The Oasis Church Sermons

Worship Accomplishes The Impossible (Colossians 1:11-14)

February 27, 2022 The Oasis Church
The Oasis Church Sermons
Worship Accomplishes The Impossible (Colossians 1:11-14)

psalm 107 verse 31 let them thank the lord for his steadfast love for his wondrous works of the children of man what has god done he has transferred you he has saved you from slavery to freedom from the domain of darkness to the domain of light as we continue our way through the book of colossians we are reminded of the love the apostle paul has for the church for this church of colossae we get to see the love the apostle paul has and one of the things that has struck me that has hit me between the eye as we have been reading and rereading and rereading through chapter one as a reminder that paul never visited colossae he was never in the town of colossae he went to ephesus and then from ephesus he went straight to rome but how did the church colossal come was a guy named epaphras and seth talked about this a few weeks ago so go check out a sermon a guy named epaphras took the gospel from ephesus all the way to colossae and he started a church he preached the gospel and people came to know him and so paul writes this whole letter reminding the church of the supremacy of christ he doesn't he's never met these guys he's just heard of their faith oh that the world would hear of the oasis church's faith that is something that we desire and so paul writes this whole letter reminding you reminding me of the supremacy of christ and the whole bible is filled with reminding us of how great how grand how majestic god is and the reason why it is on every page of the bible is that you and i need to be reminded of this do we not because we so easily can so easily forget about this it is so easy to take our eyes off of christ and set them on our selves and god in his great mercy and his great love for you and i constantly consistently through the word of god through the people of god through the prayers to god reminds us how great he is and this gives the believer such comfort such stability in a world that is bent on destroying itself i found myself asking this past week why is it that i why is it that i so often forget this fact of how great how grand how big god is why is it that i so often get discouraged when i look around at the way the things are going in the world why is it that i get so discouraged when i hear the church is shrinking salvations are in decline everything's in decline it's all over it's terrible it's horrible

i get so discouraged because i listen to people that aren't rooted in the word of god i get so discouraged because i listen to people who are not thinking about eternity but thinking about temporal things and when i come into contact with the word of god god reminds me i'm sovereign i'm in control here and i will be praised and my name will cover the earth like the water covers the seas

you know as well as i do news talk shows youtube facebook instagram filled with blasphemy filled with people who hate god and want to see his name wiped off this earth

and the message of the culture is simply this if we get more stuff if we get more knowledge if we get more of this we will be good we just need to get to this next point and we'll be good and you and i both know that when we get to that next point all that happens is not that we're good but that more and more struggles more and more anxiety comes here's the here's the dirty secret the culture does not want you to know that the more you know the more anxious you become the more there's things are created the worse things get how do i know this because you just look around anxiety is on the rise and what has happened so is knowledge and here they'll tell you man the bible is just a fairy tale it's just a way to keep people in line right because we just have the technology to have the availability and i just say how's that working for us

there's something more going on and you and i know that the more and more and the more stuff we get the more and more we realize the great truth that all of the technology all of the knowledge of this world cannot save but god alone can save salvation belongs to the lord this is the supremacy of god in our lives and friends we can never ever over exaggerate this truth there is not a point where you ever get to a point where like i'm talking too much i'm praising too much i'm seeing god as too big that will never happen in your life therefore we're ever growing in our knowledge of him and this is paul's point to the church of colosse they live in a culture very similar to ours a culture that is filled with religious pluralism everyone believes what they want to believe and that's fine until you have the exclusivity claim jesus is the only way he's the only truth and he is only life and no one goes to the head and no one goes to the father no one goes to the glories of heaven except through a life devoted to him once you start preaching that in this culture that's when you will be persecuted

and this is why paul writes to the church of colosse to remind them of the supremacy of the gospel the supremacy of christ and we so need to be reminded of this and we so need to be reminded that christ will accomplish his purpose and his purpose is what to fill the world with the knowledge of him and this is the great joy for the christian this is the great joy in your life in my life and this isn't some sort of intellectual understanding but an experiential understanding and it's not weird it's not a weird experiential understanding it's knowing that the bible is right it is true that god is worthy of all of our praise and all of our worship and when you know this you're rooted and grounded and you're not tossed to and fro by every wind abduction but you stand confidently and you say wherever christ is there i will be also

