Life is Life!

#100 TWTM 100 Episode - A journey from budgeting and Financial Infidelity to Pandemics and Life Altering News

Felipe Arevalo, Chase Peckham, Katie Utterback Season 4 Episode 22

Two years ago, the San Diego Financial Literacy Center and DebtWave Credit Counseling, came together to produce and publish a podcast all about money. We called it Talk Wealth To Me, and today we’re celebrating our 100th episode!

 While there are a multitude of podcasts about personal finance, our goal for this show was to really strip down financial concepts, to talk beyond how to create a budget or how to responsibly use a credit card or invest. 

 We wanted to share with you information about the psychology of money, to give you tips on how to better your relationship with money from not just us, but experts in their own fields. Overall, we wanted to create a safe-space where people from all walks of life could better their understanding of financial concepts and learn from other people’s financial success and failures.

 As we celebrate our 100th episode, the Talk Wealth To Me team looks back on our favorite episodes, things we’ve learned along the way, and how our own relationship with money has changed. 

 And because we view you, our listener, as family, we wanted to share some difficult news - a personal update with you regarding the health and well-being of Chase’s beautiful bride, Keri, who you heard from in our Valentine show, Episode #070.

 On behalf of our Talk Wealth To me team, we wanted to truly thank you for supporting our show during these first 100 episodes. Our plan is to continue this show as long as possible and continue to bring you new perspectives, thoughts, and opinions as it relates to personal finance, to money, to your financial health. 

 Cheers to another 100 episodes!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Talk Wealth To Me, a safe space podcast, where we chat about anything and everything related to personal finance, the information contained in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes. Only. It does not constitute as accounting, legal tax or other professional advice.

Chase Peckham:

Guys. There's something today that I am forgetting about, but it's significant. What, what is it? We're we've this is a big afternoon, but I can't place it. What, what am I missing?

Katie Utterback:

Feels like was like two years ago we hit like, go on a podcast or something.

Chase Peckham:

Oh my goodness. That's right. We've done 99 episodes up till today. Happy anniversary. Everybody

Katie Utterback:

Happy anniversary you guys.

Chase Peckham:

100 episodes.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah congrats.

Chase Peckham:

I mean, can you guys imagine that we were going to do over a hundred episodes or do a hundred episodes when we started this?

Felipe Arevalo:

Not quite, and I never would've thought I was going to be recording in my kids' room for the hundredth episode.

Chase Peckham:

That's a very good point.

Felipe Arevalo:

How the world has to changed since we started.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah because that first episode we were in my office or no, actually I believe.

Felipe Arevalo:

No the conference room.

Chase Peckham:

The conference room and we realized it was too echoey, so we couldn't do that. And then we moved it over to, uh, either my office or the office next door. And we did it out of there for the longest time. And then it, gosh, we would be able to do this podcast. We'd all be sitting across the table from each other. We'd be, we could feel the energy. And then March 2020 came around. And next thing you know, we're all in our homes, learning what zoom is,

Felipe Arevalo:

Right exactly.

Chase Peckham:

Because I honestly had no idea what it was up until. Uh, we were, had to figure out how to work from home,

Katie Utterback:

Right. It was a total business technology and actually, so fun fact, when we launched our podcast, the first episode premiered on my 29th birthday, it was just kind of how everything lined up. Really?

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. So I always think about that when my birthday rolls around that, like this is the day that we like launched this big project together.

Chase Peckham:


Katie Utterback:

And tried to make money less frightening.

Chase Peckham:

And For the most part, I think we've accomplished it because as the podcast has gone on, it's gotten more and more of a following. We get more and more listeners. It's little by little. I mean, we're not Dax Shepard and we're not the armchair expert. Um, and it let's face it, it is personal finance. So it is a niche. It is something that people have to actually search for. Uh, and maybe not for entertainment purposes, but to learn something. I like to think that it's a little entertaining from time to time, but, uh, for the most part, it is personal finance and it is learning different skills. And so that's not always going to be super exciting. And honestly, if you're looking for that information, um, that might mean that there's something going on or, and, or honestly, you're just wanting to improve yourself. And I think that that's a great thing. I do that all the time looking for different types of podcasts.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It's curious. I always tell kids when I'm presenting at like the well virtual presentations for wave of the feature, like we have a podcast, check it out, you know, either it's entertaining or people lie to me often and tell me it's entertaining. So I haven't figured out which of the two it is.

Katie Utterback:

I mean, we've had listeners on every single continent.

Chase Peckham:

That's crazy. Really?

Katie Utterback:

Yeah. Every single one.

