Preacher Man Milo: The Bible Study Podcast

Grandma's Hands

Preacher Man Milo Episode 33

Study of Scripture:  Ruth  1-4 

Did you know that the LEGACY of LOVE between Ruth and Boaz really boils down to GRANDMA’S HANDS? 

Grandmothers are GIFTS from GOD!!

Bill Withers, who wrote and sang a string of soulful songs in the 1970s that have stood the test of time, including “Lean on Me,” “Lovely Day” and “Ain’t No Sunshine,” has died from heart complications.* His death comes at time when the public has drawn inspiration from his music during the coronavirus pandemic. 

In today’s special edition Bible study, Milo honors the life and legacy of Bill Withers while also honoring the life and legacy of our beautiful grandmothers. The Biblical basis for this lesson is the Book of Ruth. Milo facilitates a closer look at the relational dynamic between Ruth, Boaz, and Naomi, while offering his “romantical” insights along the way. 

The Romantical Series is a Bible study series Milo put together to teach about applying Biblical principles and scriptural insight to our romantic relationships, current and/or future. This lesson is “Part 8” of the Romantical series.  


*Statement according to the associated press.

 **Links to the earlier parts of the Romantical series are provided below, with a brief description about each Bible study topic. 

You can listen in whatever order you prefer. Click below!!

Part 7: “Walking on Eggshells” (This is a Bible study about being equally yoked).   

 Part 6: “That Good Girl”
(This is a Bible study about the Proverbs 31 Woman)

 Part 5:Love Theory”  (This is a Bible study about the five love languages)

Part 4:Free Marriage Giveaways” (This is a Bible study about the profound mystery of marriage) 

Part 3: That Woman’s Werk: (This is a Bible study about submission in the Christian marriage)

Part 2: Love Triangles: (This is a Bible study about toxic love triangles):

 Part 1: Helper Bae (This is a Bible study about God being dope for “helping” the man “find” a wife)

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