Life is Life!

#114 2021 - Friends, Homes & Life Changing Moments - Live Episode

Felipe Arevalo, Chase Peckham Season 5 Episode 12

So here we are, the final days of 2021. After a year that we all experienced a pandemic and stay at home orders we all hoped it would be a year where we got back to "normal". Well in many ways it did but it was also a year of many more challenges and new adventures. We talked about so many incredible topics and had some of the greatest guests. In this episode we look back at the year 2021 and rehash some of our favorite and not so favorite moments. We wish you all a very Happy New Year and we look forward to 2022! This episode was recorded live on zoom and Facebook December 15, 2021. The video of the recording can be found here 

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Welcome to top wealth, to me, a safe space podcast, where we chat about anything and everything related to personal finance, The information contained podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes. Only. It does not constitute as accounting, legal tax or other professional advice.

Chase Peckham:

It just makes me laugh that you know, that you're the, the way that you save your money.


Recording in progress.

Chase Peckham:

The way you.

Felipe Arevalo:

Alright here we go.

Chase Peckham:

Save your money, doing your own hair. But I have to say, you look dashing. I mean, nobody,

Felipe Arevalo:

Thank you.

Chase Peckham:

Nobody else would know that. At least looking at the front of you, that you do your, you cut your own hair.

Felipe Arevalo:

It's one of those things we learned through through, uh, 2020, you can do it yourself. It's not professionally done. You know, it's a little rough around the edges, but, um, my hair, my haircut is not very intricate.

Chase Peckham:

Was it Saturday night live. They did the, the Hoover haircut that you basically, it was like a haircut and a vacuum cleaner all in the same.

Felipe Arevalo:

I think that was actually a thing. Uh,

Chase Peckham:

Was it one of the, as seen on TV late night things.

Felipe Arevalo:

I think so,

Chase Peckham:

oh, shoot. I didn't imagine that. It wan't a joke.

Felipe Arevalo:

I know. Thank you everybody for joining us.<laugh> this is how we record this is the thing about live podcasts. I don't think people realize this is, this is how most of our podcasts get started.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. good morning and welcome to smart with your money live and an episode, a live episode of Talk Wealth to Me and so excited.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It's fun.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

We, we have some audience. If you have questions drop'em in the chat. If you're on Facebook watching and you have questions, comment them, um, and we'll have them relayed over to us.

Chase Peckham:

Absolutely. 2021 has, has been an incredibly interesting year, uh, starting in a pandemic. I was I looking back, uh, Phil at, at what our first episode of 2021 was.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Uh, in January in January. And we were with Andrea Farrera, who is, uh, a, a, uh, California jumpstart board member with me. Um, actually I joined them and it was, uh, it was super educational because it was right in our kind of our Bailey wick. Right. It was.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

We swing for the fences. It was, it was right there for us because it was talking about education of finances with children and why we don't learn finances as kids. Uh, so we got started in 2021, um, right in our wheelhouse, so to speak.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right. And it's something where, you know, we had a lot of great episodes, a lot of great guests. Um, so we wanted to like every other podcast, take a look back and, you know, see which ones are some of our favorites. Um, see which ones are some of our most popular ones. Um, I actually had that first one as my, one of my guesses for, for one of your favorites of the year,

Chase Peckham:

Really? You know, I brought it up.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

And well, I have to tell you as a guest, she's one of my favorites. I mean, I, I have a soft spot for Andrea. I mean, she started, uh, that company and started that mission. Um, and, and she's still on the California jumpstart foundation, uh, the coalition and she lives in New York now, uh, starting off in California, but she lives there and still gives her time, uh, just because it's her passion. So I, I so much, uh, Revere the work. She does, uh, the work that, you know, we had a, a couple, uh, experts, you know, the California jumpstart coalition is doing so much work to bring financial literacy to schools in California. Um, that is the mission is to educate, uh, our teachers and educate our students, uh, for young people, because really that's where per personal finance starts. It, it needs to start at that level because every single person, whether they go into they're gonna go into being a doctor, or they're gonna go into being an actor or, uh, go into waste management. I mean, doesn't teachers, whatever it is, the one thing we all have in common is we're gonna be paying for things we're gonna a living.

Felipe Arevalo:

We're going to be dealing with money.

Chase Peckham:

And dealing with money and, and try and eventually working towards a retirement. So all of these things need to be present in their education. Uh, we fully believe that. And that's what the foundation is working so hard to do. That's what the SDFLC tries to fill those gaps when we work with school.

Felipe Arevalo:

Absolutely. Yeah. And, and was a, and we did all of it from, well, I, I moved around, I had a different couple different places,

Chase Peckham:

Literally move around.