Chase Peckham:

That Is so great out of our little, think about this, we're doing this out of our homes now because we don't have the studio to go to an offices anymore. And since that day we are all permanently from home. As our offices have figured out that we can do our job, uh, and, uh, carry out our mission, uh, from our homes. Uh, and then when we need to, we go out and we meet with the people and we still do our presentations. Um, but for the most part, we're helping people and we can do that from the comfort of our homes. And it's been great for our employees, uh, obviously through this time, uh, with COVID and, and, you know, there's a lot of people that have gotten very sick and lost, loved ones, uh, but also to be safe. And we've been able to weather that storm and been able to still help, uh, those in our communities all over the country. Uh, and I believe 47 states, uh, and that's something to be very, very proud of. And, uh, I think that our office has just realized that it's good for our, our families and our employees to be able to, uh, be together and stay at home and be able to take care of our kids if we need to. And I know that, um, it's really changed the way I think about business and it's harder for somebody like me at an upper age, uh, you know, upper age, I'm almost 50, I'm 49 and a half, but I've been working at an office my entire life. And that's, that's a long time. And so this has been an adjustment for me. And, uh, you know, for younger people, this might, this is just the way it's going to be, right?

Felipe Arevalo:

Especially, and those really younger kids who are just starting college last year, who now have this virtual learning environment and they may leave college and have a virtual working environment that just kind of changes the whole paradigm of how they learn and work.

Chase Peckham:

Absolutely. I mean, we went into classrooms, but think of the bulk of the work that you do in college is at home, right? You're doing a lot of homework. Are you projects at the library or at other classmates, uh, either dorm rooms or other apartments or whatever it might be. And then they, they could possibly be going out into the world when, in, in many, many different types of industry doing the same thing, working from home and looking at people on computers, which is, if you would've told me that when I was a college student, I would've thought, what are we in the movie, 2001, a space Odyssey. Now people are going, what movie is that? Since we're 20 years past that movie

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah exactly I thought we were supposed to have flying cars at some point before this,

Chase Peckham:

Well that space. If you think about that movie though, and Katie, have you seen that movie or even, do you remember It?

Katie Utterback:

No, I have not seen it.

Chase Peckham:

Have you heard of it though?

Katie Utterback:

I've heard of it.

Chase Peckham:

Because it was a big deal at the time. That's when everybody used to be like, oh, this is the future. And we are at that future because what we don't realize, or what people forget is that movie is just about going into space and reaching into space. And we're doing that right. There's a space station that people forget about it. There's a lot of people up there sitting on top of the world, looking at us, uh, on a daily basis. So we really are there. We just don't think of it every single day.

Felipe Arevalo:

I got them to interact with me on Twitter once.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

With the SDFLC yeah,

Chase Peckham:

That's awesome.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. They liked a tweet re-tweeted me. Yeah.

Chase Peckham:

Well, the purpose of this hundredth episode is we're, you know, maybe we will learn something, but is, you know, 99 episodes is a lot of episodes. And we, we learned a lot through the process. We've talked to some incredible guests. We've had some fantastic people that are like the top in their industry, but also people that are just incredible success stories. Uh, so they've ranged all over the gamut when it comes to the world of personal finance. And, uh, I thought, and we, as we talked about it, what would, what were some of your favorites? What did we really learn the most of where their episodes that we actually personally put into practice more, or we just really just fell in love with the, the topic or fell in love with the person that we interviewed. And I know that we started, uh, kind of a side podcast, but it's, it's the same thing when it was just the three of us, uh, or, or the two of us in some cases when somebody, one of us couldn't be there, uh, for whatever reason that work would take us away, but we called it shooting this financial S#it. And I love that title. And it's something that I loved to talk about because there is so many things that are just life-related that come into our everyday life that we can't, that that has to do with our personal finance life. And I thought that some of our best episodes and believe it or not, some of our most listened to episodes have been shooting the financial.

Katie Utterback:

I always liked those too.

Felipe Arevalo:

It it's, they're, they're entertaining because they're very unscripted. It's really just a sit in there talking. And sometimes we know exactly the topic and other times we start talking about some topic and it just kind of morphs into a completely different topic than the one we started on.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. And there's been times where there's been tweets that Felipe, you know, being in the art marketing person and Katie who, the marketing person with that wave, um, and who are interacting on, on, on social media a lot, uh, you will get tweets that you'll go, oh my gosh, we've got to talk about this. And, you know, you'll send me some of these and like, oh, I have opinions on this. So we take those up as well. And, and those that was actually, and that's a recent one. Um, that tweet was probably one of my favorites of the year when, when, uh, I believe we were talking, uh, about, uh, that the tweet that the person put out was it about, um, am I an a-hole?

