ride with the service person. And, of course, for the 1st 5 minutes there's no dice. 

Felipe Arevalo:   7:02
Thing it up, please works there.

Chase Peckham:   7:03
And I'm going is the longest five minutes. Every right people know, you know. I'm going. I swear it makes this noise in there. Yeah, I believe you. Finally, we get this thing now and then stopped because Wayne, But I think I heard something. I go, yes, but it'll go. Then it came back. And then I'm like, I felt like vindicated. There's just me, right? Yeah, There's that noise that's bugging the crap out of me For the last week or so in the reason I won't let my kids in the car passed a block or two, which is not what you want. When you're buying a new car, right, it's it's It only has 20,000 miles on it. We're not talking. You know, this car had been somebody owned it for a year and 1/2 before it was a 2019. Probably bought it in 18 as a brand new 2019. Not a lot of miles on it. Right. And he goes Okay. Yep, I got you. And so we come back in. They put me in your rental. They were super great. I mean, they're gonna take care of it. I mean, but all that time I am planning for okay, I just bought this car, and I'm thinking it's breaks in my experience. That's a noise that's coming from somewhere in the break area. I'm not a mechanic, but I've driven cars long enough and had things break on me enough to know. So we're just I'm going. Okay. Now, what if I gotta get nasty with, um and I gotta get on attorney and I have to do all these things because as much as I wrote that I will go through, You know, I signed these documents saying that I won't sue them blah, blah, blah. But I also signed a document that they know that they gave me a car that's fully functional and everything else, so they put new brakes on it. Thought it was fixed. Took it for a test ride. Started to make the same noise again.  

Katie Utterback:   8:39
Oh, no.  

Chase Peckham:   8:41
Yeah, a bent axle. So now I'm going up. Tells me this, and I just sink. My stomach's got a pit in it.

Felipe Arevalo:   8:53
You go off-roading.  

Chase Peckham:   8:55
Hey, no, thanks.  

Felipe Arevalo:   9:03
I know you. Would it

Chase Peckham:   9:05
not really my thing anymore? Um, not that it ever was since I was a kid even. Um but now I'm going. Oh, my God. I bought a wreck. And you think when you go to a great dealership, you know, it's got a great reputation that you're buying a car that when you buy a used car from that it's been certified. It is done. They've done the the whole and inspect all the inspection. Right? And they did. The difference is, though, and that's the mechanic was telling me is that they do a quick and dirty right. They go, OK, they look at it. They do all the inspections. They do, but they don't go deep, right? It's not like you 

Felipe Arevalo:   9:41
can open it up. Twin check all the component

Chase Peckham:   9:43
Dentist is looking at you, right? The doctor goes through and they check all the essentials. Look Okay, well, take this and go home. And then if it doesn't get any better, come back and we'll look deeper. What's kind of same thing with cars? It was great analogy. Same thing with a dentist, right? So I'm like, Well, he's like, No, it's bent. I go to build that It's been in an accident like, No. Once we found that out, we did a thorough look around the body of the truck because, you know, I've owned it a week and 1/2. I'm not gonna be responsible for for this, Um and because I bought it at a reputable, reputable dealership, they don't want bad publicity. It's not like I bought it off of, you know, Joe's cars. You know, that has 15 cars in it, you know, and everything. The whole place says buys as is. Little Yeah, no credit, no bad credit. No problem, right? No, I bought it from a legitimate Ford dealership in in North County and and it is proven that through all the presentations that we that we go through and do all these things that I've lived it now that it is important to buy it from places like that because they, they are going to treat. They're people, at least in my experience, through this now and all the different presentations that we've done and the stories that we've heard. I have now experienced it because I've always, always been pretty clear sailing for me, and this is the first time I went, Oh boy. And but you know, one thing I did learn to is I didn't get upset. I was very nice. I was relaxed, and I think that that kind of made them want to help me Even more is that it would be

Felipe Arevalo:   11:24
a more when you're nicer.

