Life is Life!

#101 The Cost of the RSVP No Show

Felipe Arevalo, Chase Peckham, Season 4 Episode 23

Putting on an event big or small is no easy task and can be pricey. Essential to the plans is the participation of attendees for so many reasons. The RSVP is the most important thing for the planner of the event because so many things depend on the amount of the "head count".  Size and location of venue, decor and of course food and beverages. Nothing is worse and more frustrating when you have your plans, the event is here and you have NO SHOWS! Sometimes this can't be helped but in a lot of cases this is just rude. Today the Talk Wealth To Me crew discuss these situations and more. You have a story? Let us know!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Talk Wealth to Me, a safe space podcast, where we chat about anything and everything related to personal finance, the information contained in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes. Only. It does not constitute as accounting, legal tax or other professional advice.

Felipe Arevalo:

So they didn't actually invoice the people, it was a gag invoice.

Chase Peckham:

It was gag invoice.

Felipe Arevalo:

They did send it to them, but they weren't actually expecting the money to go back to come back or for it to go viral.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah, that's crazy. And it's funny how often this happens. So give us a background on what this tweet was and what they did.

Felipe Arevalo:

So I was looking on Twitter and, and it was something where I don't think it was a tweet in particular. It was one of those things that was trending on Twitter. You know, we follow a lot of the personal finance community and personal financial,

Chase Peckham:

Right. Of course.

Felipe Arevalo:

But there was a newlyweds created a$ 240 invoice, uh, to teach wedding no-shows RSVP etiquette. So they sent their friends a gag invoice. So they weren't really expecting their friends to pay back, but it looks like any old, regular basic invoice saying, you know, you RSVP for two, you didn't show up here's your bill for the cost that was incurred. So,

Chase Peckham:

So$90,$120, whatever that might be.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It was unit price, 120 quantity, two total amount 240.

Chase Peckham:

Oh, that's fantastic.

Felipe Arevalo:

And they put on there, like the different you can pay via Zelle, PayPal, please reach out for more payment information. But I don't think they expected it to go viral. Um, I saw it and I thought it was hilarious. Um, you know, if you RSVP that you're going to go, you better have a real good reason why last minute you decided not to go.

Chase Peckham:

Absolutely. Absolutely. And if you, if we're trying to catch up here, uh, it's basically saying if you have a big event or you have, uh, plans that you have created with people and everybody's gung ho and then at the last minute people bail, which happens.

Felipe Arevalo:

It does.

Chase Peckham:

A lot. Right. For whatever reason. And there's probably good reasons.

Felipe Arevalo:

Sometimes there's good ones.

Chase Peckham:

Some times, but it's other times it's just like, you know, I don't really feel like going and I don't want to spend the money or whatever it is. And we forget about the fact or we just choose to ignore that there's a cost implication to the others that are involved.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

So in this case it was a wedding, right. And they didn't RSVP or they RSVP. Yes. And then just didn't show.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

And they forget that people have to pay for that. So there's a place setting.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right per person.

Chase Peckham:

and for weddings and for other big events, you know that if you're doing catering, that's extremely expensive. It can be anywhere from 80, 90,$120,$200 a plate, depending on where you're at.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

And if that just, they don't show up that they have to eat that because it's not like they're going to say, oh, well, they didn't show up. You pay for that.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right. And it's something where maybe even if you canceled at the last minute, maybe they wouldn't be able to remove your seat or get that money back. But maybe there was someone else who could have gone, who they may have been able to like a last minute invite to their neighbor or to someone. And they could have given that seat away to someone else who might have been able to make it to the wedding and you know, or, or event, whatever

Chase Peckham:

So many implications in this. Uh, but people and beyond the fact that it's just rude. I, that you should think that you, you, people feel bad about RSVP. No. Right. But there is a reason that people have put out RSVPs and put yourself in that and you're in those shoes. Right. You've done it probably yourself, but people feel like, oh, I don't want to say no. And you're a maybe, and then they just feel like they replied to it and.

Felipe Arevalo:

So they're done.

Chase Peckham:

So we're done,

Felipe Arevalo:

But you're not.

Chase Peckham:

But the maybe doesn't help. Right.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right. And you just prolonged the inevitable. Yes or no.