Felipe Arevalo:

Podcast, literally moved. Exactly. Um, so 2021 was a crazy year. Um, so I think, you know, let's, let's start with, with some of our favorites, uh,

Chase Peckham:

All right get it started.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. I think let's see. Chase, what was your favorite episode to record the one we had most fun with?

Chase Peckham:

You know. Well, the most fun.

Felipe Arevalo:

If you have it categorized.

Chase Peckham:

Was I have, I have categories that are different reasons, uh, that, that were my favorites, not just my favorite, uh, but there was, you know, our podcast is about, I mean, really there's lighthearted episodes where we're literally talking about personal finance in, in the weirdest ways. And then there's the stuff that we're teaching, right. Stuff that is real valuable. Um, and one of my favorites was the, uh, the office episode when we talked about how the personal finances and what those different characters said about personal finance, um, and all their personalities came out in a financial way, um, through all those different episodes that the office did over the seven or eight, nine years that it was on the air. Um, and Katie did such a good job of when, you know, she joined us for that episode. And I think my favorites were always when Katie joined us, just cuz it, she adds such a fun element to that, but that was super fun. And we did the same thing with Friends, which I really enjoyed too.

Felipe Arevalo:

I had that one on the list of my guesses for Chase's episodes.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. But that's because we had a special guest.

Chase Peckham:

My son was on it.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yes we had a very special guest for the friends episode. So it, it was like, uh, Office, Friends, Office, Friends, and then I gave Friends to go because I think you mentioned it's one of your favorite shows.

Chase Peckham:

It is still to this day.

Felipe Arevalo:

And, had your son on there. So I was like, he's gotta pick the Friends episode.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. And Clay, you know, being a part of that was kind of a proud parent time and found out that he, he, you know, he, he, he has now declared that he wants to go to the Syracuse university, uh, because he wants to go into broadcasting. Uh, so I think that he got the little bit of a bug wearing the, the headset and the microphone.

Felipe Arevalo:

Wearing the headset.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. He, he, he enjoyed that. And so you, you fix, he loves to talk and he loves Friends. So you put those two things together. Uh, and, and it was a, it was real. It was, it was awesome.

Felipe Arevalo:

<laugh> that's great. Yeah, it's definitely, um, it, it was, it was funny for me, one of the, one of the first ones that, that I have that I really enjoyed. Um, and, and I think I mentioned it before, it's the, the Econ. One and Not Your Grandparents, economics with Dr. Jim Charkins.

Chase Peckham:

Yes. I knew it.

Felipe Arevalo:

That was number 80. Um, I really disliked economics when I had to take it in college. Um, but that was different. He, his way of looking at it, his way of how he explain, explaining how he teaches it to kids. And then it got me thinking, like, even the way I explained it and I used just the, I don't use economics on a daily basis when talking to my kid, but the opportunity cost.

Chase Peckham:

But you do you just don't know it.

Felipe Arevalo:

I do. And, and, and I always use the word opportunity cost even when I'm dealing with my kid. So the way he kind of like was like, oh, that's pretty good. Consider it doing this way. And I was like, oh, that's interesting. It, it just, it was like, even when I do the dad's corps presentation, um, because when, when we do the dad's core presentations with say San Diego here in, uh, you know, it's a, it's a group of dads and at the end, I'm like, Hey, we also have a podcast. I always recommend, you know, you should go listen to the econ one, uh, because that's the one that's gonna apply as parents that you can.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

Kind of quickly turn our around and use and, and incorporate into your everyday parenting type things.

Chase Peckham:

Well, because it Makes it so easy to understand, and it was, you know, we, and we, we named it, not your grandparents' economics,

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Or because it's not what we learned. And it's really funny because Jim reminds us on the board when we have our quarterly meetings, economics and personal finance, it's just not the same as it was when we were younger or shouldn't be, uh, and the way that they're teaching it. So, Jim, uh, he he's, yeah, I knew it was gonna be one of your favorites. You said that after we were done recording that and, uh, yeah, he was phenomenal.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Really enjoyed that.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It it's, I'm hoping if, you know, my wife signed up for an economics class, so I'm gonna kinda like relearn it with her. I'm hoping I can kind of understand it now. We'll see.

Chase Peckham:

Really, She's taking that On. Huh?

Felipe Arevalo:

She's taking an econ class, uh, at Mesa.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

Um, yeah. So,

Chase Peckham:

Okay. wait, wait, we're gonna do this live. Why, why what's, what is, what is the reason for it? What does she want to, to gain from it?