Chase Peckham:   11:25
Yeah, because there's nothing that's not their fault, right? You know, the salesman didn't know he was selling me something with a bent axle, and they're making it right, so I just I thought I would tell that story because, you know, we do these financial presentations all time and buying a cars. It's a it's a oh, it's not like a lot of people going to buy a car like Hey, let's just go buy a new a pair of socks, you know, they you go in the car. You think about it for a long time. There's anxiety with the purchase of research. Are we doing the right thing? Are we buying the right car and then you get it down to the guys? You're really excited now about this car, and it's everything that you wanted.  

Felipe Arevalo:   12:01
You have to check your emotions to make sure you check all the final

Chase Peckham:   12:04
You know, I was ready when I was going through the process. We almost walked away five times, right? I can't do it. That's not financially right for us, you know? And then because it was the whole I'm turning in this car. And this car's did my car that I had was gonna be It was losing its value at a rapid pace, and it was gonna lose its value faster than it was, you know, Look, these trucks, we're gonna go down in price, so I'm like, you know, now's the time, but I'm not gonna take a bath on it either. So I, you know, we negotiated and said, If you can make the numbers work, however you want to do it, I don't care if it's you give more than you know on the trade, in on my car if you want, or you lower the price on the truck. But this is what we're gonna pay for it. And this is what I know is what I think is for us gonna be the deal. And and then it all worked out. But then you run into that. But so it was financially just a crazy, crazy couple of weeks. And I think for most people, when they're gonna go buy a car, don't you just It just goes to show you don't do it emotionally. You know, you've got to be able to and buy from a reputable, reputable dealership. 

Felipe Arevalo:   13:11
You end up paying a little more, But that peace of mind without a doubt is something or it's like, Wow, cause you're right, you could encounter whether knowingly or not knowingly Ah, difficulty with the vehicle. And it could be something that even unless you're a mechanic, a lot of most of his art, you would have never been able to look at that and say you would have never seen that while you were shopping for a car. You can look it over. You can make sure there's no tears you can, but there's other things mechanically that you're not going to see him. So you do get that extra piece of mine, or at least get some kind of limited warranties of even if it's a small amount but so that you're not driving home and you encounter a problem, they be a long term financial detriment.

Felipe Arevalo:   14:04
Yeah, that there's no doubt there. That's it, I guess just it goes to show you that being diligent and being in planning out doing your research for whatever it is you're gonna purchase there, planning out your budgets and looking to buy a home and all those things it's, you know, take the baby steps and and make sure that you could be excited. There's a difference between being excited about a purchase and making it an emotional one.

Katie Utterback:   14:33
I need to work on that.  

Felipe Arevalo:   14:35
You say that Katie, but at the same time say

Chase Peckham:   14:38
you sound pretty good to me.

Felipe Arevalo:   14:38
I sit next to Katie and you did a lot of research. You do a lot of research on some of your bigger purchases, and it's you know, it maybe thinking maybe maybe you've gotten better at it. I don't know how you were before, but I don't really good at it.

Katie Utterback:   14:52
I definitely have. I just bought a new mattress.  

Chase Peckham:   14:55
That's a hard one.  

Katie Utterback:   14:57
I bought a Casper mattress to upgraded, and I actually bought it from Costco. I realize they sell Casper mattresses there, but I did research to make sure that it was still Casper mattress. Because I don't want to be fooled, you know, by the knockoff brands.  Yes, I know, but I know that brand. Whatever it costs, it doesn't do

Chase Peckham:   15:18
anything cheap. I mean, they don't,

Katie Utterback:   15:20
but, I mean, there was a reason I was looking at the Casper. So I want to follow through on that. They sell it there for $400 less than they do it to Casper store. So I went that route and yeah, but it took me about two weeks to get  AJ on board to give the final, like go like, it's okay to hit the buy button.  

