School Of Attraction Podcast

Control - The Secret Killer Of Attraction and Dating Success

Damien Diecke Season 12 Episode 9

Did you know that most men use forms of control when they feel insecure that turns women off and ruins their chances of dating success?

Turning to controlling behaviours when we feel insecure is a very common thing for both men and women to do - It's a way to try and get control back in a situation where we feel like we have none left. 

But that just turns women off and makes them want to get away from you. 

This can create a spiral of control where the less you feel in control, the more you want to control how women behave around you which only makes the situation worse. 

But there is hope for men who struggle with attraction and dating to change this pattern of behaviour, and the first step is just identifying what you're doing because most people who use forms of control, don't even realise they're doing it.