Felipe Arevalo:

Take an econ class. Just some general ed.

Chase Peckham:

Just, just trying to improve herself. I love it.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

That's fantastic. That is, that's awesome. One of my other favorite ones, uh, that, you know, when I, when we first interviewed her, I didn't know how we were gonna tie in the fact that it was personal finance. Um, but that's, what's phenomenal. We, and we teach this all the time when we're doing presentations and, uh, that, that economics and finance is all around us. It's, it's, we, we do it every day when we're goal setting. When we, when we think about what we're gonna do during our day there financial component to everything that we do and all the decisions that we make, whether it's a, a decision that we know that we're making, uh, maybe it's subconscious, maybe it's conscious. Um, but it is something that we are doing every day. And that was when we were, when we met with Nora Ali, um, and creating your own path and the fact.

Felipe Arevalo:

I had hers on my list, also,

Chase Peckham:

You do, she was so inspirational the way that she, where she came from to where she is today, uh, is growing up, um, you know, with immigrant parents, uh, up in the, in the Minnesota and making her way to an Ivy league school and, and living in New York and creating that it, I mean, to me, it was, it was super inspirational and she was so down to earth when discussing it.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. Absolutely. It's something where, you know, I had her on the list as well. And it was, it was one of our two, I think, guests that have a Twitter check mark, uh,

Chase Peckham:

Yeah, she's pretty popular.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. And, uh, she might be her most popular guest ever. Um, but it's something where she has that like new adventure that she still hasn't announced what it's gonna be. Um, but actually she's on a new podcast, um, which is, uh, I think it's called business casual. I've heard the commercial a couple times on Spotify.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

Uh, um, so it, it's funny, you're listening to other podcasts and you're like, oh, we had her on her on our show.

Chase Peckham:

I know, yeah.<laugh>.

Felipe Arevalo:

So, but yeah, I think it was very inspirational. It was very, um, you know, it was, it was fun to interview her and, and she probably can interview us much better than we could ever interview her. Um, but it was, but it, but she made it seem like, um, she was easy to talk to. It was, she was very approachable and she still interacts with us on Twitter.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. And she, well That, I think it's just the fact that, that she set out to make a career for herself. It didn't take, didn't make excuses for anything and just went about going, you know, taking the steps she needed to take, to do what she wanted to do and, and experiencing life and figuring out what that was. And she just happened to be very successful at a very early age and be able, you know, the different steps that she took, I mean are pretty, pretty phenomenal.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Um, because she's still very young<laugh>.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah, that, that was a good one. That's funny that we had, and I knew we'd eventually get at least one of ours.

Chase Peckham:

Well, that didn't take very long.

Felipe Arevalo:

I was thinking maybe two, but we'll see. Um, yeah, those, that was a fun one. You know, which other one I had fun. There's a couple time, you know, I mentioned social media there. Couple times we saw things or I saw things on social media where as I was reading it, I said, oh, we're gonna talk about this.

Chase Peckham:

Oh, you're number 96.

Felipe Arevalo:

There, 96, yeah is that on your list as well?

Chase Peckham:

It's on my list. Yes.<laugh>.

Felipe Arevalo:

And we didn't compare a list just to let everybody know, you

Chase Peckham:

You know, it's the first time that we ever checked marked the cuss words that there was profane, profanity,

Felipe Arevalo:

Profanity, exactly.

Chase Peckham:

That's the only one, that's the only episode where we had, where

Felipe Arevalo:

Where we had to remove them out.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

And it's something it's funny. We talked yesterday, but we said, we're not sharing a list. You know, let's see what comes out of it and which episodes we pick, but yeah, 96 was definitely one of them. Um, and.

Chase Peckham:

so let's give a background on it.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. So we saw a tweet, um, from, it is from the, I initially from the Reddit, uh, the sub Reddit, Am I the a-hole, um, and it was about a,

Chase Peckham:

It says, am I the a-hole question mark.

Felipe Arevalo:

So people go on on there, they post the story and then people go on there and say, yes, you are. Or no, you're not. Um, and, and it was a, a, a, a gentleman posting about how he had gone on vacations. Um, with his girlfriend didn't make as much money him and his family a little or, or better off financially. And he basically kind of let her starve her way and sit in the room through the whole vacation and not really pay for anything. Um, yeah. And then we just had a discussion on that.

Chase Peckham:

And expected her, That she knew what she was getting into. And so I think we came down with the, the overall we came all the, that he definitely a.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Yeah. That he didn't handle that very well.

Felipe Arevalo:

No, I don't think he did. And<laugh>

Chase Peckham:

No compassion at all.