Chase Peckham:   15:39
That and that's a good argument. Yeah, because for a lot of people, mattresses are after thoughts. You know, they're not fun. They're not sexy to buy, right? You're

Katie Utterback:   15:47
I mean hey, my Casper was pretty sexy, but if you think it came in a box like a burrito and it just unwrapped mattress in the box. Yeah, Yeah,

Felipe Arevalo:   15:57
have him like they haven't met some Costco's, and you just pull up and assume you lifted and pop one into your cart. Or some of them have little handles and little wheels. So you pull him around like a suitcase. Yeah. Some people. It's

Chase Peckham:   16:09
really hard for couples, especially who, like one. My wife loves it soft and kind of spongy. And I needed a little bit more firm, you know, And we didn't want the number bed. For whatever reason, I I actually did. She didn't, for whatever reason. So we had to come to an agreement, and then you know where you purchased it. You mean there's great deals on really good mattresses? And then, you know, a lot of schools now do him as fundraisers.  

Katie Utterback:   16:34

Chase Peckham:   16:35
Oh, yeah. Yeah. So there's companies that will go do showcases in a school gym or whatever, and like the purchase order something on a weekend in percentage of their sales go to for this one. That we did was a band right it was. It was the high school band and they made money on that. And we were like, Oh, we're gonna Not only do we need a mattress, but we're gonna and they have the mattresses that we want. We're going to support the band.

Katie Utterback:   16:59
When I was growing up, the band would sell like old instruments to raise money or like chocolate.  

Chase Peckham:   17:04
Somebody made a very smart business decision. Yeah, I think we actually went back in. We had buyer's remorse.

Felipe Arevalo:   17:13
Yeah. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go. Katie's right. We're actually looking probably going to get one of those box ones.

Katie Utterback:   17:18
Yeah, it's awesome.  

Chase Peckham:   17:19
Mattress in a box. Great marketing.

Felipe Arevalo:   17:21
It is just outstanding marketing. I could bring it home and my car technically, hey it off in a taxi so it's kind of convenient in that way. It's heavy, but it'll definitely fit in the back of Sarah's Subaru. But it it's just easy. Yeah, as opposed to having you don't have to have it delivered me. The hardest thing's going to go up the stairs

Chase Peckham:   17:45
if it's in a box, how do you know it's something that you that

Felipe Arevalo:   17:48
you can say that Casper store and try it.

Katie Utterback:   17:50
Okay. And you have 100 days to sleep on it.  

Chase Peckham:   17:54
Okay? So literally sleep on it. That's great. So peace of mind.  

Katie Utterback:   17:58
Yeah. Oh, uh, but he was cool because I got my Costco rewards too. So the price of the magic was just, you know, almost nothing. So

Chase Peckham:   18:06
you goto bed with a smile

Katie Utterback:   18:08
on your face. Oh, I do. Now, you guys,  

Chase Peckham:   18:11
as everybody who's married should go to bed with a smile on their face. Well, especially now, since there's three of us. The puppy in the middle of  

Chase Peckham:   18:21
my dog. Loves are bad, too.  

Katie Utterback:   18:23
I am I'm on the like five inch strip on the end. So it's nice Glad we upgraded.  

Chase Peckham:   18:31
Yeah, but I mean, isn't it amazing how just you're feeling as you go to bed, whether it's a mattress or a pillow or something like that can add to a great night's sleep, and it just does so much more for the next day. I mean, that's one of those things that you do your diligence, but you don't want to go cheap on a mattress. Is it so important to sleep? You're getting good sleep. So so so important to your health, your mind, everything

Katie Utterback:   18:54
I can already tell. It's like one of those investment kind of things.  

Chase Peckham:   18:57
Your personality talking about your mattress  you are just so giggly about your mattress kinda like I was about my truck.  

Katie Utterback:   19:06
Uh, I'm just so excited. So truthfully, the mattress that AJ and I were sleeping on This is gross, and I'm embarrassed to say it, but I'm going to I got it when I was in middle school.  Yeah, I really I really, really, really needed it. And my husband is 6'5" and we're sleeping on a queen. And so lengthwise, we did not fit. And so he would kind of sleep at an angle and then with a puppy, he would sleep on my feet. So I had this, like, little top little corner,  

Chase Peckham:   19:37
Tell me You got a king.  

Katie Utterback:   19:38
We got a king.  

Chase Peckham:   19:39
California or regular? 

Katie Utterback:   19:45
We got a regular king because a little wider, right? So I didn't know that the difference was the length of the height

Chase Peckham:   19:45
whole new world for you

Katie Utterback:   19:46
whole new world.  

Chase Peckham:   19:47
It's just sleeping heaven.  

Katie Utterback:   19:49
Except for last night, I couldn't find my puppy. He crawled underneath it. It's like his new little I don't know, but it actually, if I moved to the middle, He'll come back up and then he'll go on the end.  

Chase Peckham:   20:03
That is so funny, Oh, I'm so happy for you. That's just like it's.  

Katie Utterback:   20:09
But it was something that at first when I saw those Costco rewards, I was like, Okay, what can I blow my money on? Like, should I book another trip to Hawaii? Another, like, 300 some countdown. Like, what should I? D'oh! And I was like, OK, what do we need? And then instead of using that money on toilet paper no part of it went toward her, but it was cool, you know that. Like I needed this. I used the reward money, like toward that. So the money that I felt like I was paying it felt so minimal that, like I was Okay.  

Felipe Arevalo:   20:41
Good bargain.  

Katie Utterback:   20:42
Yeah, I'm not a bargain shopper. So I was like, Oh, my gosh.  

Chase Peckham:   20:46
But that is good. I mean, when you use rewards for things that you don't normally like to spend money on or because of me again, mattresses aren't sexy. 

Felipe Arevalo:   20:53
No one's excited about going

Chase Peckham:   20:55
No, no. And until you sleep on it and then you're like, yo, yes. Especially going from a queen to a king when you've been sharing a bed  

Felipe Arevalo:   21:03
and traditional mattress, eh? Actual. Like foam mattress.

Felipe Arevalo:   21:08
Oh, yeah, It's amazing.  

Chase Peckham:   21:10
It's eight o'clock. Let's go.  

Katie Utterback:   21:12
It's true AJ has said like Do you want to go watch a movie in bed or something? Like just tow. Enjoy it. Yeah, but the downside

Chase Peckham:   21:22
is you have a TV in your bedroom.

Katie Utterback:   21:24
We do now. We didn't have one for forever.

Chase Peckham:   21:26
I I'd love you to come back and tell me if you're going to bed or going to sleep later. Okay, then you did prior to having a to the TV bedroom because Carrie and I, the reason I say this is we had a TV when we were, uh when we were in a condo for the first number of years, and then in our first house that we rented, we had a TV in there, too. And with our house currently, our bedrooms just not set up for it, we could do it. But we also made a conscious decision to not do it. And we realized that we fall asleep and talk or talk and then fall asleep so much more than we did when we had the TV in there. Uh, and we're going to bed earlier and getting more sleep, Uh, which is interesting. And I don't know if it's just because, you know, when you watch TV, you have proven that They say that when you have electron ICS on and there's the light and the it stimulates something in the brain, which will you have make it harder for you to fall asleep? Yes, Um, and I'm sure it's the same way if you're staring at your phone before you go to bed and all those kinds of things, But I would love to know if that's something that

Katie Utterback:   22:30
well, so actually, we're very aware of that. And I didn't want a TV in the bedroom because I had read something similar that it affects your sleep and that it effects. It can create, um, problems in your relationship. So I didn't want the TV, but he did. And honestly, we've lived in this apartment now for coming up on a year. I think we leave the TV a handful of times. I'll see. Well, that's good. Yeah. So we sometimes

Chase Peckham:   22:56
you gotta just night. Fun, cozy night. Watch a movie in bed. Come tonight. That's

Katie Utterback:   22:59
truthfully, most of our what we're watching in bed is what's going on outside. Especially with the puppy or some great people watching. The cops came the other day, and there was a guy like hiding in the bed of his pickup truck. You just sat right up when they showed. Like, showed that flash. Yeah. I mean, usually watching puppy TV, I guess. Whatever he's watching that,  

Chase Peckham:   23:29
that is interesting. Well, I think that, you know, we have had some, uh, very interesting shopping experiences in the last couple weeks. Yeah, I feel What, do you buy it next?

Felipe Arevalo:   23:42
Actually, it might be. Buying a mattress is well from Costco. I still have the

Chase Peckham:   23:46
not a truck, but Hey, buddy, you go do that.

Felipe Arevalo:   23:48
Yeah. You gotta make sure that if I do go to Costco Food Court, though you bring your card, you start enforcing. That apparently has always been a rule. Oh,

Chase Peckham:   23:57
so that's interesting. I went to the Escondido Costco. Um, we spoke about that the other day. Um, but it was the first time I'd seen the court inside, so it's one of the newer ones than there's tables inside. So, like you went through the lines and there was, you go through the line and they said, Do you want a box? I'm sure I want a block. And then there's tables. Oh, yeah, all the ones I've never been to outside.  

Katie Utterback:   24:22
That's how I grew up. The tables were inside.  

Chase Peckham:   24:24

Katie Utterback:   24:24
Yeah, I'm from Minnesota. Well, it's cold. No one is cold. And then, too, we didn't have that California loophole law. Where if there's a food court or there's some law where it was the alcohol in the food court in California, you had to allow people to access it. There's something like that. It didn't apply in Minnesota. Didn't apply in D C. Maryland Virginia area.  

Chase Peckham:   24:47
From a business standpoint, I totally get it. I mean, there the food is so you know, inexpensive and and quality. They're losing money to people that aren't members

Katie Utterback:   24:58
One. Honestly, that line is so long. How how many times have you guys just don't get it

Felipe Arevalo:   25:03
away? Yeah, it's not worth it. I'm

Chase Peckham:   25:05
I talk about this and I haven't Sorry, Costco. I haven't eaten Costco food to three or four years my kids will eat. You know, my wife will get you like pizza when they were young.

Felipe Arevalo:   25:15
Steve Myers? A little. So can I have pizza? Gonna be just threw that  

Katie Utterback:   25:19
even even for the office, though I tried to order Costco pizzas for a beach bonfire. I was told No, they've reached their limit of pizzas for the day like pizza orders. So I had to go find one right here. I've

Felipe Arevalo:   25:34
seen sometimes the business Costco, because there's a lot of businesses around in there. I've seen people show up and take stacks of pizza. Yeah, this is that early in the morning. Type like, like, 15. Like Anderson. Wow. He's being the whole officer. Yeah, in the office. And that just creates chaos in the line. But I see people, you go in there and for lunch. Now, I don't know whether or not they have a Costco card, but if they don't, you know they're not gonna be able together anymore. And it may make it so that not good for my waistline, but that I eat it more because I'll peek and allow that lends. Not that bad. 

Chase Peckham:   26:17
They do have chicken Caesar. Salads filled

Felipe Arevalo:   26:18
and the salad's good. It's like four bucks and you get a giant, then you probably eat twice with it. Um, so they do have the healthy option. They do get sometimes says it is good, but it'll be interesting to see how much the line

Chase Peckham:   26:32
you bring up A good point, though. That and we can do a whole nother show on this. But the idea of how people will budget food and the reason that a lot of people are unhealthy or because of the fact that most the time produced food at low prices, whether it be frozen food or it fast food joints or things like that, it's genuinely, really inexpensive. And so that's people put that into their budgets. And if you want to eat healthy, it's easier. You have to Well, yeah, and you have to plan it out a little bit better. That's why places like Trader Joe's are really great, because they have healthy food for the most part, and they're really inexpensive and you can create. That's what we've done. And Carrie and I have knocked down our budget by over $1000 a month because we were eating out a ton. Um, we know, go to Trader Joe's will go to, uh, sprouts on. We really kind of no. All right, we're gonna eat this, this, this and this, and it makes it very simple, because when we're working parents and we work to a certain time kids practice is all the stuff we don't have time to make prepare food for an hour and 1/2 to eat and which takes, what, 10 minutes when you sit down with the family. 15 minutes to talk a little bit. Then kids were like, I gotta do homework and, you know, and then after that, yeah, it's bedtime, right? So it's you have to do what's best for you. But planning out there is a way to eat healthy and put it and do it on a really, really pretty good budget way. Should have somebody on. We'll have somebody on to talk about Happy Man