Good Enough

Pornography, Your Kids, and a Healthy Sexual Ethic at Home with Greta Eskridge

August 05, 2020 Andrea Burke, Greta Eskridge Season 2 Episode 11

In this episode, Andrea Burke and Greta Eskridge talk about how to talk to your kids about sex, pornography, healthy conversations about sex, and more. Greta Eskridge is a home schooling mom of 4. She loves to fill her family’s days with reading, making art, and being outside as much as possible. Her favorite places to be are on a hiking trail or at the tide pools--preferably with an iced coffee in hand. Greta loves laughing, having adventures and taking cat naps in the afternoon. She and her artist husband, Aaron, make their home in sunny southern California.

Greta is also an author and speaker. Her first book, "Adventuring Together", releases July of 2020 with Thomas Nelson. Greta travels the country speaking and sharing her message of joyful, connected parenting.

Greta would love to connect with you!
You can hang out with her on her Instagram feed. You'll find her @maandpamodern.
You can also find her on her blog at

Book: Adventuring Together

As referenced:
Song of Songs commentary