Chase Peckham:

And the honest truth is we, you know, if you can't make it, you can't make it. We understand. We've all had to say no at certain times, but at least that gives us a great idea on head count, because that's a, that's a cost in so many different ways, not just the food aspect, but you're renting out a certain space because you are apparently going to have a certain amount of people. Uh, and you mentioned earlier, there's, you know, implications on whether somebody else now gets left out because you didn't.

Felipe Arevalo:

had a limited amount of people and.

Chase Peckham:

Right. You didn't give your intentions or you gave your intentions and then didn't show up for whatever reason. And that's just, man, that's just terrible that you would do to somebody that you so much, so well, apparently you care about a lot

Felipe Arevalo:

In today's world. The only excuse I could find is you wake up a day before and you've got some sniffles or cough or something.

Chase Peckham:

Right COVID symptoms an.

Felipe Arevalo:

Whatever symptoms you happen to be showing you can't get yourself. Although there are rapid tests, uh, that you can get for like$20 at your local pharmacy.

Chase Peckham:

You can use that as excuses. Now, unfortunately,

Felipe Arevalo:

unfortunately you can.

Chase Peckham:

You can, I don't feel good. I have a slight fever.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right, right. But I mean, that could be the only I could see, you know, if you've fallen ill and you can't make it and you don't want to go and get a bunch of people at the wedding sick.

Chase Peckham:

Right there's no doubt.

Felipe Arevalo:

That's the only, that's the only excuse I could think of

Chase Peckham:

That can't be refuted. Right. You say, I don't feel very good. You could just be like, you know what? I don't really feel like going, but you know what if I say, I've got symptoms and a low grade fever, then you know, you're, you're going to be held, be off the hook period.

Felipe Arevalo:

You could wake up with a migraine, you know, people who get migraines. Sometimes I don't get them often, but on days that I get them I don't want to go out.

Chase Peckham:

True. Yeah. You're going to have that.

Felipe Arevalo:

That's a very Llw percentage of the people who don't show up.

Chase Peckham:

Right. I think that's right. And there's so many different things. Uh, you know, their situations. It's, it's really funny. Uh, I've got a really good friend who actually is on, uh, on my other podcast, uh, that, that I do, um, called, um, uh, life is life with Chase and Burner, which is going to be, uh, premiering here, uh, in the next month.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

And he's long time, best friend. Um, one of my best friends, close, close friend. There's a big group of us that all living in San Diego they've been together forever. He and I were roommates. And he is the king of maybe he never wants to commit to anything too far out because he says, you know, life is in the, by the way it came up, life is, life is kind of his moniker. And in fact, we used it for his bachelor party. That was his brother, JB made these great t-shirts and it just has kind of stuck with him forever. And that's how we came up with the name of the podcast, which is just talking about life and different things. But that's, his philosophy is it's too far out. We can't, I can't commit to that. Cause I just don't know what's going to happen that far out. And it drives me. It used to drive me crazy. Uh,

Felipe Arevalo:

Used to?

Chase Peckham:

It did, it drove me nuts

Felipe Arevalo:

Or still kind of sort of does

Chase Peckham:

A yeah. Um, no, because I understand it more now because I, and because this topic that we've talked to, but yes it does as we get closer, uh, he does finally commit, but sometimes it can be, you know, for those that are planners, like my wife, uh, and even, I, I'm not a planner per se, but even I will, I like to know that, okay, we've got things taken care of. So if there's flights that we need to take care of, if there's a, which we all know that if they're earlier, you get the flights, the cheaper it's going to be. If you wait longer, typically, uh, it's not going to be, um, it's not going to be priced conducive. So you want to be able to make those arrangements. That's just, and then not only that, but you have, like, if you have, uh, a group of friends that you're going to go with and you get a block, right, and you go to the hotel and you're going to get a good rate because you are going to have so many numbers of rooms, but if you don't get that commitment and all of a sudden you don't have that block, you don't have the minimum count. Now everybody loses out. Everybody has got to take.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right you lose out on the deal,

Chase Peckham:

Right. You're going to lose out on the deal. And that could be hundreds by the end of the trip. It could be hundreds and hundreds of dollars, uh, for the hotel room and the resort or whatever you're going. So if people bail out, then the hotel doesn't care. If somebody bailed out on you last minute,

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Everybody else has to incur that cost. So there should be. And that's why there's been times when we've had to pull out and Kerry and I have still paid our way and still said, look, we're going to, even though it hurt. And we've had friends that go look, no, you know, and so maybe we paid half of what we should have, but it's still that, you know, with Kerry getting cancer, um, we, we we're, we were planning on going to crash my Playa for my 50th birthday, out in the Caribbean, uh, out in the Playa Del Carmen, uh, which is Luke Bryan's thing. And it's so fun. We went for Kerry's 40th and I wanted to go back again for our 50th, but that same group. And now that Kerry's got cancer, we just don't know where she's going to be in her treatment. Come January. We don't know if she's going to be able to, uh, travel for one. We don't know where the pandemic is going to be at that point. We're hoping it'll be mostly gone by the end. I mean, we, you know, the, the Delta variant is here and, but it's the word has it, that it's got an eight week to 10 weeks shelf life, and then it disappears. So it's, is it going to be gone by then? We don't know they're in, and she's just very susceptible, even though she got her third boot, you know, our first booster, but our third shot, um, we can't afford her to get sick because then they have to stop treatment and we just don't want to go there. So we're at this, you know, it's my 50th birthday. It's also at my other friend's, uh, her 50th birthday as well. We were going to do a combined thing, but everybody was completely understand. We, we said, look, here we go. And we had to go buy the insurance for the furthest thing, because there's, once you're in, you're in you, can't just sell it to somebody else. It's gotta be you. So we had to go buy this insurance. And so there's a lot of up in the air, but we don't want people to get stuck financially with this, be in, beyond ourselves. So we had to be upfront with people saying that we know we're a big, maybe right now, just because we are in such influx and our whole lives are when people ask us to go do things and create, you know, with our own vacations and our own travel, we've had to be very flexible and that's difficult to do. And it's really hard to do already when you've got a big group, you know, when you and I do a group of friends and that kind of thing. So

Felipe Arevalo:

The bigger the group takes so much more organization and beyond just the financial aspect of it, you know, if you're involved in the decision-making and you're trying to decide, you know, put together, obviously for the thing you're going to, that's just kind of set by the concert people. But if you're going on another trip or a group of friends is going on another trip, and they're trying to set itineraries and activities and where to stay, and then you help with the whole planning thing, but you don't show up, you know, maybe someone missed out on doing something they wanted to do, or they ended up the group ends up, you know, spending money on something that maybe they wouldn't have. If you'd have just told them early on, you know what, I'm not going to make it. So you guys decide where you're going to go or leave yourself as a maybe, and say, you guys figure out what we're going to do. And then I can join in or not join. And if possible down the road,

Chase Peckham:

Right I mean, there's a great example. There's a good, really great friend of mine who has had his 50th birthday. And they put all this planning into going up to Napa, uh, this last year and Kerry and I, at the time things were going well, we were, you know, yeah, let's go. This would be great. We couldn't wait. Um, and, but there was some things that came up financially that we were like, oh my gosh, and this wasn't going to be a super cheap trip. I mean, this was a buddy's 50th birthday. He was going to do it up and do it up, you know, with van that, you know, big buses and, you know, it was, it was going to be first-class and we were going, we, even though we knew, okay, can we, we weren't gonna back out now. Cause we committed.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

And, and at the time there was no problem in the commitment. Uh, but there's something else came up. It wasn't just a financial thing, but it was something else that, that we felt like we were, you know what, we, we couldn't bail. And then right before we were going to leave and we were excited, we were in that mindset and then California and the pant, I mean, this was around October of last year, November of last year. And they shut down California. We, I mean, literally the day before we were going to get on the plane,

Felipe Arevalo:

I do remember.

