Hold the Line

Episode 29 - Interview with Hannah Branigan

Jo Laurens Episode 29

In this episode, I chat with Hannah Branigan about:

  1. food motivation - and how to work with dogs which lack it (especially in the field or in high arousal situations) and
  2. the importance of planning our training sessions

You can find out more about Hannah herself via her own website.  But she also has her own dog sports podcast, called Drinking From the Toilet - which you most definitely want to check out and subscribe to.

Hannah has two competition obedience DVDs available - Obedience FUNdamentals and Beyond FUNdamentals - and the easiest way I've found to access these from the UK, is to subscribe to the TawzerDog streaming service for a month and binge-watch them(!).

Hannah also has a super book on competition obedience, published last year - called Awesome Obedience.  It's available from Amazon UK and probably worldwide(!). 

Hannah is on the faculty for the Fenzi Dog Sports Academy and frequently instructs online courses there, if you'd like to learn more with her.

In the podcast, I mentioned a free planner which Hannah has created - and which you can download from her website.  If you go to this page of her site here, and look in the small box on the right of the screen (on a computer), you will see where it says 'Need help planning your training sessions?'.  Here, you can input your email address to subscribe - and in return get her free planner and video on how to use it :)