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Uh, and when he broke up with his girlfriend or he made her pay for half the vacation in that, that was, uh, episode 96. So that wasn't that long ago. And it's probably one of my favorites because it's fresh in my memory. Um, but that was definitely one of my favorites.

Felipe Arevalo:

How about you Katie? What, what, which one kind of resonates?

Katie Utterback:

So my favorite would have to be episode 49. That was our one-on-one with Eugenia George. And she was talking about our money stories from our youth. And she gave an example of her dad having like a Coke can and just how even the presence of Coke today was like triggering her from like a money standpoint. And just all of the layers that you have to peel back to figure out that something happened to you when you were a kid. And that's why you have a maybe warped relationship with money. That was so interesting to me.

Chase Peckham:

And it hit home because it did make you go back and think like, wow, there, the impacts are, are incredible.

Felipe Arevalo:

It got me thinking, like trying to go back and be like, oh, I wonder what are my, you know, what are my early money memories? What are, um, like things that trigger memories about money, or like, what was my first money recollection? And, and it was like, oh, let me sit down and actually think of this and see how far back I can go, um, to try and remember that first money memory. Um, so yeah, I think that one was great. Um, really enjoyed recording that one.

Katie Utterback:

How about you Felipe?

Felipe Arevalo:

You know, if you'd have told me I was a business major in college, if you'd have told me someday I was going to record a podcast and my favorite episode is going to be about economics. I would have laughed. Um, I would have said, no, I, I had to take economics and it was not really it, but episode 80, not your grandparent's economics with Dr. Jim Charkins was so much fun to record. And I, up until that point kind of had a general idea of economics. I still don't think I understand it fully, but the way he explained it, he made it fun. He made this boring class that I had to take two different sections of macro and micro in college. All of a sudden it was fun and it was understandable and it was relatable. So I really enjoyed that one.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah, Jim was great. He was super, super fun. And he so incredibly bright and brilliant and down to earth. And, uh, you know, as a con, as an economist, he, he is, he really views it, um, in, in a different way than we all do. You know, the nerdy side of it. He just views that at the economics are all around us. And it was really, really cool the way he put it in. He is a, he's one of the founding members of the, uh, on the California jumpstart coalition board, um, that I am so lucky to be a part of, um, one of the newbies. Uh, but he, and he's a founding member, but yeah, he was, that was a great episode.

Katie Utterback:

Do you guys have any runner up favorite episodes?

Chase Peckham:

In fact, and gosh, I hate to say it it's runner up. I got a couple, um, that I had a couple I've got, definitely got a couple, but there was, there was a family that hit us episode 32 champions of change. Uh, and the, the young kids, um, the west kids, Jeremiah and Joshua, uh, when they went to New York, um, and they had a life changing experience and they, they observed a homeless man who was sitting on a street and decided to offer him some food. And then they decided that they were going to start champions of change, uh, to motivate others, um, to carry out little deeds, do little things that make a difference, um, whether it be financially or, or their time. Um, and that, you know, financials is not just money, but it can be time, um, and, uh, your expertise. So I thought they were, that was pretty impressive.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. They were very inspiring. And I remember when we were recording and they're like, oh, so we were talking to Michelle Obama casually.

Katie Utterback:

Oh yeah. They did that like twice we were on Ellen.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah, exactly. And I'm sitting there like, oh yeah, that's pretty cool.

Chase Peckham:

I'm sure they were talking to somebody just recently, like, you know, ABC, uh, the morning show or something, or a CBS the morning show or something and said, oh yeah. When I was on Talk Wealth To Me,

Felipe Arevalo:

Right that's why the listening spiked right there.

Chase Peckham:

Right. Exactly. Yeah. But those are, I mean, that just, it just gives me hope. You know, it's just, those stories are out there. Uh, and you know, young kids, our future, uh, that are, that can carry out and do so much. And it gives me, uh, gives me some hope.

Katie Utterback:

That's what I really liked about our interview. It was episode 46 with Kylie Travers.

Chase Peckham:


Katie Utterback:

She was talking about tall poppy syndrome and how sometimes you're working on bettering your financial situation. But the people around you are not very supportive. Like they were telling her, like, just rely on the government. Now this was Australia, not the United States, but she was saying like, yeah, all these women around her were like, you're a single mom. Don't worry about breaking your back, trying to work and provide, just rely on the government and what they're willing to give you. And she just was like, internally, this is not working for me. I'm going to better myself. And she did.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. That was an incredible story. I loved that one. That was a, that was, I'm glad you brought that up because she was an inspiration. And it just goes to show that, you know, you, you don't have to, uh, just take what the world gives to you. You can go fight and you can go learn and educate yourself and you can make change. And you really can. Uh, and I thought that that was incredibly awesome because she, she was not only wanting to just better herself. She was facing the scrutiny of those around her. That didn't want her to succeed, wanted her to stay where she was. So they honestly probably feel better about themselves.