with that if you have your bibles go ahead and grab them we're gonna be in colossians chapter one colossians chapter one is where we're going to continue to work our way through in our texas we're looking at this glorious beautiful tightly compacted letter that paul writes the church of colossae reminding them don't be blinded don't don't give up continue continue in the supremacy the majesty the greatness of him grow be filled to the knowledge of him and so we're continuing our way in colossians one because paul wants you and i to have great comfort great hope in who christ is regardless of the circumstances of the culture in which we live in and so my goal this morning is one thing and that's to answer the question how is it that you and i are to reach a world that hates god how is it that you and i are to go out and reach the world all four corners of this world that you and i have been called to how are we to do that and paul has that answer here for the church colossae you will see it throughout his whole letter this is his whole main point it's culminated in chapter four but it's clearly discussed here as early as chapter one so we're gonna see how god reaches the world through people like you and me because the desire of god and the desire of your life in my life is the same that the world would know him so before we do that would you pray with me and we'll dive into our text

father god we come before you

and god we know you we know you because you have given your spirit to fill us you've given us your word to guide and direct us and to lead us and so we walk in faith trusting in you trusting in the hope that is laid before us that jesus purchased for us on that cross and this is our hope this morning now church says pray for me i pray that i'll be helpful this morning pray that god will speak through me but church i ask that you pray that god will humble me behind and beneath his cross this morning

now church says pray for yourself pray that god open up your ears your heart and your mind to hear from him that you'll be attentive to his word and you'll respond with adoration

father god this time is yours we are gathered here for you for the worship of your name we pray that you will you will use this time for your glory we pray these things because of your son's atoning work on the cross through a spirit that's live and active within all who believe amen last week we took a long hard look at the power of prayer and the week before that seth launched us into how paul starts this letter after he gets to his introductory remark he starts by showing the church how he prays and here's what sits at the center of the greatest missionary church planter evangelist in the history of the world what sits at the heart of his ministry the secret to reaching the world was prayer

prayer is how the believer puts themselves in the story of god prayer ultimately reorients us away from ourselves and into the majesty the greatness of god and what prayer will ultimately do is it will keep you from living a life for yourself and thrust you into living a life for others this is what prayer will ultimately and always do it ignited a man named epaphras epaphras took the glo the glory of god the word of god to a place that hates god and there was people who fell on their faith and faces and said i used to hate god but now i am a servant of him and so we are going to continue to see the continuation of this prayer this morning we're going to see this continuation of paul's great prayer for the church of colosse this morning and may i remind you that the power of ministry the power of evangelism power of missions is found in prayer your effectiveness in this world is directly correlated to your prayer life if prayer is not your first priority you will have no hope in reaching a dead world and neither will i may we pray more than we do anything else

in church we must never ever ever never replace prayer with white knuckle disciplining

it terrifies me how often our first response when a problem comes is not to pray first and that includes me when a problem comes sometimes the first thing i want to do is go okay what's the solution and how do i fix it when my first response should be get on my knees and say god i need you may our first response always be prayer and prayer will ultimately be the vehicle of worship that launches us into a world into the mission of god so let's look at the text we're going to start in verses 11 look at 11 and 12 with me being strengthened while thou power according to his glorious might for all endurance and patience with joy giving thanks to the father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light so last week i stopped this mid thought mid-sentence because uh if i didn't we'd still be here today working through verses 9 and 10. so so i know we're kind of in the middle of a sentence so we've just got to backtrack a little bit this morning and remember what verses 9 and 10 was all about paul's big prayer his desire for you his desire for me the desire of the pastor of any church if he's worth his salt the desire of anything is not so much to fill the seats with numbers but to fill the hearts with the glory of god amen and so my hope my prayer for you is the same hope but some same prayer i have for myself that i would know god and be filled to the knowledge of him and that happens not through some sort of mystical experience not through some sort perfect whatever but it happens through getting alone with god in the word of god and the prayers of god and then coming in with the people of god for the worship of god that's how it happens it doesn't happen any other way than that and so here's the deal if if you are if you're lacking in your walk with the lord may i encourage you there's something missing between the three things prayer the word of god and the people of god i've never met someone who's enjoyed those three things and are feels dry in their walk with the lord and so this is paul's whole point he started that remember seth talked about this a few weeks ago right filled with the knowledge and when you heard the word of god you started to bear fruit how beautiful this is i think the hardest thing is we try to look for things that are so far beyond what god has designed for us we think the word of god the prayers of god and the people of god are far too simple there must be something more paul don't worry he's going to address that situation later in colossians so we're going to get there so here we have this is where we are continued if you remember last week if you remember last week we talked it started with this whole idea of bearing fruit in every good work this should sound so familiar where's the first place in scripture you see this idea of bearing fruit genesis chapter 1 be fruitful and multiply now i want to tell you yes this is talking about having kids but it's so far beyond that if that's your only view of that that's a limited view do you know why because paul says be fruitful he's bearing fruit what is going on here you remember how paul starts colossians he calls god what father the greatest word you can the greatest name you can know god by is that of father and god the father bears fruit he bears spiritual children by adopting them throughout the whole world and so the church takes on that same idea oh and we preach the gospel and god adopts children through the preaching of the gospel because people respond to that gospel and say i want christ and that adopts people into the family that's part of the being fruitful and multiplying and filling the earth right so you understand this is the whole point genesis all the way to revelation is about filling the earth with the knowledge of god and so how do you do that through the mission of god and so my friends never ever especially if you are old retired you're done having kids remember this one fact you had you still have a call to be fruitful and multiply by bearing spiritual children