Chase Peckham:

And we had to get, we could not travel. They basically, California said no more. And so poor guy, his 50th birthday, and, and he put so much time and effort into putting that together. You know, it's a pain. I mean, it's really hard to not only do what you want to do, but also try to figure out what the group of friends that you, that you want to make them happy too, even though it's your 50th, right? It's this is, we're here to go do what you want to do. We're here to celebrate with you. This isn't about what we like. And we were going to like it anyway. Right? New experiences, whatever we couldn't, we all couldn't go. It all got postponed to June, which now June is a whole different deal because Kerry working at, at the Bishop school, um, this was, this is the end of school for her. It's her busy, one of the busiest times of the year for her that in the beginning of school. Right. Those are like huge times. And then I've got events, we've got stuff going on. The kids are finishing up things. And we just, and then our finances kind of had, you know, take a different turn that time of the year. So they rescheduled it and we just couldn't go. And we had to be honest with them right. From the beginning that, um, that's, you know, we, we didn't get to do that really fun trip with them, but we let them know ahead of time and they completely, understood so it wasn't like we were, you know, a lot of people will just commit early. They'll go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Felipe Arevalo:

Because it sounds good.

Chase Peckham:

Even though their, their gut tells them, oh, you know, I think we can do it, but I'm not really sure if you're not really sure you should say that right off the time. And that's why I understand what my buddy Brian Burner says is it's too early for me to commit to something like that right now, even though it might drive me crazy, it's it doesn't because I completely understand it. Now

Felipe Arevalo:

It's a good approach when people are planning things way far out.

Chase Peckham:

Being honest far out. Right. And it goes back to our podcast. We did earlier. Right. In saying that, you know, sometimes you just have to admit, you can't afford something.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Or you've got something else going on and you don't want to disappoint those friends, or you don't want to disappoint those, but we all have our lives. We all know how that goes. But if you do commit to something and especially if there's a big financial component to it and, and your involvement in it completely affects others. Whether it's the couple or the family that's doing the wedding or an event or a, if it's a, uh, you know, anniversary,

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

or corporate thing, there's lots of them.

Chase Peckham:

The golf tournament that we're putting on right now. Right?

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

That's why we have to get money up front because we can't, it's, it's tough when you've got a couple of businesses and people that you counted on, they said they're in. And then they go dark for a while and you don't hear from them, but you've saved those spots,

Felipe Arevalo:

spots for them. Right.

Chase Peckham:

And now you're two weeks to up your event and you are, um, you know, you don't want to be the person that's pounding your door.

Felipe Arevalo:

Hey still here

Chase Peckham:

Where'd you go Event depends on these numbers. Right. And if you committed, you committed and then they'll go, oh, oh man, I completely forgot my wife. And I have our anniversary thing that you didn't know that eight months ago.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right. You forgot. Don't let your wife know that you forgot

Chase Peckham:

One of the hang on there and make us not think he was a jerk earlier. Well, now I think you're twice the jerk. Right. And I'm not inviting you back, you know? Yeah. And then if I have a business, you know, if I have a business relationship with them, that's character, do I want to do business with them going forward right now? I know I'm going to question all of it. I mean, there's, it's okay. To just be honest. We talk about this all the time in relationships, in our personal finances, we have to have a meeting with our spouses. We've got to be open that goes for everyone. And sometimes there's going to be uncomfortable conversations. Maybe you don't have the money that some of your friends do. Maybe you have more money than some of your friends do. It can be uncomfortable, but you know what, in the long run they're friends. And if they don't understand, and if you don't understand, then there's an, there's a larger problem there, right?

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It's something where you should be able to have that open, honest communication and say, look, here it is. I can't. Or, or Have them be able to take the, when, when people tell you and be understanding when they say, you know, I just can't do that. Especially if they're giving you plenty of leeway. Okay, good. No problem. Maybe next time and just kind of move on with your day. It's like the last minutes cancels when, when there's no reason or those or those, no shows they're even worse. Even going, um, like doing a golfing thing, you know, you got, if you and your buddies are going to go do a golf thing. Yeah. We've got eight people going and all of a sudden someone drops out. Well, now we have seven, you know, we could have asked, we could have found one more so that we can have the 2, foursomes.

Chase Peckham:

That happens with our group of friends all the time.

Felipe Arevalo:

And it's something like another four and three. And you know, usually the golf course doesn't care or they'll just say, Hey, we got this one guy. Yeah.

