Life is Life!

#045: $hootin' the Financial $hit: Quarantine Update #2

May 29, 2020 Felipe Arevalo, Chase Peckham, Katie Utterback Season 2 Episode 19

Life is slowly starting to go back to a new state of normal, but many of us are still under strict social distancing orders and are required to wear face masks.

While many of us felt our lives were turned upside down when the coronavirus pandemic shutdowns first began to happen, now that we're three-months or so into the stay-at-home orders, have you begun adjusting to working, eating, playing, and living from your home?

Have you noticed any changes in your budget?

  • Are your groceries costing you more?
  • Have you been ordering take-out more frequently?
  • Are you buying items you normally wouldn't purchase?
  • Has your clothing budget gotten out of control with loungewear and yoga pants?
  • Are you saving more money?

We chat about all this and more in our Quarantine Update #2.

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Welcome to Talk Wealth to Me a safe space podcast where we chat about anything and everything related to personal finance.

Felipe Arevalo:

The information contained in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute as accounting, legal, tax or other professional advice.

Chase Peckham:

hello and welcome to another edition of talk wealth to me, the shooting the financial shit edition. It's been a while since the three of us have gotten together and discussed the realities of what we have all been going through during this pandemic in quarantine and stay in place. It's really fun to kind of go through and listen to all the different financial challenges, strengths, weaknesses that all of us have had during this time. Not only us but our colleagues, uh, people we have worked with, the individuals who we have been counseling and working with during this time. Also just the different money habits that we have found ourselves creating during this time. So it's been a while since the three of us have been together. Uh, a lot has, you know, we've had lots of interviews, but it's been a while since the three of us have kind of discussed what's going on in our lives and the different financial hurdles, um, that we have been hearing about. Um, talking about and uh, you know, we've had other questions, uh, from a lot of our different listeners and a lot of our presentations that we've been doing, Felipe and I have been really busy, um, much more busy than I ever thought we would be considering where we're at, um, as far as presentations go. But we've got the zoom thing down pretty well and community schools and people have figured out how to use this technology. People are getting used to it. Uh, so

Felipe Arevalo:

We're getting better at it,

Chase Peckham:

getting better at it. We're getting a lot more involvement. Uh, it's been really, uh, it's been really fun to see, you know, it's never going to be quite the same as it is in person when you get, you feed off the energy of the crowd and the crowd feed off the energy feeds off the energy of the crowd and the president, the presenter. But, uh, it's, it's gone really, really, really well and we're getting more and more requests, uh, for these, in fact had a meeting about that this morning. So

Felipe Arevalo:

yeah, I think more people are getting used to the technology with getting a little bit more participation. Um, and I think it's just become more normal. Even like my kid had his, uh, class first grade class meeting, uh, just before this and they're getting better at it. I don't need to guide him step-by-step and, um, he's able to participate better as opposed to at the beginning where it's like he's staring at the iPad. Like, I dunno what to do.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. Everybody's getting little more used to this. I think so. But as we, as we speak, and as we're recording this, um, the state of California, at least in San Diego County, um, although not the first, uh, is starting to loosen things up a little bit, we're starting to see businesses come back a little bit. Uh, you know, it was a number of weeks ago that they allowed to have beaches open again, parks, golf courses, um, albeit with brand new rules. Um, but we can start to see that the economy, we're gonna it's coming back a little bit. You know, it's not going to be exactly the way it was at least for a long while. Um, but at least we're able to, um, go out of our houses and feel a little bit more comfortable, uh, than, than we used to. But the financial challenges that a lot of people are facing, I mean, I think we're only seeing, you know, scratching the surface. Um, this is going to be a long haul of, um, of the economy getting back to where it was before all this started. Uh, and people's lives start to become normal again, but at least a lot of those that were have been furloughed. Um, we'll start to see those, uh, lifted, um, and hopefully positions that were eliminated during this time. Those will come back, um, at some point. But I know at least the restaurant industry and the entertainment industry, and we had Larry Campbell on a couple of times, uh, through this, and he and I have been updating quite a bit and he said, it's, it's still a struggle. You know, they want to open in what a restaurant needs to reopen to be profitable and, or just stay afloat, period. Just break even, uh, needs more than, um, than, than what they are being able to do right now. But every restaurant's different. Phil's barbecue, for instance, uh, which we had, you know, there's day, last night for the first time. We didn't get to sit down yet, but they opened

Katie Utterback:

to ask you, did you have to pay a meat surcharge? Did not. You did not.

Felipe Arevalo:

We've been seeing that, that at the taco shops, all of them have like a, anytime you get carne asada, uh, it's some kind of surcharge. And I was like, all the Tucker shelf things I get are some kind of covenants of thing. So it's like, Oh wow.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah we did not. Yeah we did not. But go ahead and talk about that Katie. Cause that is, I know that there are a lot of places that have been doing that.

Katie Utterback:

Yeah. So like we've been mentioned taco shops where I mentioned in California, cause a lot of us are addicted to our burritos and we rely on Taco Tuesday to keep us going throughout the week. Um, so yeah, we were warned on our local news that you can expect one to$2 extra I think per bill. I don't think it's per menu item that has meat in it. Um, but yeah, I mean I've noticed it at the grocery store too. There's a limit on how much meat you can purchase. Um, which gets interesting too with meal planning and meal prepping, you know, all of our, for her advice on, you know, maybe go into the grocery store once a month. It doesn't really work anymore.

Chase Peckham:

Not at this point. It doesn't.

Katie Utterback:

Yeah. So I was just thinking about that the other day. Um, actually yesterday we tried to order Instacart and we actually went ahead and decided to pay the$99 membership fee is for us it was worth it. Um, but yesterday, however, of the 31 items I tried to order only 15 arrived. Yeah. Because the shop like couldn't find them or there was a replacement, she went to the wrong store. So like now my problem is I have this meat limit restriction, how much meat I can buy. So I have, I made a homemade barbacoa, like the Chipotle, a copycat recipe. I have no tortilla, you know what I mean? So like the grocery store problem has been, I think the biggest pain. Um, yeah.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It's funny. I've also tried Instacart. I've had pretty good success so far. We'll see. I have one this afternoon, so if I get half of the items, but it's really a lot of things when you go into, say your order, it'll say limit one limit, whatever, depending on, on the item. But I did notice the meats, almost all of them said limit one.

Katie Utterback:

Yeah. Yeah. So we've been eating Uncrustables peanut butter and jelly.

Chase Peckham:

You know what, there's something very comforting about like a good old PB and J Oh, I love peanut butter and jelly. And my kids never really liked it much for whatever reason. Like Avery, my daughter is making a face right now. She doesn't care for it. But it's really interesting, like through this time, uh, we've been more creative with making sandwiches and I, I've gone back to like the sandwiches I used to make when I was a child and when I, cause when I was a child, I would make stuff up. Like I would go, I love peanut butter. Um, it's kinda like, I don't, are you guys ever watch friends? Right. Do you remember Joey and Joey go, I like it. Right? He would eat stuff and he'd go, yes. Meat. Good jam. Good. Right. So I would, I would make some, I made a, uh, I loved peanut butter. I love cheddar cheese and I loved mustard as a kid. And I put those three together on a, on a, um, two between two pieces of wheat bread. And I'll never forget it. I was like telling my grandma what was in it and I said, here, try it grandma. And she, of course, my grandmother, who would, you know, she would tell you that even if it was, um, dog poop, she'd probably say, Oh that's wonderful. You know, she was that kind of a wonderful grandma, but she took a bite and she went, yeah, no, that's really good. She started making them for herself. Well after years of that I would make those myself, but, and then I just quit. I don't know why I did, but I made one the other day for my kids cause we had it around and they were complaining that there was nothing here. And they're like, can you go to Chipotle and do take out or can you get us Chick-fil-A or, and I'm like, you guys, we cannot eat out every day. It's so expensive. You guys don't realize that it's$20 every time. And they're like, it's just us. I'm like, it's$20 every time we go get you food, can you get us Jersey Mike's? There's nothing in the fridge. It just, it's been monotonous. So I find I just made this sandwich for clay. I go eat this. And he went, Hey, that's pretty good. I like that. I'm like, you wouldn't think of those things going together. So during this time you can become, you know, a little creative. Now does everything work out and tastes no. And I'm sure you guys are going, dude, peanut butter, cheddar cheese and mustard. But I'm telling you, they go together. You heard it here first.

Katie Utterback:

It's pretty good. Well look, this full recipe online, I think you should make one and we'll post it on Instagram or something.

Felipe Arevalo:

You should send a picture. I can't get Barrington to try it like he has. He just doesn't like peanut butter. Um, even made, I even made a peanut butter pancakes with like the little peanut butter chips and we had a little bit of chocolate chip mix and a little bit of peanut butter mix. And I was like, I'm not going to make two separate ones. He won't notice. And I put them in there together and he ate one and then the second one he's like, wait a minute, what's this? This has peanut butter.

Chase Peckham:

What kid doesn't like peanut butter? Him? I have never ever heard that. Even though pickiest of picky kids, they'll eat just a peanut butter sandwich between two loaves of bread. I have. No,

Katie Utterback:

but it's funny like the, the grocery store like you having to kind of, like you said, you just have to recognize like it's food. It's going to keep me going. It's probably not my first, second or third choice, but it is what it is. And it's funny like AJ and his friends have been chatting like, Oh my gosh, I got bagel bites for the first time since college. Or like, Oh my gosh, have you tried Totino's pizza rolls lately? Like it's funny. College staple again.

Felipe Arevalo:

Wow. NEC, they have a snack mix bag now. I got him for Barrington the other day and it has like different kinds of pizza bites. So like the pepperoni and the meat and then it has a little mozzarella stick things and little garlic bread things all in one bag. And you just kind of put them in the plate, microwave'em and then just kind of reach in and see what you get. Oh, that's what this, yeah,

Chase Peckham:

this is wonderful. It's like a, I don't know. The thing is like snack. Yeah. I don't think that's on the USDA, uh, choice for healthy snacks. But it does sound good here. And I was like, this is delicious. Let me ask you guys something along these lines, cause I've done a lot of the shopping, uh, through this. Uh, just mere merely cause I'm trying to help my wife, um, you know, we're, we're just really sharing everything that we have to do here and in shopping at Costco is not something she really is interested in doing right now. Um, she does it. She's just not, and I'm not as uncomfortable with it. So, um, I've been going in, I'm the kind of person that kinda, that's not something she really ever wants me to do because I'll go through the frozen food section and I'll go, Oh, that looks awesome and I'm not thinking about the space that we have in our freezer. Have you guys found through this that you guys have bought more things that you wouldn't normally in, in normal times? Um, to give it a shot and try it and just shake things up and then found, man, this might be a new staple. Yes. I don't know if I've bought new things, but I've boughten things where normally I would have looked at it and be like, I can't buy that. That's just so unhealthy. Whereas like, you know what, it's okay. So have you given yourself a little bit of leeway here because of all this thing? You know what, I'm going to eat a little bit more of what I want when I know what I wouldn't normally eat. Um, even though we're probably being less active than we normally would be,

Katie Utterback:

I have been like I eat a spicy chicken Patty. I bought one of those like multipack bags. It was delicious. The first one I had like a little bit of regret, like should I be eating this? And then I was thinking about the carbs and then I was like, Katie, you're literally stuck at home. This is the best you can do. This is food. You're like, I'm walking Jagger every morning. I'm trying to attend virtual Zoomba or other workout classes when I can, but at the same time like I'm still trying to live my life and if I'm like the other thing I was thinking about, like I had a protein shake the other day for breakfast and I was like, Oh, should I start doing this again? Then I was like, no, I don't want to,

Felipe Arevalo:

yeah, that's funny. I just ordered protein shakes yesterday. GNC.

Katie Utterback:

Well, you know what, I'm taking other things like this is a little off topic, but I wanted to switch to an aluminum free deodorant. But that was always something. That's when you're around people that you are maybe not related to, right? Like you're like, I hope this works, but I don't know. Right. Like that's something I've been doing that's like a self improvement

Felipe Arevalo:

along the lines that guys have been talking about.

Chase Peckham:

Have you noticed your budgets changing? Like the amount that you're spending on things, but yet when fleet Bay, we talk about living beneath our means all the time. Have you found that you're living beneath your means but spending less than in a lot of places and more and in other places?

Felipe Arevalo:

I was telling you just yesterday when I did the Instacart order and I was looking at my total and I was like, Holy moly, I can't remember the last time I spent that much at the grocery store. Um, and it's just, it's not like I went out and bought a whole bunch of things that I didn't need. It was just a, and it was a lot of groceries and you know, it's something where after I started realizing, I was like, you know what, it kinda makes sense because usually, um, when I, when I'm at work, we go to Costco once a week and get something for lunch, something for breakfast for the week. I'm not doing that right now. So I'm having, you know, breakfast, lunch and dinner plus snacks plus fruits for the kids cause they're at home all day where they're not usually at home all day. So I was like, yeah, it makes sense that my grocery bill has gone to such a high number. Um, or, but I am also saving money on, you know, my kid's not at childcare. I'm not paying the before and afterschool program. I'm not driving so I'm not paying a lot of money on gas. Um, their, their mom's income, it's, it's eaten up. We actually still paid her. Oh, that's good of you guys. Yeah, my brother and I decided and our wives decided it was, I mean we're, but we're all still working. So

Chase Peckham:

you have to do that because you don't want it to come back and then all of a sudden you're back at the office and you go, Oh mom, or are you still with us? Right. Can you feel what ladies and gentlemen, that is what you call not penny wise and dollar foolish. That was, that was brilliant. Brilliant.

Felipe Arevalo:

Do that. And how am I going to ask her when this is all back to normal? Hey, you want to watch him an extra day on the weekend? Just so Sarah and I can go on that date night.

Chase Peckham:

Yes. Brilliant. By the way. Absolutely brilliant. It's really funny that I've, I've tried to keep my schedule that I normally did before all this happened as close as possible. Um, so I still eat my Shakeology with all my greens every in the morning. That's just like, that's what I do. Uh, other, either it's Shakeology or it's fruit, you know, frozen fruit and all that stuff. Um, I don't snack during the day. I'll, I will fail, you know, in the office. I'll bring in my, my little peppers, my baby peppers, and only eat those. I still do that during the day, so I have not eaten more. In fact, I'm probably eating less during this that I did. Um, while I was at the, you know, working in the office and traveling all the time driving. Um, because I just, from my mind, I wanted to keep that part of my routine and not only that, not get so far away from what was normal to me, that when we go back to the office at some point and read a job, readjust, and then go, Oh my God, I'm falling off a cliff and you know, it is, I will admit I'm going to bed a little bit later. Right. I'm reading, although I'll tell you I'm reading books that I have. I haven't read books in years. I would go to bed. My wife Carrie and I would go to bed. We'd talk, I'd be asleep by 10 o'clock. Now we're in bed by 10 o'clock but I'll, I'm reading books that I've been hearing about on podcasts or you know, so I'm going to bed sleep a little bit later. So instead of waking up at five in the morning like we were, I'll wake up at six so the time of the amount of amount of sleep is important. I've been trying to stay the same yet. The weird thing is, is now I'm almost getting used to this and I go to the gap where I used to go to the gas station once a week. Right. Fill up. I haven't been to a gas station in two and a half weeks. Right. It's really strange that way. And yet I would like to be going to the gas station all the time because gas is as cheap as it's been since I was in college. Yeah,

Felipe Arevalo:

I haven't, I remember gas prices like this when I, when I first started driving, um, and, and I was like, you know, I wish I could take advantage of it, but I don't, I'm not driving much. Last time I went and pumped gas, I looked down and I was like, I don't even have to pump gas now, but this car desperately needs it was Sarah's car desperately needs a uh, carwash. So we went and for just for the car wash carwash, I pumped gas and one of the Arcos and you can just buy the carwash at the pump. Um, of course it's sprinkled on the way home out of nowhere work, not washing it for a month. The day I decided to go wash it and sprinkles. Um, but you know, it's just, it's, I don't pump gas when we pump gas all the time.

Chase Peckham:

So on that note, have you guys purchased anything out of the ordinary, something like a big purchase during this time that you know, you, a lot of people are tightening up their belt straps, but there are also all kinds of deals that are out there right now. Retailers are sending out 50% off sales almost daily, especially for things that I'm, uh, have bought a lot. Um, you know, I'm so used to work out, uh, I've been working out so much in living in workout clothes that I have spent more money on, workout shorts, comfortable socks, different kinds of shoes that I can wear with shorts than I ever have. Um, yet we're still living way beneath our means. Uh, so the whole idea of purchasing what was important and what isn't and what is now important is completely different. And I remember I bought my truck right before this all happened and I'm going, Oh man, this could either be really good timing or really, really bad timing. Is there anything like that for you guys?

Katie Utterback:

For me, I am obsessively checking the wedding websites for our friends who are supposed to get married this year because I have so many costs like related to all of those. Um, both of those weddings are out of town. One is in Minneapolis, which is supposed to be this coming weekend and then the date says to be announced. So I don't know what's happening with that one. And then the other one is supposed to be labor day weekend, but in order for us to go, we would need airfare. Hotels are not accepting reservations from out of state guests. Um, we would also need to find doggy boarding for Jagger because he's too large to fly. Um, and in order to go to a doggy boarding you need to be neutered, which he's not because our vet was saving PPE. He was too little before it all started. So it's just kind of like a nightmare for us. Kind of like all these steps that would have to happen. Um, so we haven't really been buying anything or spending money on anything. We've just like our utilities have gone up quite dramatically. So I think all of our extra money is going that way.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. I think you mentioned, I have made a big purchase, but before you mentioned workout clothes, chase, I just discovered like Amazon has like an Amazon essentials. You know how they have the essentials brand, they also have clothes. So I just got some of their like workout shorts and stuff and that you get a good deal. I bought two or three pairs and they're phenomenal. They're great. Great. Yeah. And they're cheap. There's lots of different types. I had to send like four back because they just didn't fit me well or I didn't like the look of them. What I got, I kept two or three that are just awesome. They're great. Yeah. They look in there too. They come out, they do like$9, which if you go into the store and you try and buy yeah. Like the workout. Once I got a good deal on them and I was like a Tupac. Um, and it's like you can't beat that at the store. If you go into target and you get some whatever workout shorts, they're gonna be like 15,$20. Um, but I did make a big purchase, uh, and I had it, it wasn't an impulse buy. I've been talking about it for quite a while, even before all this, I know for a moment I was like, how am I going to hybrid? I did go out and buy a car, uh,

Chase Peckham:

Finally atta boy had it's only been years of you going and I'm looking, I'm looking and you want to talk about somebody that planned ahead. Philippe. This was the longest car purchasing I've ever seen. It was a, it was well done.