Felipe Arevalo:

No. Right. And, and just like the human element of it. And that's something with personal finances. It's important to remember there is a human element to it. Um,

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

You have to put feelings into it. It's not just about the, the money signs and it's not just about counting and, and that's something we've I come across sometimes on like social media and things like that, um, where someone's sitting there on social media, who is always, you know, saying, oh, I'm doing so well. I got this investment, that investment. And they're wondering if they should go shell out the money for like new tires or if they should try and ride'em out a little longer and it's sitting there and it's like, there's some things that you probably just it's okay to spend the money. It it's, it's a good thing to spend the money.

Chase Peckham:

Or for your safety

Felipe Arevalo:

It's for your safety, right.

Chase Peckham:

You need to do it. Yes.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. And, and it's something, especially if you have the money go spend the money, it's okay to spend money sometimes, uh, especially if it's within your financial, uh, capabilities. So that tweet, uh, when I was reading it initially, I was like, Ooh, who do I tell?

Chase Peckham:

Well, the whole point is, is that you you're supposedly he's in love with this girl. And he invites her to go on this great vacation with his family and he knows her situation financially. So if you're gonna do that, you know, any self-respecting guy or even gal, if they were flipped, they're gonna, they're gonna pick up the slack and want you to enjoy the vacation.

Felipe Arevalo:

You would hope so.

Chase Peckham:

You pay what you can, and I'll take care of the rest. That if you real, that doesn't make that made no sense to me.

Felipe Arevalo:

Or tone down the vacation

Chase Peckham:

Or right. Or you just don't invite her in that and just say, Hey, right, this is a family thing that we've got going on, but at least communicate. Uh, and that, and we that's, you know, obviously a very big topic of conversation with personal finance. And if you're in relationships is to communicate about it. You have to.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

It's imperative.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It's definitely something where, um, oh, we have a question. Cool. Um, it's definitely something where that communication.

Chase Peckham:

Oh from Facebook?

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. Question from Facebook since doing the podcast, do you get more money questions from friends and family?

Chase Peckham:

Uh, yeah. Quite a bit, actually. Quite a bit. And, and, uh, so a lot of times it depends on how personal it gets.<laugh> how I answer or how involved it is. Uh, but a lot of times I will refer our fr uh, if it's especially somebody that's a little bit younger and, and it's about investing in that kind of thing, we do refer to our, our buddy Paul Lim and, and friends like that. But yeah, I do answer quite a bit. And usually they're pretty, just simple.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

How do you handle this in this situation?

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. I, I think it's funny because it's not like my friends and family.

Chase Peckham:

My wife doesn't I can tell you that.

Felipe Arevalo:

I was gonna say, it's not like my wife and not my wife, friends.

Chase Peckham:

My kids definitely.

Felipe Arevalo:

Didn't know that I was doing personal finance before this, you know, I've been doing it for a long, long time, so they know what I do, but just being on a podcast, I think does make it where it's like, oh, now you're an expert. Like now I'm an expert. I've been doing this for over a decade.

Chase Peckham:

So you're Kinda like Chandler with all your friends, from Friends, you know, they he's friends with him. They just never knew what he does.

Felipe Arevalo:

Exactly. All of a sudden they find me on Spotify or, uh, you know, on Spotify Pandora or, you know, the apple podcast. And then the, now I'm an expert. Um, so yes, I do believe that since doing the podcast, um, I think I also pop up higher on a, on a Google search than I used to. Um,<laugh>.

Chase Peckham:

goes with the territory..

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

You're famous. What are you Gonna do?

Felipe Arevalo:

I, I still don't have that check mark on Instagram or Twitter, Twitter, if you're listening, uh, you know,<laugh> get us a, a SDFLC at least needs a, check mark.

Chase Peckham:

Soon we're going to have to change it to the real Felipe Arevalo,

Felipe Arevalo:

Exactly Um, so I think it, it it's, it's definitely increased a little great question though. I love the question. Um, any others Chase that you could, you, you want to go over that you have to?

Chase Peckham:

Yeah, I mean, there was, you know, again, we, the pandemic was, was an interesting year, 2020, um, I didn't think 2020 could get any, any crazier. Like, I, I remember my wife and I saying, we couldn't get out of 2020 fast enough.

Felipe Arevalo:

Fast enough.

Chase Peckham:

And I think we all kind of felt that way. Um, and yet 2021 started off with, Andrea, but there was a, I think probably my, my favorite episode, uh, the entire time and for whatever reason, it resonated with listeners too, because it's, by far our top, uh, listen to podcast.

