Generations United Podcast

Episode 15: Rachel Fleischer on Young Invincibles' Advocacy and Opportunities for Connecting Generations as the Biden Administration Helps Communities Build Back from the Impact of the Pandemic

Generations United

Young Invincibles was founded by a group of students in the summer of 2009, motivated by the recognition that young people’s voices were not being heard in the debate over health care reform. In the years since, the organization expanded from a group run out of a school cafeteria to a national organization with offices across the country.

Their Executive Director Rachel Fleischer joined Generations United's Executive Director Donna Butts for a discussion on the various priorities and actions Young Invincibles are looking for the Biden administration to take on. This episode also focuses on ways of how the group expresses issues beyond partisanship and emotion, while still conveying their passion.

Learn more about The Young Invincibles at Learn more about Generations United at

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