Katie Utterback:


Chase Peckham:

Uh, and I thought that that was really cool, especially being a mom, a single mom and where she's gone. And now the speaking that she does, it's Kylie, she's impressive.

Katie Utterback:

Well, we've talked on the show before as well. I don't remember which episode specifically, and we have blogs on it as well, but it's hard to talk, like to tell your friends or your family, Hey, I'm changing my financial situation. I'm going on a more strict budget or whatever. And it can be really hard to tell the people around you that you think are loving and supportive, that you're changing something because sometimes they're not as supportive right away or as supportive as you think that they're going to be.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. That was episode 89. I love you. But I can't afford that. Um, yeah, that was, uh, yeah. I mean, that's one of those things that, that's why I love this podcast because so many of the things that have happened in our lives, like the three of us, uh, things that are going on around us, uh, really carry out what this podcast is about. Like something that has happened in our lives. And let's discuss that it's real world stuff. It's not like we are sitting here and we are, uh, giving a lecture, right. It's that's, this is real stuff. Uh, and you know, besides, you know, we talk about budgeting and that whole thing comes up so often. Right. I think in almost every episode we have that word budget comes up because that is what really the foundation of, of everything. And it really kind of surrounds us. And for those star wars geeks, it's like the force, right. It's, it's something you've got to, you've got to do. And I apologize for those.

Felipe Arevalo:

Oh I'm wearing a Star Wars shirt.

Chase Peckham:

Are you really? Oh my gosh,

Felipe Arevalo:

I am.

Chase Peckham:

Dude, I didn't do that on purpose. I didn't even notice really, uh, oh my goodness. An X wing fighter versus a TIE fighter. It's sad that I know that, buy the way

Katie Utterback:

I didn't know what that was so thank you for explaining it.

Chase Peckham:

That's uh, the rebellion versus the, uh, the empire.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. Inside the ying and yang symbol.

Katie Utterback:

I was with you on force,

Chase Peckham:

Yeah, this just, yeah. I was going to say this, it's just got off the rails. I am not one of those, one of those. Uh, but yeah, I love that. I love you, but I can't afford that. And it was also like, I think the one right before it, of course, that will be in your wedding. Uh, it's so true. How many of us have gone through that? Very thing that we, we realized that, oh my gosh, I am spending a fortune on this wedding that, and it's not even mine. Um, you want to celebrate it with those people and you want to celebrate it with your loved ones, but you can end up spending thousands and thousands of dollars in going into debt. And I think we've, especially if, depending on a certain age, we've all been there.

Katie Utterback:

Yeah. That's I found a meme after we put, uh, we published the episode and it was asking someone to be in your wedding is like asking your friend to do an unpaid internship.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. LA yeah, That is funny.

Felipe Arevalo:

You know, we had a lot of fun episodes, but we also touched on some bigger topics, um, more that were timely. And then other ones that just kind of happened and came up and I think that's been something where when you cover an episode and then you're like, I never really sat down and thought of it that way. Or, you know, I never really I've talked about it before, but it's like, oh look, you know, there's more information. We did the black tax episode.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah with Shawn Rochester,

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah Shawn Rochester, you know, we did.

Chase Peckham:

Episode 55.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

And that really was provoking thought provoking. And if you look at it, I mean, that was one of our longer episodes that was over an hour long and it was, he was finances. Yeah. And it's so interesting because I was so nervous before that I remember being like, you know, what do I have to lend to this topic? You know, I'm a, I'm an upper forties, white male. Um, how I, I have never walked in those shoes and Shawn did such a good job of, of making me feel like we were a part of it, but really explaining it and making me feel like I can, I can understand what this means.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. You know, we talked immigration with, uh, Paulina.

Katie Utterback:

That was a good episode though.

Chase Peckham:

It was,

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah, it was episode 53. And we learned about her story, but we also learned about some of the struggles that the immigrant communities or the first time, um, first-generation Americans kind of struggle to learn the financial system.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

And the things that go along with it. It's not just plug and play, you know, our system doesn't work like all the other systems

Chase Peckham:

It's much different actually than most.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. So there's that first-generation or that not even first-generation, but just arrived in America and Hey, we have a different financial system. Good luck.

Chase Peckham:

Did you ever talk to your parents about that Felipe after that episode? Did you ever discuss what their experiences were like?