Chase Peckham:

They ad a single. But half the time, the people with the three don't want to add the single. A lot of times they're super fun. And if you're a golfer, great. But you also might have team competitions that you have together. I mean, there's, our group loves the bet. You know, that's, that's kind of there. They like to compete and it's not a ton of money, but it still adds a little spice to it. It's fun.

Felipe Arevalo:

Adds competition.

Chase Peckham:

And then now that completely gets ruined again. Sometimes there's legitimate reasons, right? I mean, it could be work that, look, this is just something that something came up, I've got to go to this meeting. It is what it is. Um, or, you know, my wife's sick. The kids got to get to soccer. Okay. You know, there's sometimes things come up, but you know, a lot of times you'll know because there's that certain group that has a reputation for doing that more often than others. So if it happens very rarely, you know, but there's when we've got groups of friends where you just say, I got a hundred bucks, he doesn't show up.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Even though they say they're going to, you're almost more shocked if they do show up,

Felipe Arevalo:

You're like, who's going, okay. So we're down to seven.

Chase Peckham:

We have a friend that we honestly just always bank on that we're going to pay for his side of things, because we just know he's not going to show up. And if he does, we look at it like, okay, we're saving some money because they

Felipe Arevalo:

Bonus. He actually showed up

Chase Peckham:

And then he gets ribbing, you know, Hey. Yeah. Yeah. We've all got that guy. Right.

Felipe Arevalo:

Exactly. Yeah. It's a thing where I've noticed it's harder when you have a family. Cause now you have more components. It's a single guy. You just kind of like, yeah. I'll show up. And then you just showed up. Now you have like a well kid got sick and you know, kid did this or.

Chase Peckham:

Here's the beauty you just reminded me of something. That's the beauty of it. You have this thing where it's like, they RSVP for two or, or, and we have a no kids to the wedding and you'll have a couple of friends, especially if they travel from far away, they make a vacation out of it and they couldn't figure out what to do with the kids.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right mess with the numbers.

Chase Peckham:

So they brought them anyway. Oh, no big deal. Yes it is. It's, it's more place settings. And this is, there's no food for kids. They're not going to like it. Right. And I don't have room. Where are they going to sit? They're going to sit on. Okay. And that's a big pain. Well, and then there's the Joe single friend, right? Who at the time doesn't have a girlfriend, or a boyfriend. And they, they, they RSVP one and they show up with a date and you've you already put them at a table where in your one meal. And then I go, it's just one extra person.

Felipe Arevalo:

He just messed up the whole coordination.

Chase Peckham:

Then You have five or six or seven people that do that. Now all of a sudden you've got eight more heads, seven more heads that you weren't expecting. So it goes both ways, right. You know, there's that money. But then now you've had the extra heads. You don't have enough food for everybody, whatever it might be. Now, the good news is that most of the times, these places will make more food than expected

Felipe Arevalo:

Or you'll, you'll get lucky. And you balance out the no shows with the extra plus ones.

Chase Peckham:

And you know what? A lot of people bank on that, but that's still wrong. That's still good. Right. That's why that, that tweet and sending out those, those fake bills or invoices is phenomenal. Absolutely.

Felipe Arevalo:

I thought is was hilarious when I saw it.

Chase Peckham:

I love it. Yeah. I, I, I think it's fantastic. And um, there should be maybe even something you don't want to be rude because you want everybody to be there, but you, you almost got to hold people, uh, liable that, Hey, if you say you're going to be here, this is what it mean

Felipe Arevalo:

Maybe you make it where it becomes, like, if you don't show up, please make a donation to our favorite charity.

Chase Peckham:

There you go. Yeah. That's A good idea. But this thing, this comes up more than you would imagine. And most of the time, you don't want to call out your friends, but I know that there's people that have lost friendships over stuff like that, because.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah just no shows.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. Especially if it happens more, you know, there's always that person that is like the no-pay one that they might show up in. They're always the, well, you know, you're at a group of friends and you you're all going out to lunch. You know, it's going to be that kind of an event. And you, you just, we, we have this joke that if you don't drink, boy, you better figure out something else to fill that void.

Felipe Arevalo:

To balance out.