by adopting spiritual children and that that that could mean something as easy as you getting coffee with them and saying can we open up the word together

you still have that mandate you don't get to you don't get to be done with having kids and go all right done with that part let's move on this is part of paul's call to the church because this is part of god's call upon the church this is the center of this mission and so we know that bearing fruit has to do with filling the world with the knowledge of god because it says here in verse 11 being strengthened with all power so let me remind you the gospel is about strengthening you to do the work of god right so the whole point of the gospel is god gives you his glory he gives you his match he gives you your his spirit so that you may worship may they praise him in everything you do and far too often we've heard pastors preach texts that the gospels hear about saving your marriage or saving this or saving that thing in this world and my my problem with that is they just haven't taken it far enough why does god want to save your marriage why does he want to save your kids why does he want to do anything he wants to do it so that he may be praised the whole point of god saving you the whole point of god doing anything is so that the whole point of him strengthening is so that he may be praised now you might be in here and you might be like that sounds selfish the only reason god saved me is so that he can get the glory and i say yes and that's the most loving thing god could do because if god is all about me and not about him then that makes me god and him my genie

and this is why he strengthens you so that you may have the strength and the power to what praise him so you may be totally obsessed with seeing his name be known amongst all corners of the earth and we get the benefit of god being totally obsessed with himself we get the outpour of that love it overflows and it is so it is far more than enough for us so i was thinking how can i how can i examine this how can i like show you this in real time and this is the best example i could give okay let's say you have a dad and he's got a little kid okay every little kid loves what chicken nuggets and waffle fries from chick-fil-a and a great big milkshake right and so here you go and you get all the sauces chick-fil-a will give you and you give it to the kid right and they have one dip and they want a new sauce right so i'm still child so that's i know that's how it is and so the father takes his hard-earned cash that he's worked hard for he goes to chick-fil-a he sits with his child he has the waffle fries and the chicken nuggets right and the big old milkshake and far too much sugar and gets to watch as that kid enjoys the meal but here's the thing if you go and you ask that kid the next day what did you do yesterday do you know what the kid won't talk about he won't talk about the sugary milkshake or all the sauces that he could get his hands on he'll say i got to go have lunch with my father and so the church the church finds the greatest joy not in receiving things from god but from receiving god and so we need to be strengthened in him and i know this is true because if you talk to anyone who's lived life for a few decades they will tell you that some of the sweetest times in their life is not when they got things from god but when they saw god which would not give up on them during the most difficult of times if you are walking through a difficult time this morning i am here to tell you on the authority of scripture god knows exactly what he is doing and he has not left you or abandoned you in fact if you're going through a difficult time you will see god more clearly during this time because he is strengthening you with his power and how much power does he have unlimited riches

and god has given you this power so that you may praise him and praise brings joy to the christian's heart here's a text for you psalm 37 4 delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart what is the desire of your heart and my heart to be filled with the knowledge of god that's why we're here right we're not here for anything but that so you and i may know him fully this is why the people of god are satisfied in one place and one place only in the presence of god jesus joyce set before him what endured the cross what caused jesus to look at the cross and say that's the joy what caused jesus to look at the nails being driven into his hand and feet and saying that's the joy because he was doing the will of the father and the will of the father said this is how i'm going to bring glory to my name and jesus said here i am lord send me

