Sith Talkers "A Star Wars Podcast Show"

"Does Ahsoka Tano Retcon The Sequel Trilogy" Episode 92

Lando and Steve Episode 92

Enjoy your weekly Star Wars Podcast Show this week with Mike "Lando" Ferrando and Bother for a fun filled Episode bringing you topics and segments !!
The Main Topic: Does Ahsoka Tano Retcon The Sequel Trilogy?? !!
Steve's Topic: Steve's dives into Lucasfilm games!!
Side Topic:  Young Anakin Skywalker Alternative Storyline !!
Segments: Random Thoughts  With Lando
 and The Star Wars Encyclopedia Character Fact of The Week!!
Enjoy the new sponser commercial this week!! Power Convertors!!
 What will the  Till The Enders question be!!
Will Watto and Brother show up at the end of the show??
Special Song at the end of the show...
Don't be a Milf Mooker ! You don't want to miss this Episode !!
 Leave any comments, questions and feedback about ANYTHING !! We would love to hear from you !! Check us out on YouTube for weekly Podcast Clips, Reaction Video's on Satuarday & Wednesday and More...
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 May the Force be with you...Always...
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