Felipe Arevalo:

I, I knew this one would be on our lists,

Chase Peckham:

It is because it was so personal between you and I, right. It's the first time we introduced, um, our better haves to the, our listeners to, to, and, and it was such a, a real discussion because it was, it was vulnerable. It was us talking about, and, and the, the, the name of it, it was, it was episode 71. Uh, we did it in early February or late January. I can't remember which one it was,

Felipe Arevalo:

It was late January.

Chase Peckham:

Offhand, but it's, it was Roses or Red Violets are Blue and Valentine's Day on a Budget is great too, or something like that. And so my wife, Carrie, and, uh, your wife, Sarah sat down with us and just discussed, you know, how we handle a day, like Valentine's day and that time of year and how differently unique it can be with each and every couple there is out there. Um, and for whatever reason, I mean, it seems to be our top listen to every month, even though.

Felipe Arevalo:

Every month.

Chase Peckham:

It's, it's a year old now.

Felipe Arevalo:

Right.<laugh> it is by far our most popular episode. Um,

Chase Peckham:

It's so funny how honest our wives were and, and how.

Felipe Arevalo:

I know.

Chase Peckham:

Quickly, they threw us under the bus.<laugh> what they really didn't like, what they do.

Felipe Arevalo:

It happens, exactly.

Chase Peckham:

<laugh> it was like,

Felipe Arevalo:

And we kind of expected it going in.

Chase Peckham:

Yes. We did<laugh>, there's no doubt.

Felipe Arevalo:

I knew I was gonna get a little burn there. Um, but it, but it's something where it, it was, it was fun to record and apparently the audience loves it. Everyone keeps listening to it.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

Like you said, long after Valentine's day, every month, it seems to be our most popular episode. Um,

Chase Peckham:

It really is.

Felipe Arevalo:

Even as we've had other popular ones, that one just kind of is always right there. Um, so yeah, I think that one was definitely a fun one to record.

Chase Peckham:

Well I think it's because it was very real life, right. I mean, it's, it's relatable.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. Sarah always tells me, I tell her like, Hey, you still have the top episode. Uh<laugh>. And she's like, I, because we did in Season one that wasn't this year, but in season one, we had her on for a cost of baby, which is still in our top.

Chase Peckham:

Because you guys just had a baby at the time.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. Which is still at the top five. So she likes to remind me that two of our five episodes.

Chase Peckham:

That's still, and that episode still holds true. I mean, it's, it's a really good episode.

Felipe Arevalo:

So she was giving me a hard time about that when I was telling her which episodes are doing good. Um, but it was, it was such a fun episode that Valentine's Day one. And, and it was, uh, it was real, it, it applied personal finances and, and so many things that go along with holidays, like Valentine's day, not just Valentine's day, but there's so many other holidays.

Chase Peckham:

Holidays that are similar.

Felipe Arevalo:

That you can kinda similar idea, um,

Chase Peckham:

birthdays, the whole thing.

Felipe Arevalo:

So I think that one was, was definitely a fun one for me as well. That was definitely on my list.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah, it was, it was fantastic. I went back and listened to it again prior to this episode. And, uh, you know, I got a little weepy actually, because at the, that time, um, Kerrie probably had colon cancer and we hadn't known it yet. And it was three months later, uh, in may that 2021 became crazier for the Peckham family and worse for the Peckham family than the prior four years. And I didn't think that that was possible. Uh, but my wife Kerrie was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer, um, which I had brought up, um, in one of our episodes. Um, and when we were talking about dealing with money, uh, when it comes to medical, uh, issues and the medical field, um, health, but, uh, so yeah, it, it really wanna cast a new light for me, um, that, you know, nobody in life really, uh, avoids turmoil in some way. Um, and you know, we, we, we talk a lot in our presentations in our workshops, um, and this podcast that comes up over and over again that, um, you know, we, we try to create a roadmap for ourselves financially and try to create a roadmap for ourselves, um, for our futures. Um, you know, no matter where we are in life, uh, that roadmap is kind of our budget, right? It's, it's something that we work off of. Um, and they're going, there's going to be bumps in the road. There's gonna be Hills and valleys and every, whatever other cliche you wanna to put on that, um, there's gonna be, um, as soon. And, and as much as we talk about planning, as much as we say to how important planning is, because it absolutely is. It doesn't mean it's always gonna go according to plan, if that makes sense, and you have to be adaptable.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Um, and you know, when you get something like a cancer diagnosis, that's not something any of us expect. That's not something any of us think is going to happen to me or happen to us.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Even though it happens to millions of people around the world. And there, you know, the one thing that I, I have to say that, you know, through all of this, that the community through the podcast, but our, our office, um, our colleagues, our friends and family have been just unbelievable, uh, to Kerrie. And, and I, through this, um, the amount of support I can't imagine getting through these last seven months as Kerrie has gone through chemo and trying to figure out how, you know, we're gonna best navigate this to, to, to beat it ultimately is our goal. Um, but you know, so many things go through your mind, um, when you get a diagnosis like this, when you have at the time, I just, just turned, uh, 11 year old and just turned 13 year old, which they still are. Um, you know, and you think you've got so much life left to live and, you know, what am I gonna do as a single father? Or how am I gonna raise, how am my kids gonna, you know, all those bad things that go through your mind with community and with, and this podcast helped a lot, is realizing that, you know, it's a bump in the road, but medicine is an amazing thing that, that there are many people that, that there was never why us, um, maybe for two days, I think, you know, when she was in the hospital and, you know, when my head was spinning, I think I did that for a little bit, but then it was, you know, pick up our, put on our boots, put on our pants and, and, and say, you know, lot millions of people go through this and a millions of people beat it. Um, and that we can do that. And, and, but it, it's, it's not easy without community. So like with people like yourself and Katie and, uh, Mike, uh, and Michelle and, and the Carlos and the group, um, at DebtWave and San Diego financial literacy center and our, our incredible community, um, you know, we wouldn't be, um, where we are today without all of you. And, um, and, and our, our listeners as well. I mean, this podcast and the job that we do, the work that we do every single day, um, in trying to at educate, I mean, what we do is, is sometimes it's maddening because you feel like, are we really getting through to people? And, and then we find out, yeah, I mean that we are, um, we're reaching, uh, the, the underserved we're, we're reaching, um, our service members and, and that matters a lot. And, and that we, you know, we'll come out of this, um, on top and so not to get too heavy and get into it, but it, it, it really made our, uh, these podcasts. It really, you take it to heart because, you know, we, we preach a lot of things and then you, but you have to live it, you have to walk the walk. And, um, and sometimes, uh, one thing that we've all learned though, that as tough as life is, life is wonderful. That we're all very, very, very, very lucky to, to get, um, our opportunity to walk this earth and be with other people. Um,

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

It it's something where it it's, it, you, you, you, like you mentioned, you gotta take your, take your shots and, and just move forward. Um, you guys have been doing a great job of staying positive, following her story and everything. So,

Chase Peckham:

yeah, she started a new.

Felipe Arevalo:

Keep up the good work.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. She started, the podcast is gonna drop pretty you soon. Uh, but she's been writing a blog forever. Uh, you can follow her, if, do you want to, if you're interested in, you know, she was very, very hard for her to know whether she was gonna come out publicly or not. Um, but she's been writing a blog called Time is Money Mom for, for years. Um, and she's, you know, I married way, way, way up. Um, she, you know, I'm very blessed that I have somebody like her, um, cuz she's an incredible writer and incredibly successful professional and, and yet an incredible wife and mom, um, and great friend of many people, uh, but it's called time is money Mom, you can follow her on Facebook or, and Instagram. Um, she's really loves those stories. And then she's gonna be a new podcast of the same title, time is money mom is gonna be dropping here in the next month. Um, so if you wanna follow her her road because she does, she documents everything from the chemo, the good, the bad, the ugly, um, and, and it's been healing for her and, and, and us.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. Any other episode you could think of?

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. Um, there, there, yeah, there a, a few, um, see, yeah, I, there was, I, you know, I had a hard time. Picking'em.

Felipe Arevalo:

I did I had, I had one other one that I really enjoyed recording. Um, and it was, uh, ETFs understanding ETFs with Kyle Woodley from Kiplinger, uh, and not just because he's a soccer fan. Um, although as you know,

Chase Peckham:

That helped.

Felipe Arevalo:

A big soccer fan that does help. Um, the San Diego soccer world is kind of buzzing right now, too. So, um,

Chase Peckham:

Sure is.

Felipe Arevalo:

San Diego, uh, fan Alex Morgan coming to San Diego.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

For The Wave is, is, is exciting for soccer fans.

Chase Peckham:

Welcome Alex.

Felipe Arevalo:

Exactly. Um, like a bonafide super star,

Chase Peckham:

My daughter is Going nuts.

Felipe Arevalo:

I I'm a big fan, uh, you know, following the women's national team and, and everything and, and all their successes. It's like cool to have. It's cool. When your team brings like big talent, you know, we have Tatis, we have Machado at the Padres and now we have Alex Morgan. Who's more popular than both of them.

