The AlphaMind Podcast
Mastering trading is not about mastering markets but mastering yourself. The AlphaMind Podcast focuses on the 'Trader Self'. We look at the person doing the trading, their interactions with the market, the impact the market has on them, and the skills, actions and activities needed to navigate their way through the complex and uncertain terrain of financial, commodity, energy and crypto markets.
The AlphaMind Podcast
#79 True Grit - Dr Doug Mackaman and Dr Paul Stolz on Grit and Adversity as the Bedrock of Success
True Grit: Dr Doug Mackaman and Dr Paul Stolz on Grit and Adversity as the Bedrock of Success
The ability to cope with setbacks, deal with adversity and have the grit to battle through the difficult times, is the very bedrock which trading success is built upon. In this episode we talk with two of the world’s leading experts on these themes.
Dr Doug Mackaman is a distinguished professor of European History and Global Affairs, at the university of Wisconsin, has studied the history of burnout and is passionate about regeneration and escalation of talent.
Dr. Paul G. Stoltz is considered the world’s leading authority on the integration and application of grit and resilience. He is author of five international bestselling books on the subject, was voted by HR Magazine as “One of the Top 10 most influential global thinkers,” and by Executive Excellence as “One of the 100 Most Influential Thinkers of Our Time.” . He has given a wonderful Ted Talk on adversity and has also been a regular guest on the Oprah Winfrey show talking about these themes.
In this episode, Doug and Paul talk about how the importance of developing and nurturing these attributes in the face of the stresses of the modern world, the challenges and demands put upon people to produce and lead, and pressures to perform to and the expectations put upon people by others and themselves.
We also hear about their venture called Sabatigo, which is a novel twist on the concepts of sabbaticals. Sabatigo is designed to help business leaders, stressed out managers and high net worth individuals regenerate from burnout whilst escalating their leadership profiles and enterprise-level wisdom. The purpose is to help these people to become more empathic, resilient, and innovative in how they solve problems and resolve the issues and challenges their businesses and people face.
You can learn more about Sabatigo at this link https://www.sabatigo.com/
You can also learn more about:
Dr Doug Mackaman and his work here https://www.linkedin.com/in/doug-mackaman-ph-d-05429a34/
And Dr Paul Stolz and his work here https://www.peaklearning.com/dr-paul-g-stoltz/
AlphaMind: Powering Performance in Global Markets
AlphaMind brings powerful change, growth and development to people and businesses within global markets.
Driven by a deep understanding of how markets work, and how people and businesses function within them, we partner with clients to create personal performance improvements that elevate returns across their trading activities.
Go to the AlphaMind website to know more.