david picked up the same idea in psalm 23 the way walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil why because your rod and your staff they comfort me

he goes on

this strength the strength of life comes from knowing that god is in constant communion with god's people strength does not come from our inner self it comes from actually outside of us it's not about you mustering up something in here it's about god pouring into you the knowledge of who he is and this strengthens you next i want us to see in this text with patience oh man do we want patience and we want it now right with patience we live in a culture that's instant gratification do we not and we all struggle with this do we not

it's hard to have home-cooked meals right because it takes time like i said it's easy to run through chick-fil-a and of all people i am most guilty by the way so don't don't think i'm like hitting on anyone

yet we remind we are we have to remind ourselves that it is through patience that god gets glory and you see when the bible has two kind of opposing things always pay attention to those because we saw this this past week in james where james says our life is a and so sometimes we read that and we're like if our life is a miss that means we've got to do everything we've got to do everything now and we always forget that your life and my life is like the life of a fruit fly here one second gone the next and so we got to try to fill everything but what is filling everything doing what god has said and what has god said wait on me be patient in tribulation be patient in suffering see that i am god because it is true patience that god demonstrates his love for us how do i know paul writes this in romans do you suppose o man you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself that you will escape judgment of god or do you presume on the riches of his kindness kindness and forbearance and patience not knowing that god's kindness and patience is meant to lead you to repentance but because of your heart and penitent heart you're storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when god's righteous judgment will be revealed god is patient with you god is patient with me therefore we are patient with who one another and we're patient in this world because this is an attribute of god that we are reflectors of one of the fruits of the spirit love joy peace

patience is important patience gives us endurance and endurance gives us patience so that we may stand the test of time we realize that god is patient and he endures our nonsense right and so often we we get upset and impatient with others going how could they do that and yet we ask them to be patient with us so what do we do in these moments as we look at others with love and care and we say if god is patient with me i can be patient with others

so often we think you know what things aren't moving fast enough for me right friend brother sister in christ may i remind you it is god who brings things to his completion in his time

patience is important one of my favorites ezekiel chapter 3 he says what i'll make your forehead i'll make you as stubborn as they are and even more stubborn

have patience ezekiel have patience

finally love and patience excuse me finally patience and endurance teaches us what it teaches us love you cannot love without endurance and patience one of the things the lord has really pressed upon me over the last years i started to ask why are there so many people that claim to be christians yet never ever attend a church why are there people so many people who attend or who claim to be christians yet have no desire to be with god's people and we've all heard the jokes have we not church would be great if it wasn't for all the people

yet we're reminded that it is through the people that god grows us into the image of him because love is about endurance for as others endure you you endure others

why because love is to risk being hurt to love is to sacrifice if we understand love as who is giving to me who's pouring into me who is serving me if that's our understanding of love we will move and change whenever things get rough but if we understand love as i'm going to pour out and pour out and i know god i trust god will pour it into me then we'll have much endurance and we will see the love of god manifest people often move too much out of impatience and never ever get to see the depth of god's love because they're never patient enough during god's love

one of the perfect pictures of this is found in the book of john where jesus does what he kneels down and he washes the disciples feet he reminds them that what true love is is not being poured into but pouring out of that true love comes not from people serving me but me serving others and jesus says this is true love and by the way we're gonna read first john this week you're gonna see that all the way through first sean so home group leaders hold your people to the fire on this finally patience is seen through prayer you knocking at heaven's door over and over and over jesus makes the parable in luke chapter 11 where he talks about a guy who comes to the middle of the night right i don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night i hate it it's the worst thing imaginable okay i it's terrible right and so you got this guy knocking on the door in the middle of night saying i need bread bro hey quiet i'm asleep and finally he gets up wide because of his persistence and jesus said if god is good won't he give you more so he calls us to be persistent that's luke chapter 11. so may i remind you for those of you that have prayed your one hundred thousandth prayer keep praying continually lay them at the feet of jesus and let jesus take them to the father and when god does not answer our prayers in our timing let us not get discouraged let us cast any doubt of his goodness into hell itself and say my god is good and he will supply every riches according to my need

