School Of Attraction Podcast

Attraction Isn't A Choice! Or Is It...... The Truth About Female Attraction

Damien Diecke Season 13 Episode 12

David De-Angelo famously sadi that attraction wasn't a choice -  That women can't decide what guys they are attracted to - it is just a primal and sub-conscious process, and there's nothing us guys can do to change that fact. 

In truth, I agree with the basic idea that most women are on autopilot when it comes to what kinds of men they choose to date. 

But the truth is also more complicated than most men realise because they come from a scarcity mindset rather than an abundance mindset. 

I'm going to discuss the truth about what turns women one, why women choose particular men, and what you can do to go from a 'maybe' to a 'hell yes' in her mind.