Chase Peckham:

Because yeah, we feel bad for you. Cause we're just going to split this. We're not going to be like, Hey, can we have 15 different checks? We're all going to just split it. And then there's always that person,

Felipe Arevalo:

You better eat a lot of appetizers.

Chase Peckham:

I had, um, one appetizers and I had a salad and a lemonade. So mine is$22 plus tip, which is 10% t rying to do math. Oh m y gosh. And you're just sitting there on, come on. It is what it is. And you know, it's, you just g ot t o know going in that either y ou g rown a, y ou, you either want to be with this group, you can afford it then. O r, or y ou, you just don't or you just say, look, y ou k now, c ause I know there's been times with this group of friends that I've got that I just g o, you know what? This is going to be an expensive trip. This is the way it is with these group of guys. And I'm, I just can't do that right now. I can't afford to do that. And I just have to say I'm out. Doesn't mean I don't get invited again. I just, you know, we can't always say yes, right. Sometimes you have to say no and they understand, you know what? And they appreciate that. And the fact that you're just going to go, I get it. Not a big deal.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

But a lot of times we're just afraid to disappoint or our ego is there. You know, we want, how many times do we go out and spend, we talked about it before, how many times did we spend money on a, on a wedding? Because we don't want to disappoint somebody. And we ended up spending three grand that we can't afford to be in this wedding.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Nobody's helping us with that. Right. I mean, it's just a hard thing. And you would hope that more people are understanding. I actually had one person that told me they couldn't be in my wedding because they couldn't travel and I get it.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah, makes sense.

Chase Peckham:

It's too bad. I wish you were there, but I completely get it.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It's funny. You mentioned splitting. The checker reminded me of college. There was a sushi place by SDSU. We loved it, but you couldn't go in big groups because they wouldn't let you split the check or they let you use like two cards max. And in college, that was hard for a lot of people because everyone wanted to use a different, and then now you're sitting there like, okay, if we can use cash, but now you have to kind of calculate and you're sitting there and it was just so hard.

Chase Peckham:

Well if you're the person that got stuck with that. And you put it on your card and everybody gave you cash. What are the chances that you put that money away and paid it off, right? Zero.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah didn't happen.

Chase Peckham:

That cash sat. You were like, Hey, I'm loaded.

Felipe Arevalo:

Oh I have all kinds of money I can go out to eat again tomorrow.

Chase Peckham:

And then that bill came around and you're like, Ugh, how am I going to pay that off? We used to play this game and I know there's a lot of people and I had no business doing this, but we would play credit card roulette and we'd be out with a group of friends. And we'd all put our credit cards in a bowl and a hat and we'd pick. And whoever I always got stuck with it always, I don't think there was ever a time that I was the benefactor of playing with credit card roulette. And I was the one person that really couldn't afford it. I mean, I worked all those years at the San Diego Padres and God bless you, Padres. I, it was, uh, I loved it. And it was probably the times of my life, uh, professionally, uh, in just doing what I wanted to do, but I didn't make a lot of money working for the Padres, you know, experiences over things. Uh, and, and boy, I mean, it was, it was Murphy's law, man. If I, I always got stuck with that bill always.

Felipe Arevalo:

I remember like you mentioned pay with the card and then you had cash. That didn't mean you went to the bank and paid it off at the time. I was not the most responsible with my credit card, so I never went to go pay it off. I just, okay, cool.

Chase Peckham:

How often did You just have the cash in your wallet? And you're like, I like the way that looks, I'm just going to use the card. Instead You had the cash,

Felipe Arevalo:

you had the cash to do it, right?

Chase Peckham:

I like the feeling of all that money in my wallet.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. I want to make sure I have money.

Chase Peckham:

So dumb. It really is stupid, but you know, you live and, you learn. Yeah. If anything comes out of this, I mean, this is just one of those true life things. Be honest. If you're going to go to event, commit to it. If you commit to it, beat, stand up and commit. And if you have to bail, be responsible and pay your share, say, Hey, I'm sorry. I couldn't make it here. Even it's just the gesture itself.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

They may not cash the check.

Felipe Arevalo:

Just offer.

Chase Peckham:

They may not accept it. Right. But yes, offer it because you're leaving somebody high and dry and it's going to come down to the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And I'll leave you with that.[inaudible].