Chase Peckham:

Don't forget Jake Cronenworth.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. He's homegrown. He's yeah. He's younger.

Chase Peckham:

So is Tatis.

Felipe Arevalo:

Uh, yeah. Tatis had that hype though.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

As hes come up through the, through the minor leagues, um,

Chase Peckham:

Well deserved hype.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. So it, you know, it it's, it was fun to talk to him about ETFs and, and, and investing and, and, you know, just kind of how to, how people can get started and how you can remove the barriers where it's like, do I do a ETF? Do I do a mutual fund? Oh, I can't make up my mind. I'm just not gonna do either. And he was saying like, it doesn't matter. Just, just pick one, just get to investing, get to saving, get to doing things. And you can buy little fractions.

Chase Peckham:

Getting in the habit.

Felipe Arevalo:

And, and you can buy, you can start with small amounts of money. Um, I thought that was very interesting and very, especially with the young people that we talk to, excuse me, students who don't have a lot of money, but they have that urge to get involved.

Chase Peckham:

For sure.

Felipe Arevalo:

To get started, to get investing.

Chase Peckham:

Knowledge is pour another cliché I'm throwing out there again, it true could,

Felipe Arevalo:

They could start with$5. They could start with$20. And, and just as long as it's constant. Um, and, and you hear terms though, like ETFs and mutual funds. And if you, don't not into investing, like I don't even know what all that stuff is, but he really broke it down. Um, and he was one of our other are, uh, Twitter check mark people, um, for, for guests as well. So, um, you know, it, it, it was a fun one and, and I really enjoyed that one as.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah it's, been fun. One thing I've learned that, that through this whole thing, there's so many smart people out there, um, with just incredibly interesting stories. Um, self-made one of my favorites. I, I be remiss if I didn't mention you How to buy a car is really that's one, that's a presentation. We do a lot,

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

Especially for young people,

Felipe Arevalo:

In the community college.

Chase Peckham:

And Sharon glassy, who, who is a, an attorney here in consumer protection attorney here in, in San Diego, uh, practicing in California, obviously, but just the, the different insights that she gave us talking about.

Felipe Arevalo:

I learned a lot that episode,

Chase Peckham:

Right? What our rights are as consumers, when you buy a vehicle and what you can say, what you should say yes to, and what is just absolute junk, um, and all the upselling that they try to do, uh, when you're going through that whole process, uh, it was just a, it, it was, I loved it. And if, and if you haven't heard that one it's, uh, episode number 75, uh, Sharon was, she was so nervous to do it too. And she was absolutely phenomenal.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. It, it, that was one of the episodes where it was like, man, I learned a lot when you finish recording and you realize like, I, I, there's a lot that I learned in this.

Chase Peckham:

We thought we knew everything.

Felipe Arevalo:

I thought I knew. I thought I knew car buying. Uh, and then you sit down and you talk and you're like, oh, wow. I, I maybe, I didn't know as much as I thought I did, which is a dangerous place to be when you think, you know, everything.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

But you really don't. Um, so it's always good. And that's something where, when people go car shopping now, like friends or whatever, like you should go listen to this podcast episode. Um, I'm not trying to just get listens and, and, and downloads, but this could be really Infor useful information that you could save you when you go make a car purchase.

Chase Peckham:

Well, I'll give you a quick one. So a friend of mine or, or people that I know, uh, who, who listened to this episode, um, are happened to know Sharon. And they, they called me and they said, you know, after the episode we were gonna go buy a new car. They took Sharon with him.

Felipe Arevalo:

That's funny.

Chase Peckham:

And she sat there with him. And as the guy is trying to sell him the car and do the paperwork and everything, she just sat there and went, Nope, Nope, Nope. That's illegal. Nope. Nope.<laugh> and she finally, the guy's just like, okay, look, whatever you just tell us what you need cuz you know, she just was like, they probably, she probably saved them about eight or nine grand on the car. By the time they were all said and done the things they might have said yes to.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

So pretty, pretty interesting, um, stuff. But I thank you again, Sharon, for joining us and I, you know, that was a really great that that learned a ton in that.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. That it's been a fun one. You have any others on your list? I think I, we covered all the ones on my list.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah, no we covered'em. I think bottom line is, is I'm excited for 2022. I'm excited for the 2021 holidays. Um, you know, uh, a week, uh, next week I'll be taking the rest of the time off. We're gonna take a little hiatus, uh, about a two week hiatus on the podcast. Uh, give you guys all a chance to catch up on the 12 episodes that we have out there. If you haven't heard any, uh,

Felipe Arevalo:

Not putting out episodes on, uh, on, uh, Christmas or New Years eve.