for he is good and he does what is good then paul discusses giving thanks he goes on and talks about this giving thanks in verse 12. we saw thanksgiving back in verse three we see it here in chapter two verse seven we're gonna see it again chapter three verse 16. we're gonna see it again chapter four verse two thankfulness is a main theme for paul throughout the book of colosse a major command for the christian and so i want to see why i want to see why this is important so we gotta dive into 13 and 14. so he says giving thanks to the father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of saints of light that's 12 and he's going to go 13-14 he has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sin so here's what sets up thanksgiving what sets up thanksgiving is what god has done on our behalf so what has he done he has transferred us from slavery to sin and given us the spirit so that we are free and we are free indeed and paul is costing us to think deeply look at the world but run to the run to the cross when you see the world run to the cross and here's what i want to put before you the opposite of thanksgiving is ingratitude and paul says in romans chapter 1 that ingratitude will lead to idolatry and idolatry will lead to wickedness a wickedness where god will hand you over to the debasement of your mind

why because without thanksgiving ingratitude will be inevitable without thanksgiving idolatry will always set in and this is found in romans chapter 1 although they knew god they did not glorify god or give thanks to god and they became darkened in their understanding they became darkened understanding and god handed them over to the basement of their mind and when he did they exchanged natural for the unnatural this started with ingratitude and paul warns against in gratitude a lack of life of gratitude will lead to ultimate idolatry it will harden your heart because ingratitude is idolatry and gratitude is you saying to god although you've given me everything i'm not

satisfied psalm 107 9 for he satisfies the longing soul psalm 107 verse 31 let them thank the lord for his steadfast love for his wondrous works of the children of man what has god done he has transferred you he has saved you from slavery to freedom from the domain of darkness to the domain of light now you might be in here and you might be thinking this morning but things aren't going well in my life

things aren't going great in my life i know it's easy for you but it's not easy for me so i guess i'll only be gracious and full of gratitude when god starts doing things well in my life may i point you to our brother job job chapter one what happens he loses all of his property gone and then when he loses all of his property who else does he lose his whole children it's just him and his wife left and how does job respond the lord gives the lord takes away but i will bless the name of the lord

ingratitude is not based on your circumstances but based on how you understand who god is if you understand who god is and what he has done on your behalf gratitude will always follow paul says the same thing in philippians chapter 2 by the way where he talks about in gratitude and and that's how you ingratitude will never be effective in the world and then he says in the positive in philippians 4 rejoice lord always again i'll say rejoice do not be anxious about anything both prayer and supplication and thanksgiving in your heart make requests known to god and he goes on and the peace of god will guard our hearts and our minds gratitude is the key to guarding your hearts and minds against hard heartedness gratitude thankfulness will guard your hearts will keep you in god gratitude is not does not come from what we have done but what god has done on our behalf so therefore we are thankful in all things

we saw this in this in james this past week james answers the questions why are there fights why are there struggles amongst you because we so often want to spend things on our own passions we want to build our own kingdom and he said this is why there's grumbling and disputing amongst you now i want to address grumbling and disputing because i know we talk about it i know that the bible overtly over and over and over says this is wickedness this will stop growth is is grumbling and disputing but so rarely we define it and so here's what i want to define for you first grumbling is pointing out flaws with no desire to be the catalyst of change how do you know if you're grumbling if you're grumbling and you have no desire to be a part of the change no desire to serve and see the change it's not that it's pointing out flaws right because because because there's got to be a rebuke right like there has to be a moment where you and i have to come to one another and say look we could be wrong here and i need you to point out my flaws that's not the grumbling the grumbling is i want to point out your flaws but have no desire to serve you to see you grow that's grumbling and disputing grumbling and disputing is also happens behind closed doors with a lack of prayerfulness that one's going to hit you complaining and grumbling without prayer is not righteousness so so here's kind of here's kind of my rule at our house that we talk about like we talk about like things that are going on um with other people first we pray for them and second we always ask the question could we say this to their face if we have no courage to say this to their face we should not be talking about it with one another and so grumbling and disputing happens behind closed doors and it happens without prayer always and anything praying for it why because it's hard to stay mad at someone who you're praying for try it everyone every time something wrong has happened i've gone to the lord in prayer and he is the one who has softened my heart why because you cannot go into prayer without thanksgiving can you so prayer is always filled with thanksgiving and so be cautious be careful watch your mouth we saw this in james and by the way i'm not talking to you i'm talking to me right i know my mouth gets me in more trouble than it does anything else right so i want you to understand that may we be filled with thanksgiving in all things

and so it is in thanksgiving that it ignites us from ingratitude into worship and it fuels us with the knowledge of god and sends us into a world that hates god and this is where paul ends his section is the thing we have most to be thankful for the gospel it is the gospel that separates us from the rest of the world the gospel is not good advice but good news and the good news is this that we were once in bondage to sin following the passions of our flesh following our own desires and then someone a friend a family member a pastor they told us this glorious fact that you were dead in your sins and trespasses but god being rich in mercy because of the great love in which he loved you sent his son and he crushed his son

and on that cross he died and on the third day according to the scriptures as was foretold in the old testament was buried in a rich man's grave and on that third day he marched out of that grave holding the keys to sin and death in his hands

and he is ascended seated at the right hand of the father the power see where he intercedes for god and so that no christian no man no woman may come before god and said i did this oh god look at me look at what i did why because it's not a work it's not a choice it's nothing you did or could have done it is what god has graciously given unto you on that hill of calvary

it was not the nails that held him there it was not the guards standing by it was the promise of the father you go you do this and it will bring glory to my name and so the world is held in bondage by two things sin and death held in bondage by sin because the world recognizes they realize this one truth i cannot do enough good i cannot give away enough money i cannot give bake enough cookies for the homeless for god to say you did well and so they're plagued by that and they're plagued by death because every single person in this world realizes they are mortal they're finite they will die

but the christian the christian knows that when they appear before that judgment see they're gonna hear well done my good and faithful servant not because what you and i have done but because of what christ has done on our behalf and so we praise christ's name and this is the joy of the christian life that as christ was obedient to the point of death so we are faithful to him even unto death as revelation says because we know what awaits us we know there's nothing that this world can offer we're just passing through because in eternity there will be no sin there will be no death there will be no suffering there will be no tears there will just be praise and praise and praise you did not choose this life you did not earn it you did not work for it the chains were dropped when you heard the gospel and when you heard that gospel you came running into the glory of god for we are stunned that god could love someone like you and me so the christian responds with thanksgiving and praise and when that happens the world is filled with the knowledge of god so we've gathered we've grown in the world in the word how do we go first may i encourage you in prayer spend little time in petition and a great deal of time and thanksgiving in your prayers spend little time in petition and great time in thanksgiving spend little time talking about yourself and great time interceding for others and the reason why this should be our top priority

is because thanksgiving is the highest form of praise and worship thanksgiving is the highest form of praise and worship because it reminds us that all good gifts come from where from god and it is a gift it is not a wage but a gift so even thank god for those of you who are walking through the most difficult tasks and see that god is faithful next evangelism and missions exist because worship does not evangelism and missions exist because worship is absent worship is a way in which god calls dead men dead women to be alive and come running into the kingdom of god we talk about the great commission yet may i remind us that we have a great power a great fuel that ignites us into that great commission and that is worship worship is what fills the church full worship fills the earth and worship is always looking away from ourselves into the greatness of him coming to him being thankful to him in all things this is god's plan this is how god reorients our hearts to be ignited for him finally the church is where thanksgiving and worship is ignited so that you may be filled to the measure of him without one another without sunday morning gathering we will grow anemic in our thanksgiving and we'll therefore grow anemic in our worship and ingratitude will set in the gathering of the believers is essential to the christian growth gathering here on sunday morning gathering in home groups gathering one to one with another brother or sister of christ all of these are essential to your growth therefore we pray for one another we seek their good more than we seek our own trusting god will fulfill what he has started he will complete his work oh that we may see the church the people of god as god sees it holy spotless blameless worthy of all of our love and by loving and serving one another's we ultimately love and serve god let us pray father god we thank you for this text god we thank you for colossians that you've delivered us out of the domain of darkness and you have set us a fire you've set us ablaze you've opened up our hearts to see the greatness the glory of the manger the majesty of you and so we never grow tired of this oh lord the more we grow with you the more we see how wonderful and majestic you are

and god missions exists because worship is absent so god fill our hearts with the worship of who you are god fill us full with the knowledge of you and may we go and make disciples through worship we praise things your son's holy and righteous name amen hi i'm pastor scott pastor of the oasis church listen we are so excited that you decide to join us for the preaching and teaching of god's word we just pray that this will stir your affections towards christ but we have one encouragement we want to leave you with please do not allow this to take the place of the local body of believers we pray that you will be involved in a local congregation a local church that you can find yourself submitting under the eldership and the leadership of a local church we pray that you will find yourself stirred towards christ and that your joy in christ will be ever increasing