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. I mean, my dad and mom have always been very, uh, open. They, they, it was difficult to learn. My dad didn't start using credit until years after he had, um, I mean, my dad didn't purchase a vehicle on credit until I was in high school.

Chase Peckham:

Oh wow.

Felipe Arevalo:

Um, yeah, because he was under the, I, the mindset of save up the money, go buy the car. If you can't buy the car, then don't have a car payment. And, and he had a credit card.

Chase Peckham:

That's not a terrible one.

Felipe Arevalo:

It's not. I wish I had continued that. Uh, but it's something where, you know, that was his spending idea. If you use a credit card, have it for emergencies, use it, pay it off. But it, it was so that, and then he had a mortgage, but that learning the financial system, he didn't really know how the financial system works. So I kind of just learned it on the fly as I got old enough to kind of enter the, the, uh, financial world. And we kind of talked to more recently to Nora, uh, Ali on, you know, first-generation and, and I was able to kind of connect thinking, oh yeah, I get that. You know, it was go to college. I don't know how to help you get into college, help you understand how that works, but you need to go do it.

Chase Peckham:

How bright was she?

Felipe Arevalo:

And it was something where it's like, oh, that, okay, I'll just figure it out, this credit card thing. And I'll figure out this. I don't know what a credit report is, but I guess you have one,

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

And it was just kind of cool to talk to someone and I've known Paulina for a while, but I never sat and talked to her about that. That's not, you know, you talk to someone at a barbeque.

Chase Peckham:

Party about it.

Felipe Arevalo:

Let me,

Chase Peckham:

Let's pick your brain on immigration and finances.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right. It was kind of cool to talk to her. Um,

Chase Peckham:

That's not watercooler.

Felipe Arevalo:

Exactly. And so it was, it was kind of cool to know someone that I've known, but never really talked to that way, um, to sit down and chat with her. Um, since then I, I attended her virtual wedding. Um, they got married during COVID, so they had a virtual wedding, but it's kinda, it was cool. It was cool episode to talk to someone different, but I think Chase you'll have to agree with me. Uh, the guests we are closest to is our most popular episode, uh, to date. And it's still gets so many listens. We are in August. We did this episode in February last year, and it's still constantly gets played. It's that Valentine's Day episode we did with our wives.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. That one is close to my heart. Um, and for many, many reasons now, cause it's so much of my life has changed since that episode. And in that, and I have not spoken publicly about this, on this podcast. Um, but Kerri, who was on that episode and, you know, you guys have been so supportive through all of this, but, um, you know, my beautiful wife and my Valentine, um, was diagnosed with stage four, colon cancer, uh, in May. And we've been dealing with that ever since. And it's been, uh, you know, this podcast and work has been a lifeline for me, but we, you know, our world has changed quite a bit the way we see things, uh, lenses as Katie and I were talking before the episode and just online just about, you know, where we are kind of in the state of our world right now and what reasons that I originally got, I got the vaccination for, and, you know, Kerri just got her booster shot, uh, on Sunday because she's very vulnerable. Um, and not because we're worried about her getting, you know, super sick from COVID and this new variant or whatever, but because if she gets it, she has to stop treatments and treatments, I will say, have been going well. Um, she, her last scans showed a 30% reduction. Um, and we've got an incredible, uh, health, uh, and cancer system, uh, here in San Diego with both Scrips and UCSD uh, Moores cancer center. And, um, so it's been, I actually went back and listened to that episode, um, preparing for this and it kind of made me a little weepy, um, because it's, you know, just, we were talking about that and we had no idea that Kerri had cancer at the time we did that episode. So it was, uh, it was a little bit of a gut check for me. Um, and I didn't mean to put a downer on this because this is a time to celebrate, but I did want those who listened to us regularly to know that, uh, she's doing okay. And our communities around us have been amazing.

Katie Utterback:

Thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing that Chase

Chase Peckham:

And, you know, nobody ever thinks it's going to happen to them. You know, it's just one of those things and maybe that's not true. You just, you don't, hopefully people just don't sit and wait and think that they're going to get cancer or get sick or get terminally ill. I know, you know, sometimes I get to be hypochondria and that's the funny thing. If there was a hypochondriac in the family, it's me, uh, and not my wife. Um, but, uh, she's an incredibly strong woman. Um, she's handled, uh, the chemotherapies, uh, really, really well up until this last one. She's I think she, she got a bit tired, um, this last week, um, it was, it was, you know, you could see it was taking an effect on her, but, um, we're doing, she's doing really, really well she's at work. Um, so, um, it's been something and, and that's something that it's an episode we'll discuss down the road here. Um, but just talking about medical, you know, being, being ill and then the, the expenses and the medical bills and, you know, the financial turmoil can, it can have on people. Um, and, and I will say, it's, it's not having an effect on us yet. Um, our, our, we're lucky enough to have great insurance, um, that has come our way, but, um, we have seen what those medical bills can be. Um, and, uh, it's, it's extraordinary. I know the first, I think it was a$40,000 and carry only stayed the night in the hospital one night. Uh, she was there one whole day and then a night and then got out the other that was at the shoot. We could do an episode of how scary that was just in itself. Um, but, uh, you know, we got the bill, we paid a copay, uh, of what we have for hospitalization and all that, but I mean, it was like$40,000. Uh, and I mean, if you don't have it, what are you going to do? Uh, you know, that, it's pretty, pretty crazy. Um, how, you know, the chemotherapy that Kerri does every week or every other week, um, I mean, it's like$20,000 for that, for those drugs each time. Um, but God bless them because they're working right now and she's 42 years old. And, um, and you know, she's strong. Um, and in other than the cancer in really good health and very great physical condition, which the doctors have said is really helping and being in her, being able to take on this very strong chemotherapy and strong, um, therapies that she's doing that, uh, hopefully we can, uh, move on and she lives a long life and beats this thing. So, uh, it's, uh, it's been extraordinary, but, uh, you know, this podcast has been great because it's kind of gets me away from it, but it makes you see, it really does when, when life hands you things, um, you see life so differently. And it really does prove that we all see life through our lenses and our experiences. And it goes back to all a lot. So many of the different episodes that we've had on this, that we are formed and molded and get our feelings from our experiences, um, growing up as a child. Um, we've talked about that on so many of the topics we talked about that here, uh, you know, the way that we look at life changes a lot, the way Kerri looks at it, you know, where she was, you know, I always striving to be great and always striving to be, you know, she is a great professional and a great mom and all those things, but when you now are vulnerable and you now don't know what is in the future, although none of us do, but now there's this path that she's got to take health wise that is completely out of her control outside of the therapies and trusting the doctors and all those things that she looks at, even though she loved us and cared, but she looks at myself and the kids and her work and her family, her friends, and believe it or not San Diego, California, all of it where she was just, you know, we, we went through periods where we were kind of disenchanted with California. Uh, just it's the cost of living here and everything else. We've talked about it over and over and over again, how expensive it is to live here, um, and make a good living. And the fact that Kerri and I do make a good living, but it only goes so far here. Um, and where, how far could that money go somewhere else? But she also looks at this now is, I mean, this is home. This has been home for her for 16 years, 17 years. Um, and the people that have rallied around us here, uh, her job at Bishops, the people that are with her, um, it's been an unreal experience and realizing that how many of us without knowing it touch each other's lives from a financial standpoint, but from an emotional standpoint, from a support standpoint, the love that we have felt from not only our coworkers like yourselves, but our, uh, and coworkers for Kerri, but our, our group of family and friends that are here in San Diego has been amazing. Kerri's friends and loved ones from her college years at ADPi. Um, she just got this care package from her sorority sisters. That's absolutely unreal. I'm looking at it right now and it's a bag and it says, her fight is our fight. Uh, PI love for Kerri um, her entire sororities. I mean, it's gonna make me cry thinking about it. Um, but the community that has been there for her her time is money mom, community. I mean, you guys, her blog and her it's unreal, the people and the following that she's getting her podcast is going to be dropping here in the next month. Um, because, you know, she had, we were, we've been putting this podcast together for her for a year and boy has it changed course. Um, yet the principles are going to stay the same, but anyway, I'm not here to promote that, but, um, it has been a life changing experience and that this podcast has had a big effect on my life. The two of you have had, you know, the topics that we've gone down the road that we've gone down have been extraordinary. And we have, we've heard from other people we've we've between our SWYM lives. And this we've heard from other people that even if the listenership isn't like the Dax Shepherds of the world, the people we are getting through to the people that are following us, the people that do hear it, the more people that hear it, um, it's having an effect on them and they, they come back. Um, and so we don't do this podcast because we want millions of listeners, although that would be great. Um, but the listeners that we do get are getting something out of it and that is important. Uh, and the more we keep going, um, the more that we, uh, keep filling this area of expertise that we can, that we have, um, you know, we're going to more people's lives. Uh, and, and I think that that's, uh, I mean, like you said, we've had listeners from every continent. That's pretty impressive.