Chase Peckham:

Right. We won't have our SWYM, our SWYM Live until the new year, uh, as well, which I really love doing those in 2021. I thought that, um, that, that those became much more, uh, popular. Uh, so, and, and, and I think we've in fact, people that are here live right now have been on a few of those, uh, SWYM Live. So thank you to those people that have been joining us in Facebook. Um, and.

Felipe Arevalo:

If any of you have questions too on Facebook or here on zoom, feel free to drop'em in the chat. But, um, yeah, I, I think it, we have some guests lined up for January. We've already.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

Scheduled some recordings.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah we're booking like crazy.

Felipe Arevalo:

Uh, so, so it'll be fun. We'll have some, um, uh, you know, some, some fun guests along the way, some returning guests,

Chase Peckham:

It's really interesting to see how many people reach out to us too, that that want to get on our podcast that we've had turn down

Felipe Arevalo:

Some of them far more, uh, some of them would've been like, oh yes, you wanna be on our show? And then other ones were like, what is it that you do?

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. What are you trying to push?

Felipe Arevalo:

Exactly. Yeah. Um, someone said on Facebook, uh, Chase, not a question, but thank you for an amazing show.

Chase Peckham:

Oh, Thank you. Appreciate it. Um, thanks very much. We, we enjoy doing it. Uh, we for bill and I, I think we can tell you, and I know that Katie, uh, we enjoy what we do. Um, and, and, you know, we work with some good, we work with good people. Um, the, the, the pandemic has been difficult for everybody for many different reasons. Um, but.

Felipe Arevalo:

Quite the shift and change.

Chase Peckham:

It's something we all shared together though. Right. And it, yeah. And, and, you know, as of the day we're recording this, California has mandated an indoor mask again, even if you're vaccinated. So it, you know, I, I don't think it's, I don't think it was, um, unexpected that the winter season would kind of cause an uptick again. Um, but, uh, still, it just, you know, I think we all yearn for this sucker to go away.

Felipe Arevalo:

It's funny. It seems like it was so long ago we were sitting in the office and I'd sit in my little cubicle in the corner next to Katie and we would chit chat and people would come over. Like, are you talking to yourself? No, I'm talking to Katie. She's just, there's a divider. So we just talk over it. Um, and, and Katie and I would sit there and talk about all kinds of random things and someday being home buyers and doing all this stuff. And it's been so long in, in 2021, um, you know, brought on some of those,

Chase Peckham:

Both of you are homeowners. So congratulations t both of you.

Felipe Arevalo:

I know thanks.

Chase Peckham:

That's phenomenal.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. So congratulations, Katie, uh, congratulations me. I guess um,<laugh> but it it's something where, you know, it was such a, the year was just, I mean, you'd have told me when we left the office back in 2020, that it was gonna be like, oh, you'll be working from home and 2021, and you'll be recording from home and you'll actually own a home. Um, it, it was just been, it it's been, it's been a crazy one.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. It really has. And I, I, as much as I was looking forward to 2021, boy, I'm looking forward to 2022, a lot more Uhhuh<affirmative>. Um, and I, you know, while I'm there, I'd like to thank, um, our doctors at Scripps, um, all the great nurses that have worked with Kerrie through here, chemo and new doctors and, and team that we have at UCSD um, now, um, then that, uh, you know, I, we will update in this podcast as we go through. Um, but, um, you know, I look forward to, to the SDFLC and, and working in our communities. We, we did book in person, uh, workshops, um, for 2022. So looking forward to that again, um, to literally going down and meeting with people in person and seeing those faces, um, that's something I look forward to

Felipe Arevalo:

And we continue our virtual ones. All across the country. And,

Chase Peckham:

You know, as we go into this, we wish everybody an incredible holiday, happy holidays. If you went through Hanukah already, um, happy Hanukah, uh, and you know, if, if you listen to this show, if you like this show, please, uh, spread the word, um, like us follow us, um, you know, send it out there. I'd like to thank whoever it was that liked us in Sacramento, uh, that was sending out some, some, uh, some very positive vibes on us to listen, uh, was, was very, very nice, uh, last week. But, uh, we could use more of that and, um, pass the word. Uh, we, uh, we look forward to a, an ongoing and fun 2022 let's hope it's a lot less, uh, a lot less stressful for many different reasons and, uh, health and prosperity to everyone over this holiday season.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yes Thank you everybody. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate it. We had fun. Um, hope you did as well, and come back in January.

Chase Peckham:


Speaker 5:
