Good Enough

Singleness with Nikki Lawrence

Andrea Burke, Lore Ferguson Wilbert, Nikki Lawrence Season 1 Episode 7

Nikki Lawrence is a member of The Village Church and is deacon over singles at the Flower Mound campus. She’s also in sales and cares deeply about road trips, connecting people in ministry, and can be found at a HomeGoods near you.

1 Corinthians 7:32-34
Acts 16


Weekly Challenges:
If you’re one who’s putting life on hold until marriage, do three things this week that you’ve been waiting for marriage for (better sheets, plates, take a trip etc.)

If you’re married, invite some single people over to your house for dinner. Make room at your table for them. Build friendships with people who aren’t in the exact same season of life as you.

If you’re one who’s consumed with finding a spouse or considering every brother or sister as a potential spouse, ask the Spirit to help you view them as fellow image bearers and family in Christ first.