Felipe Arevalo:

It's a always good to get a text message from like a professor or something saying, Hey guys, I listened to your podcast today. The one that came out today and it was phenomenal. Um, cause then it's like, oh yeah, people are actually listening. And they took the time to go out of their way to, you know, shoot a text and say, yo, that was a really good episode. Keep doing what you're doing. So that's always fun. Or when people actually interact with you on Twitter and they say, Hey, uh, you know, oh, that was a fun episode or, oh, I want to come on or things like that. You know, it makes it feel like, okay, someone's out there listening in some corner of the world,

Chase Peckham:

And there's been some pretty impressive people. There's been leaders of industry. Uh, and, and in their area, there's a friend of mine, a gentleman that I met not too long ago, um, but has become recently a really good friend. And he, his name is Paul McClintock. Um, and he is up in, he does, uh, spinal surgery tools and, you know, he's based out of San Diego and, uh, but he listens to our podcast pretty regularly. Um, and he, you know, he's an incredible man, you know, grew up modest and means in the middle of, uh, Missouri, near St. Louis. And, uh, and he grew up a saver and he's like, I just related with that topic so well, and he's like, I listened all the time. You know, when it, when it has relevance for me, I listen to all the time. So we do have some people that are, uh, that are, that are, um, they're listening and it's great. It's nice to know

Katie Utterback:

Is nice. And like you said, we, um, we have amazingly talented listeners. We also have had some amazingly talented people that we've interviewed on the show. People have talked about not just like the black tax, but also the pink tax,

Chase Peckham:


Katie Utterback:

You know, like we really have not been afraid of any topic, which kudos to you guys because you guys have taken in the bulk of that. Um, but I think that that speaks volumes to the point of the podcast. Like you were saying, it's here to help people. Yeah.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah David Ray, you know, talking about the challenges of the LGBTQ community, uh, you know, that, that was a really, that was an eye-opening one for me. You don't realize, I mean, they, everybody's got their, you know, their own challenges. Um, and, and I think that's, uh, this podcast has really proven, uh, that there's so much out there and there's so much more to come,

Felipe Arevalo:

Oh, I'm always down for a challenging topic. So, uh, those are fun. You know, when it's a topic that you're going into thinking, oh, I don't know how I'm going to do this one. Or, you know, I don't really know much about this. Uh, you know, those tend to be the ones where afterwards you realize, oh, I learned a lot, you know, who else learned a lot? Someone who's going to listen to it because, you know, they may have been starting the episode going into it the same way, thinking I have no clue what, you know, what they're talking about, or I'd had no idea about all this. Or, you know, sometimes even like, nah, it might be a little bit of an uncomfortable topic. Those are the good ones. Sometimes you go afterwards, you okay, I get that. I understand that better. So it's something where if anyone's listening thinks, oh yeah, cover this, you know, send us a tweet or shoot us an email and we'll try and cover it.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. Financial infidelity was another one. I would, I think it would be remiss if I didn't mention that that was episode four, that was like the May 14th, 2019. And that was really eyeopening. And then four episodes later, we did Disney on a budget. So it really, it just goes to show you that we really tackle all sides of things. Not everything has to be super serious. Um, and I apologize if that got a little downer, but, uh, I just wanted our community to know that

Felipe Arevalo:

No, I, I, you know, it, it, we've talked about, you know, what's going on in our lives along the whole way. And you had done a good job of you. Hadn't mentioned it. Last week. You mentioned it just briefly, but she didn't elaborate. And then,

Chase Peckham:

Oh, did I mention something like chemo or something or, or treatment?

Felipe Arevalo:

You said it's chemo week.

Chase Peckham:

Oh, I did see it's becoming so regular in my life. Now it just come, it just kind of comes out. So yeah. Oh, I did that and I, I left a little bit of a, uh, a teaser there and didn't realize it

Felipe Arevalo:

Right. But you know, it, it's something where, you know, we've, it's so different from when we started 99, a hundred episodes ago.

Chase Peckham:

So I think lastly, as we finish this up this episode, our a hundredth episode and looking so forward to 1 0 1, is there anything that you guys that stands out to you that you've taken away and actually implemented into your lives that you're, uh, that you're actually doing, uh, from one of our episodes or one of our interviews?

Katie Utterback:

Well, I definitely do. I noticed it in my life more now. Um, but especially my mindset around money has shifted in a much more positive way. So I used to be the kind of person that was like, rich people are maybe not so great. I'm not going to put the full, like, evil on it, but I didn't have a, like the best view of rich people. And I basically worked through this mindset of like, if I demonize rich people, how am I ever going to have enough money that I feel comfortable?

Chase Peckham:


Katie Utterback:

Because if I don't like rich people, I'm going to start sabotaging my own finances so that I don't become that rich person that I don't like.