Felipe Arevalo:

I did really research I, and then it gave me something to do, even more research leading up to it, you know, all my free time. Instead of looking at the news or whatever, I read every single car review I could find. Um, like my social media at the moment is inundated with car ads at this point now because I've been on so many other websites, but I traded in my old car after well over nine years and close to a hundred, just over 170,000 miles. It was just struggling. So it was time to get a new vehicle and it's a little smaller than the last one. Fuel more fuel efficient than the last one. And I get technology now so I can answer phone calls on the road.

Chase Peckham:

Wow. Welcome to the 20th first century there. Phil. Fill out a boy.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. The sales guy asked me, Hey, go grab your a court and we can plug in your phone to show you how it works. And I was like, that last card didn't need a cord.

Chase Peckham:

You're like, dude, did you look into your and model of this car? Exactly. It didn't have that technology of, Hey Phil, how long have I owned my truck now?

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Oh it's February. I got president's day. Right. Yeah. I just realized that there's an app that I can remotely do all these things with my car. I can start it. I can set a timer to start it and heat it up and get it air conditioned. I didn't know any of that until last night, but I was wondering why am I, I was wondering why my, my audio system was all of a sudden I was having problems with it. Like the volume wouldn't work when I plugged my phone in when an Apple thing. That's because I haven't updated it since I got it cause I never registered it and I'm like, Oh. So anyway, now it works out really well. User error.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah, Sarah's card. It has it in this great because if I'm like she has snacks in her car or something and I'm walking by it, I could use my phone without the key and unlock it as some snacks and then walk in and walk away.

Chase Peckham:

You notice snacks has come up quite a bit with Phil during this whole thing. Katie, it's about lunchtime. It is. It's getting, it's getting close to lunchtime. Well congratulations Phil. That's great. And now I know your car, you for the longest time, your car has been paid off for quite a long time. So you must have planned out. You know, it's not fun. Car payments aren't fun. So you must've really planned that out.

Felipe Arevalo:

I did. And, and you know it, it was a thing where I was determined I was going to get one. Um, I needed one at this point and I was trying to figure out, you know, how can I get the payments where I want them to be so it's not like a new burden or anything like that. And you know, because of the whole situation that we're in, car sales are at a very all time low. Yeah. So going in there, it was a lot easier than going in there and buying cars in previous years to try and get I, they really wanted to sell me a car. Um, so it allowed, it put me in a different position negotiating where I had the upper hand because I knew they desperately want just looking around the place and how many people were not in there and how many people were just sitting around staring at their computer. I knew I was in a position where I was going to get a lot better deal than I would normally without having put in as much work as, as you normally do during car purchasing.

Chase Peckham:

So did you go in with um, did you get your, your financing through Honda of America?

Felipe Arevalo:

I did because they have a extra like loyalty incentive program. So I was able to get more money for my old car than, and they had so many issues with it at this point that I wasn't going to be able to get that money in the open market. Plus I had the accident on record from when I was rear ended a few years ago. Uh, that had, if you look up when I looked up the Carfax, it showed us structural damage, uh, as a potential,

Chase Peckham:

nobody's going to buy that bar. No one's going to buy it. Right. That that thing's going. No, they're not even going to send that to a auction. That thing is going to be scrapped.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. And I got so much more money than I could have a sold it to anyone and be felt comfortable selling it to anyone at that point with the issues that it had.

Chase Peckham:

So you took full advantage of your scenario and made the best financial choice for yourself. And a lot of times those financing through the different dealerships can be even better. You know, we always say, go look what you can get at a credit union. Okay.

Felipe Arevalo:

The dealership works. One thing that I did a mess up on, it didn't affect me financially, but it was a little bit of an inconvenience. You know how they tell you to read through everything and make sure everything's accurate when you sign the thing. So I did and I paid very close attention to all the numbers. I didn't pay close attention to my address and the street name was all kind of jumbled. Um

Chase Peckham:

Oh we lost him for a sec. He froze. Well Katie.