Chase Peckham:


Katie Utterback:

So I've been doing the Eugenie, George peeling back stuff.

Chase Peckham:

That's great.

Katie Utterback:

And you know, applying all the things you guys talk about, budgeting, making sure that, and this is where it gets personal for me, the amount of money that I need to feel comfortable in my savings is entirely different from what my husband feels. And now that I know that I make decisions differently than he does, and we have to talk about that.

Chase Peckham:

So you have those talks. That's great.

Katie Utterback:

Oh yeah. We have money dates now. Right.

Chase Peckham:

That's A brilliant, I mean, Hey, that, ah, I'm so happy that makes me warm and fuzzy that you do. That's a Felipe. And I talk about that all the time. I'm glad somebody's um, cause it's difficult to do.

Katie Utterback:

I don't know how you guys manage the money in your houses, but I, a lot of my female friends, we all ended up paying all the bills. So we manage the bills like month to month and I'm like, wait, this is not what I thought was going to happen when I got married and my husband does a lot more of like the crypto investing kind of stuff.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah there are rolls.

Katie Utterback:

So here I am, I'm seeing all these negatives, all these, like you owe this kind of vibe and he's like, Hey look, how much money my Robinhood made. So when we have these money dates, I get to feel more comfortable because now I'm not just staring at like, here's what you owe.

Chase Peckham:

And that's the fantastic, I'm so happy. You said that because that really isn't, that makes you feel like you're all about it. Uh you're you're together in it with all of it.

Katie Utterback:

Oh yeah.

Chase Peckham:

And he can know that, Hey, we paid a big Visa bill this month, you know, that kind of thing. Otherwise it's just kind of out of sight, out of mind. So I think that's, that's fantastic because it's the same way in our, mine. I mean, I do this for a living and Kerri pays all the bills. That's, that's just her personality. She she's just, but you know, I know what's there and what, what, uh, what's in the account and what's, what's happening me too.

Felipe Arevalo:

Me too and I like to bug Sarah about my Robinhood account too. So I'm like, oh look, I'm almost and she is like. How much did you put in? Well, I'm almost back to even,

Chase Peckham:

Almost back to even. You are going to put out there how much you have put in though. Right?

Felipe Arevalo:

I started with a hundred bucks.

Chase Peckham:

There you go.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It was kind of like this social, so it wasn't a lot of money.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

And I've put a little bit more here and there. So I'm up to 200 bucks, you know, I've been doing this for six months or something, so not a huge amount, but I am like, well, not anymore. I was yesterday close to even, um, I'm down$22 at the moment, but, uh, it, it was more it's it's,

Chase Peckham:

You're learning.

Felipe Arevalo:

More of a, it's become more of a, um, a teaching tool for, for Barrington. Cause he likes checking it with me and he likes to, you know, so he, it's just more to kind of get that investing idea on the non crypto side. I've done. Okay. You know, it's the, the crypto where I was like, oh yeah, let's just try this out. And at the wrong time and still haven't recovered from that. But you know, it's something where it's a learning lesson and if Sarah ever needed an excuse, why we shouldn't handle our own finances, she now has a case study. Um, why? It's not a good idea.

Chase Peckham:

It's funny. I can't go to the grocery store now without thinking about, uh, uh, Annett and Steve, uh, I think it was like episode 17, but how to cut your grocery store? Those two were characters, absolute character. I mean, I can't believe how much they have this thing down to a science and as much as I've tried that it's so that I just can't get to the point where they are.

Katie Utterback:

You have the freezer space to get where they are?

Chase Peckham:

I don't not even close, not even remotely close.

Felipe Arevalo:

You have room in your garage, right?

Chase Peckham:

Not, not right now. I don't, we have a golf tournament coming up and my car doesn't even fit in there anymore. I got stuff. I got golf stuff everywhere. My wife is going to go. Kerri is going to go crazy. Well, I'll tell you what guys, this was, this was fun. I liked going down memory lane. I really enjoyed myself. It kind of made me warm and fuzzy. I'm not gonna lie. I going Through and looking at all the different episodes that we've accomplished, um, and how you don't honestly, you're not patting ourselves on the back. Really good. These episodes are, um, you know, there's some better than others, but for the most part, I think that this has been a really, really great and you know, Katie from finding some of our great guests, uh, Felipe for coming up with some of these great topics, you know, from tweets, uh, in different social media interactions. I just want to thank you both. And uh, say let's, you know, here's the another a hundred.

Katie Utterback:

I love that cheers to another hundred.

Felipe Arevalo:

Cheers I have coffee.

Chase Peckham:

Cheers to the coffee. All right, we'll see you guys next week.