Katie Utterback:

and he's just leaving me on the edge of my seat. I want it.

Chase Peckham:

I know we'll, we'll give him a chance to come back here in a second. And if he doesn't, he's going to, he has no idea by the way right now. So he, he is sitting there telling the story. Super excited. Uh, this is just awesome. And you guys are so interested in that. You're not even talking, you're interrupting me at all. Well I think he realizes now cause he's back.

Felipe Arevalo:

Cliffhanger for you guys.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah, we were just saying that, that's really.

Felipe Arevalo:

I paused for effect. Um, how's that? I didn't notice it. Name was kind of jumbled a few of the numbers or letters were transposed. So I had to actually go, the guy texted me, um, when they realized, and I had to go back and resign a contract with the correct address because that's the same address as used for your vehicle registration and all the important paperwork like, yeah. So it was just a little bit of a commute. I was so concentrated on the numbers and everything like that, that I never really, I mean my name was spelled right, but I never verified the address and things of that nature. So was, it was just something where it's like, man, even when you think you're paying attention and the whole time I'm reminding myself, pay attention to what you're doing. Don't get distracted by the fact that you're wearing a mask and you've been in here for awhile. Um, it's funny. Oh yeah. Everyone's wearing masks and you know, kudos to, to people who in the medical field who wear the mask and the protective gear because it was, I mean, I was wearing just standard mask, not all the gear, but by any means. And I was sitting and after a while it just starts to really, maybe I'm just not used to it. It's not an easy thing to just wear a mask.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. No, it's not.

Felipe Arevalo:

And you're just sitting there like, man, I want to go outside and just get like a breath of fresh air and just know the guy was like, you want some water while we finish up this paperwork? He's like, no, but you know, what I am going to do is I'm going to just step outside and just take this thing off in the middle of the lot where no one's around me and just breathe.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. I mentioned that the other day to someone. Uh, I said thank you for whatever, you know, cause I, I could not keep my mask on all day. It would be tough. I feel claustrophobic. I don't like it at all. Um, where it obviously, um, but uh, yeah, I don't care for it, that's for sure. Well, congratulations Phil.

Felipe Arevalo:

Thank you. I'm going to save on some, uh, vehicle, uh, fuel expenses, so,

Chase Peckham:

yeah. All right. Well, one thing I want to end this with and recommend just one recommendation is even though we're starting to feel like we're, you know, normalcy is starting to make its way back, we're starting to see things come back now is not the time to go splurging and spending a bunch of money. Um, just because you feel like, you know, you want to get out of here and you want to go do something, make sure that you have in your budget. I mean, for instance, you know, Carrie and I had a literally a$4,000 vacation planned with our kids that we've been saving for forever to go stay in Maui. The kids have never been to Hawaii. Um, and it got banged. Um, but all that money came back to us, you know, in fact, we didn't have to cancel. They canceled us montage in, in, in Hawaii. You know, Montage, they called us and said, we're going to have to, you know, we'll be glad to have you back. But they gave us all kinds of perks to rebook. Um, airlines were really good. Uh, Katie, you talked about that earlier and trying to figure out what you're gonna do. The airlines have been really good about rebooking and using stuff at a later date. Um, so, but the, the biggest thing that will, people will do when they feel like they get to bust out, and this is anything like get a new job or get a raise or anything like that is just all of a sudden go, go hog wild and start purchasing everything. Take baby steps, keep on that budget and realized that, you know, just because you have saved a bunch of money in gasoline, uh, or you've saved a bunch of money somewhere because you're not going on a vacation, doesn't necessarily mean that you want to go throw some big Boulder into your budget. So true. I hope you guys all have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. We've obviously recording this, well, not obviously to anybody else, but recording this on a Friday. Um, Memorial day Friday. It's going to be beautiful weather here in San Diego. I hope you guys can get out, stretch your legs, eat a healthy snack here and there, maybe a or to enjoy yourself so long. Everybody.